مذكرة بإقفال جميع المؤسسات العامة والخاصة بذكرى اغتيال رفيق الحريري

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أصدر مجلس الوزراء قرارا بإقفال جميع المؤسسات العامة والخاصة يوم 14 شباط الجاري في ذكرى اغتيال رئيس الوزراء الأسبق رفيق الحريري ورفاقه.

وجاء في بيان صادر عن رئاسة مجلس الوزراء الأربعاء "تقفل جميع الإدارات العامة والمؤسسات العامة والبلديات والمؤسسات التعليمية العامة والخاصة يوم الثلاثاء الواقع فيه 14/2/2012، وذلك في الذكرى السابعة لاستشهاد الرئيس رفيق الحريري ورفاقه الابرار".

وقد اغتيل الحريري في 14 شباط 2005 مع 22 شخصا من رفاقه أثناء توجهه من مجلس النواب إلى منزله في قريطم ما لقي استنكارا دوليا وعربيا ومحليا واسعا. وقد وجهت أصابع الإغتيال حينها إلى سوريا في جريمة تعتبر أكبر عملية اغتيال هزت الشرق الأوسط.

وبعد عملية الإغتيال انسحب الجيش السوري من لبنانبعد بقائه لمدة 30 سنة.

كذلك انشئت المحكمة الخاصة بلبنان في 2007 بموجب قرار من الامم المتحدة تتولى محاكمة المسؤولين عن الإغتيال.

كما انها مخولة النظر في عمليات اغتيال اخرى وقعت في لبنان بين 2005 و2008، اذا تبين ان هناك رابطا بينها وبين اغتيال الحريري.

وفي 30 حزيران 2011 تسلمت السلطات اللبنانية قرارا اتهاميا مصدقا من المحكمة الدولية يتضمن مذكرات توقيف في حق اربعة لبنانيين ينتمون إلى حزب الله.

ومنذ ستة أيام قررت المحكمة انها ستحاكم غيابيا الاعضاء الاربعة في حزب الله والصادرة بحقهم مذكرات توقيف.

يشار إلى أن قيادات 14 آذار قررت إحياء الذكرى في إحدى قاعات مجمع "البيال" في بيروت على أن يليها مهرجان شعبي كبير في 14 آذار المقبل في ساحة الشهداء.

التعليقات 25
Default-user-icon William (ضيف) 17:22 ,2012 شباط 08

Closure of public private institutions schools and what not really?? is this rational productive or more campaign awareness to divide and conquer from within for our new generation, oh and one last thing to naharnet it is only "arguable" that he was killed in a suicide blast so far there is no such evidence whatsoever please do some research, here let me throw an idea for you guys who write the articles here, why wont you look into what the other side says regarding the assasination and by "other" i mean those investigators on the ground who left the scene and quit there jobs for disagreements with the powers that be, and write an unbiased article about it for once to counter all the trash thats out there in the mainstream media these days.

Default-user-icon Selim Dutoit (ضيف) 17:38 ,2012 شباط 08

This day, like all glorious days, should be a day off where decent Lebanese celebrate with parties and barbecue the barbecuing of Rafic Syria, the worst collaborator with and best supporter of the Syrian occupation. It should be a day where the killers, whoever they may be, should be glorified and medals of honor be placed around their necks for ridding the decent Lebanese of two filths: Rafic Syria and the Syrian Occupation. Happy February 14.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 17:39 ,2012 شباط 08

Its not normal to close down the country all the time for Hariri's anniversary, although i respected the man and always will, because he brought a lot of good things to this country, contrary to many stupid FPM thoughts about him. Anyway, March 14th doesnt even deserve to talk in his name anymore or protect what he died for. Hariri never would have taken sides in Syria, and he would have probably sent help rather than weapons . Also, March 14th, although i supported you, nothing but talk since you lost Gebran and Pierre, nobody has the proper words to hit back to March 8th , you want to bring down the governement , go do it, but stop barking and breaking our ears with your stupid speaches that are becoming as much annoying as the ones of the crazy senile old man in Rabieh.

Missing allouchi 19:54 ,2012 شباط 08

Good move.

Default-user-icon Bravehart le phénicien (ضيف) 22:08 ,2012 شباط 08

Ce Harriri a dépossédé les propriétaires du centre ville de leurs biens à vil prix et ce sans distinction de leur appartenance religieuse. Il a transformé le centre ville en une entreprise personnelle. La fin d'un mafieux est connue à l'avance. C'est triste qu'il soit élevé à ce stade. Comme quoi le pays du cèdre ne peut être fier que ses mafieux. Élever un mafieux au de martyr ce ne se fait qu'au Liban. Les vrais martyrs passent aux oubliettes comme Jibran TWAINI, François Al HAGE.....etc. C'est désolant

Default-user-icon March 11 (ضيف) 22:10 ,2012 شباط 08

you dont get it. Mikati's sole objective is to gain sunni votes for the next elections. If that means stopping our economy for one more day to glorify Rafic (RIP), so be it. He will do it.

Missing peace 22:21 ,2012 شباط 08

sorry but it is the PM of an M8 government who decided to close the public institutions not M14... so criticize the gvt not M14 :)

Missing peace 00:22 ,2012 شباط 09

how can sensible christians be allied with a party calling itself islamic resistance and getting its money from iran? how can christians follow a man who used to shout for 15 years that this party is a terrorist party and now defends it? how can christians follow a man who said to mothers of dissapeared christians in syria to turn the page and forget? how can christians follow a man who claimed that syria killed hariri and syria was responsible for the corruption it has instituted in lebanon and now accuses only M14 of all that forgetting what he said?
how can christians ... and the list is long!

so the lackeys and the sheep are the followers of this man who went back on everything he has stood for just for his own interests...

Missing peace 16:39 ,2012 شباط 09

given your biased answer as usual how can we discuss we someone denying everything even whan we bring him facts
i guess then that no fpm supporters were kidnapped in lebanon between 1990 and 2005, ok. strange then how he was asking from the gvt at the time of his exile to ask for their fate and when in lebanon tell people to forget..
aoun repeatedly urged for the implementation of 1559, said that hezb should not keep its arms because chebaa was not an excuse to do so! that until proven otherwise chebaa was syrian! (al jezira 15 01 2005!http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x75p36_aoun-2005-vs-aoun-2008_webcam)
and now he says the contrary funny no?!!!
oh and it is not me who told the mothers anything poor little boy , but your puppet aoun...denying them the right to know what happenned...
pdf comes from mediarabe.info.org(it was written just had to read!)

Missing peace 16:42 ,2012 شباط 09

"he said non governmental weapons should be under army's rule but the israeli threat is a force majeure and requires those weapons to stay a bit more at the hands of hezb. "

that is the contray to what he said before returning to lebanon (see link above!)

"you just had to meddle with hezb's telecom service instead of supporting it."

why should a gvt support an illegal telecom from a political party? the law should apply to everyone! but it seems ok by you that a party does what it wants disregarding lebanese laws...

strange concetion of a sovereign state!

Thumb jabalamel 06:20 ,2012 شباط 09

there are some people showing open hate to rafiq harriri. shame on you.

and the zionist media war terrorist hallucinated something similar to usual hallucination

Thumb anoniem 08:34 ,2012 شباط 09

@Selim Dutoit, Minor Human respect to Human dead would be appreciated, you can be against him, without being Unhuman!!! Habalkamel is right for one time "Shame on You"

Default-user-icon le Phénicien sans frontière (ضيف) 11:02 ,2012 شباط 09

Bravo Flame Thrwoer

Default-user-icon patrick cherfan (ضيف) 11:33 ,2012 شباط 09

3amro ma yerja3, arrarfouna...bi adde he stole most of downtown from its owner's (we had 2 shops ajaron 15,000$/month now...3atouna 'solider shares' instead, by force, they pay us 400$/year , shou hal bahdale)

Default-user-icon Ibn akkar (ضيف) 00:24 ,2012 شباط 11

Bien dit Patrick CHERFAN. HARIRI était un mafieux. La fin de ces gens est écrite à l'avance: mort violente. Finalement ce qu'il t'a volé et volé aux autres l'a payé de sa vie. Comme quoi, il y a toujours un retour de bâton.

Default-user-icon Braveheart le phénicien (ضيف) 13:08 ,2012 شباط 09

Slash: Il n'y pas de martyrs VIP et de martyrs bas de gamme. Mais quand on érige un mafieux pour un martyr, cela devient grave vis à vis de tous ceux qui sont morts même anonymement dans notre pays. Il ne faut pas accepter qu'on travestissent notre histoire et plus grave encore notre mémoire.

Default-user-icon Horus (ضيف) 15:47 ,2012 شباط 09

@ Flamethrower, It seems like you need many lessons in history when it comes to the facts about the fallen general and the FPM.

The one time General was a man of principle not a soldier of today taking orders from his superiors.

Missing peace 19:05 ,2012 شباط 09

LOL!!! i guess then all the parties in lebanon can have their own network too as it is allowed for a party then it should be allowed for everyone!! waw! what a logic you have!

the state has an army to defend lebanon, your general clearly said that too ! that all illegal arms should go back to the state! res 1559!
it revolting to see people allowing a political party to decide war or peace and not the gvt as STIPULATED BY THE LEBANESE CONSTITUTION...

but i guess that aoun was again lying when he said that!
you are such a funny guy...

Missing peace 02:01 ,2012 شباط 10

lol! seeing a guy with such illusions is beautiful....

Missing peace 02:02 ,2012 شباط 10

yes , keep thinking that hezb is here to defend lebanon, your illusions are so naive it is almost a pieace of art!

Missing allouchi 21:53 ,2012 شباط 09

jabalamel, I am amazed, by I agree with your first line of your last statement/posting...I'll mark this day on my Calendar :)

Thumb jabalamel 22:12 ,2012 شباط 09

the filthy zionist media terrorist hallucinate about all parties in lebanon having their own secret telecomunications network, and also hallucinate about lebanon respecting un resolution while they never respected any single un resolution

Missing peace 02:03 ,2012 شباط 10

jabalahbal the zionist in disguise has tried to utter words...

Default-user-icon Horus (ضيف) 01:58 ,2012 شباط 10

@FlameThrower, yes your the only one who lived the war while the rest of us were mere spectaters in this UFC fight and had all the information fed to us bil biberon. I know Aoun and the FPM, it is not the General of today and either is his party, hell even his allies dont know what he really stands for any more.

Defeat is a hard concept, the fallen general has been defeated.. Its not something im happy about but he is the one who steered away from his principles, not me.

Missing peace 02:06 ,2012 شباط 10

for those M8 guys there is a lebanese constitution, laws for some but for the hezbollah no need of it, they have a license to do anything they want! and we call that patriotism! LOL!

they agree that one single political party has the right to do anything but not the others! so pitiful.... we call that justice and law the M8 way!! yeeehaaaaa!