مقتل 126 شخصا في استمرار "القصف" على مناطق سورية أغلبهم في حمص
Read this story in Englishقتل مئة وستة وعشرون أشخاص في سوريا الخميس في حين تشن القوات السورية هجوما عنيفا على عدة معاقل للمعارضة خصوصا في حمص التي تتعرض لقصف متواصل منذ السبت.
وأفادت لجان التنسيق المحلية التي تتابع التحركات الميدانية مباشرة على الأرض أنه "بلغ عدد الشهداء في سوريا اليوم حتى اللحظة 126 شهيدا بينهم عشرة أطفال".
وأوضحت أن مئة وسبعة قتلى سقطوا في حمص مضيفة "ستة شهداء في ادلب "معرة النعمان و جبل الزاوية"، وعشرة شهداء في ريف دمشق "مضايا و الزبداني" ، شهيدان من عين العرب "كوباني" في حلب و شهيد في اللاذقية" نقلا عن اطباء ميدانين و نشطاء في مناطق مختلفة".
وكان قد ذكر المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان كما ذكرت "فرانس برس" أن "23 مدنيا قتلوا خلال القصف المستمر منذ صباح الخميس على حي بابا عمرو في حمص"، مشيرا الى ان "بعض جثث الشهداء متفحمة بالكامل".
إلا أنه قال أن "الحصيلة مرشحة للارتفاع بسبب وجود عائلتين في بابا عمرو تحت الانقاض".
واكد مدير المرصد رامي عبد الرحمن أن عمليات القصف المستمرة على المدينة منذ فجر السبت اسفرت حتى الان عن مقتل اكثر من 400 مدني.
وقال الطبيب الميداني علي الحزوري في اتصال مع فرانس برس عبر سكايب من بابا عمرو "لدينا حتى الآن 54 جريحا وهناك اعداد اخرى تحت الانقاض".
واضاف ان "القصف هدأ قليلا في الليل لكن منذ الساعة الخامسة (3,00 تغ) يتعرض الحي لقصف مركز وتستخدم صواريخ تخترق اكثر من جدار".
من جهته، قال الناشط عمر شاكر في اتصال عبر سكايب من بابا عمرو صباح الخميس ان "الصواريخ تمطر على بابا عمرو دون توقف اليوم".
واضاف شاكر ان "الناس يحتمون من القصف في الطوابق الارضية لعدم وجود ملاجئ (...) وهناك بيوت اصيبت فيها جثث متفحمة واشلاء".
ووصف شاكر حي بابا عمرو صباح الخميس بان "شوارعه مقفرة وآثار القصف والدمار في كل مكان ولا يسمع فيه سوى صوت القذائف والصواريخ".
من جهة اخرى، ذكرت صحيفة الوطن المقربة من السلطة ان "الاجهزة المختصة تمكنت بعد اشتباكات عنيفة مع مسلحين في بابا عمرو (في حمص) من قتل عدد منهم وإصابة آخرين والقاء القبض على بعضهم وتبين ان بينهم من يحمل جنسيات لبنانية وليبية وافغانية".
واضافت الصحيفة ان "المعلومات تشير الى ارتباطهم بتنظيم القاعدة".
واشارت الصحيفة الى انه "اثناء ملاحقة الارهابيين في حي بابا عمرو (في حمص) ضبطت الاجهزة المختصة صواريخ نوع لاو اسرائيلية الصنع وقناصات اسرائيلية واميركية عالية الدقة والسرعة لم تر من قبل" بالاضافة الى اسلحة وقذائف من انواع مختلفة.
كما تحدثت صحيفة البعث الناطقة باسم الحزب الحاكم ان الجهات المختصة "فككت عبوة ناسفة تزن 1,5 كلغ زرعتها مجموعة إرهابية تحت سيارة مديرة مدرسة في اللاذقية (غرب) وبعد تفكيك العبوة تبين أنها محشوة بمادة السيفور شديدة الانفجار".
واشارت الى ان "هذه المادة تصنع في الخارج ولا تنتجها سوريا ويعد كيان الاحتلال الاسرائيلي اكبر منتج لها في المنطقة".
من جهة أخرى ذكر عبد الرحمن ان "مجموعة من المنشقين نصبوا كمينا لحافلتين تقلان عناصر من الامن قرب درعا (جنوب) ما اسفر عن مقتل سبعة عناصر وجرح العشرات".
واوضح عبد الرحمن ان العملية تمت عند جسر محجة الواقع على الطريق الواصل بين درعا ودمشق ويبعد 20 كلم شمال مدينة درعا.
واضاف ان قوات من الجيش بادرت على الفور الى محاصرة منطقة وقوع الحادث.
وذكر التلفزيون السوري الرسمي من جهته، في شريط عاجل ان "الجهات المختصة تحبط محاولة لصوص لسرقة ناقلة سيارات بدرعا" مشيرا الى "اصابة ثلاثة مواطنين بجروح في انفجار عبوة ناسفة بالقرب من جسر محجة في ريف درعا".
يأتي ذلك غداة مقتل خمسين مدنيا على الاقل، حسب ناشطون حقوقيون في اعمال العنف التي تتعرض لها احياء عدة في حمص رغم وعود اطلقها الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد بوقف اعمال العنف في البلاد.
Thank you the magnificent President Bashar Assad , do it to the Sunnis terrorists like your glorious father did it to the Christian terrorists in Zahleh !
It's all under control. The people are with you Assad. The Israelis, Americans, Qataris, Saudis, French and Martians are behind it all.
ahh what glorious footage of the Greater civil war may there be more tomorrow.
i gotta buy more popcorn theres just so much entertainment on i cant stop watching.
Regardless of our political views and associations and believing who's right or wrong...It is a sad day whenever civilians get killed and families are terrified of the sound of bombing and gunfire. We Lebanese have been and shouldn’t wish it on no one.
This is irresponsible journalism on the part of Naharnet and I am disappointed that a news site of its prestige is not more objective and less hyperbolic.
The blood of the innocent people of homs are on the hands of LCC and SNC, when you start a revolution or a movemant you better know the end game, you don't start something without thinking of the conseqounces
Of course concerned Syrian, I remember how the blood of the innocent Christians people of Lebanese were on the hand of Aoun rather than on the the Syrian army that was murdering them because he started a war without knowing the end game and without thinking of the consequences. And I believe that whoever gave you the thumbs up agrees with both of us.
Mansour, you must be a sick man these are people that are being killed and some are kids and women.. how can you even talk about celebrating about what is going on?
killing of any humanbeing is wrong, especilaly when it is for a reason of nothing....
It seems this guy mansour is with the Syrian regime or hizbollah.! There plan B is to add hatred between the Lebanese & Syrian citizens . But never mind mansour you won't see these scenes of ur heroes bashar & Nasralah killing innocents . For these 2 dictators will be soon from the past
now if this was Israel doing this to any of the arab civilians, oh my god, its just unacceptable but since its Syria than its ok.
individual like mansour defy the definition of a human being.
You would never ask the question to a sadist or deranged person, mansour is one of those. Regardless of political affiliation or gender or religion,
people should not endure atrocities. All I can say, may their faith, whatever that may be, help them through this dire calamity.
Syria hasn't used a bullet on the Israeli's since 1973--all of them have been spent on their own people, and our people unfortunately.
The Syrian army has been designed and prepared for this day for 40 years, not to fight israel of course but to fight the people. the beauty of this revolution is that it destroyed all the masks from damascus to the slums of da7iye. The real mission of the army is to kill as many Syrian sunis as possible to keep the alawis in power. Israel is an artificial "enemy" (for sale to idiots like habalamel and mowaten) and tacit allies, the real enemy is the suni masses. This is a classic example of minorities holding on to power at any cost.
99% of the victims happen to be sunis and 99% of the perpetrators happen to be alawis. Who has the heart to snipe children?: serbs against bosnian muslims, jews against palestenian muslims, alawis against syrian muslims. Genocides are 99% of the time sectarianly motivated. Take a wild guess what type of war it is.
Who has the heart to snipe children? The Alawis, right? Is that what you're saying? I guess you're not sectarian, right? Videos of dead children is not proof of Alawis sniping children you piece of sectarian shit.
peace the only person with an IQ with 0 is you , and i dont give a shit who dies or gets kidnapped or raped in Syria.Do you want to know why,because it is what they deserve and alot more for what they did to the Lebanese and for the lebanese they still hold in there jails so before you want to come here and play the Angelina Jolie O we love everybody just remember what you do to others comes back full circle.so they deserve what there getting and if anyone wants to educate me and say that im wrong then by all means but dont come here and play the I LOVE everyone shit!
oh! you are going to get an ulcer very soon... what do syrian citizens have to do with lebanese? you should hate their regime not the citizen who just has to shut up...
you d better learn to love, it good for your ulcer :)
monsour, I truly hate the Syrian government but not the people who are oppressed by their criminal regime.
the filthy zionist media terrorist are furious because rebelion will be crushed soon and now they have all sorts of raging hallucinations.
You just can't wrap your brain around the fact that nasralah might be wrong lol. Ya 3ayb chum ya jabalamel, how do you support the genocide of your fellow muslims?
min kil 3a2lak 3am tredd 3ala ha satleh haida... habal sorry t2akhart 3laik bil 3admeh lyom yalla jeyilak habibi....
Jabalamel is a secular non religious shiite, why would he care about religious muslims?
actually ppl like him want more bloodshed.
The rebellion will be crushed soon? The whole Syrian armed forces can't stop women and children from protesting and it's been going for almost a year. The mighty Syrian resistance army resisting by killing its own people and bombarding its own cities while the Golan heights are occupied and the people are being starved. Reminds me of the resistance of Huzb Allah that spends its time assassinating Lebanese leaders and occupying Beirut.
The french revolution lasted for three years. The right question is this: is the regime weaker than it was 11 months ago? yes, are the defections in the army on the rise? yes, is the economy falling apart? yes, is the rebelion wider? yes. Do the math and you would know that versus time the regime will fall as a mathematical certainty.
Dear Mansour. While I sympathize with the Lebanese families that have suffered at the hands of the Syrian regime (including mine), I'd like to remind you that it wasn't the Syrian women and children who inflicted pain on the Lebanese, but the Syrian army. It's quite disrespectful, inhumane and inconsiderate to wish pain on others... And while I will continue to pray to Jesus to protect the innocent in Syria, I will also pray for him to give you wisdom and knowledge so you can be a more loving and caring individual.
peace i do love, i love when i watch the news and see syria in flames.And as for your comments as to not blame syrian citizens well tuff shit.it was the syrian army who were following orders but they had a choice back then to either help or to commit crimes such as Murder,kidnappings,rape and the crimes go on and on.One last thing the same people who were in the syrian army back in the 70 thru to present were all those grubs who are some how calling for freedom may they never see it.thank you
So going by your logic , all the people killed by lebanese should also blame all lebanese. Right? The recent terror plot in thailand, gives all of the thai people the right to hate all lebanese...
Lek skout we khras wlak majnoun. If we are to hate all syrians then lets start by hating ourselves first bcuz not only are we syrian in origin but nobody killed more lebanese than we lebanese.
Grow up. And you should change your name bcuz mansour is a common name among syrians, both first name and family name :)
Dear Mansour
Like many of us, you have probably suffered a major loss in the Lebanese war, be it a house, a hometown, or a the life of a loved one. It's easy to look at what's happening in Syria and say payback time. I was like you at one time, consumed with anger and bitterness and it almost destroyed me. It also reduces you to the level of these evil monsters. We will never forget the Syrian atrocities in Lebanon but we have to forgive and move on. Let God be the judge.
It is the evil regime that is responsible for all the atrocities in Lebanon. Unfortunately, all the troops who served in the Syrian army in Lebanon were trained to be ruthless and oppressive and they're practicing that brand of violence in their own country now. This applies to both sides.
such evil in this world..only a monster would be killing innocent children..it makes me sick...Vengenace is mine says the Lord...their day will come..maybe sooner than they think.....