الحريري: النظام السوري سيسقط في شر أعماله وعلى العرب الإعتراف بالمجلس الوطني

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دعا رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري الدول العربية إلى الإعتراف بالمجلس الوطني السوري كممثل شرعي للشعب جازما "وصول النظام السوري إلى حافة الإنهيار وسقوطه في شر أعماله حتى النهاية".

وقال الحريري في بيان صادر عن مكتبه الإعلامي بعد ظهر الجمعة " آن الأوان لكل المتضامنين مع الشعب السوري الشقيق، لا سيما الدول العربية (...)تبادر إلى خطوات عملية لا تقف عند حد الإدانة والإستنكار ولا حتى عند حدود فرض العقوبات الإقتصادية".

وطلب الحريري منها اعترافا "بالمجلس الوطني السوري ممثلا شرعيا للشعب السوري وأن تسحب البساط من تحت أقدام النظام الوحشي القاتل".

وتشهد سوريا منذ 15 آذار الماضي احتجاجات غير مسبوقة ضد النظام وأوقع القمع من حينها أكثر من 6000 قتيل حسب الأمم المتحدة في حين تشير أرقام الناشطين إلى أكثر من ذلك.

ورأى الحريري أن "الحملة العسكرية التي تشنها الكتائب المسلحة للنظام السوري (...) تشكل حلقة خطيرة في مسلسل دموي ترعاه جهات دولية وإقليمية توافقت على إعطاء بشار الأسد فرصة الإنقضاض على شعبه وحماية نظامه السياسي بكل الأساليب الوحشية".

ولاحظ أن "الشعب السوري يواجه آلة عسكرية سوداء، لا تقيم وزنا للقيم الإنسانية والأخلاقية، ولأي شكل من أواصر الأخوة والقرابة التي تربط بين المكلفين بأعمال القتل وبين الضحايا، الأمر الذي يؤكد وصول النظام السوري إلى حافة الإنهيار وسقوطه في شر أعماله حتى النهاية".

وإذ شدد على أن " بشار الأسد ما كان يتجرأ على اجتياح المدن والقرى السورية بالدبابات وراجمات الصواريخ، لو لم يحصل على غطاء خارجي يمكنه من ذلك" لفت إلى أن "الخطر الذي يتهدد الشعب السوري الآن، هو خطر يستهدف كيان سوريا وإرادتها الوطنية بالتحرر من زمن الإستعباد والهيمنة والتسلط" .

وتوجه إلى الدول العربية بالقول "دماء مئات الأبرياء المسالمين الذين سقطوا داخل منازلهم في حمص والزبداني ومضايا وحوران وسواها من المدن والبلدات، تستصرخ ضمائر العالم وضمائر العرب بالدرجة الأولى، ومنهم قيادات يعول عليها الشعب السوري البطل، وينتظر منها موقفا تاريخيا يوقف المسلسل الدموي ويقطع دابر الفتنة التي يريد النظام السوري اندلاعها بكل الوسائل".

وتابع "إننا في لبنان نشعر بكل جرح يصيب اخوتنا في سوريا ونعتبر التضامن معهم في المحنة التي يواجهونها واجبا قوميا ومسؤولية أخوية، لن ننأى عن التعامل معها".

وأردف "هناك فئات كبيرة من شعبنا عاشت في الماضي حالات مماثلة من القهر والاستبداد وتعرضت لهجمات عسكرية على أيدي النظام نفسه الذي يفتك بشعبه الآن".

وختم رئيس الحكومة السابق بيانه واثقا "بأن الشعب السوري سينتصر في النهاية، مهما بلغت وحشية النظام وأن قوى الاستبداد لن تلقى سوى المصير الذي تلقاه عادة كل الأيادي الملطخة بالدماء".

التعليقات 23
Default-user-icon Beirut (ضيف) 17:51 ,2012 شباط 10

lool, man this guy is too much.

Default-user-icon Fatem Pacha (ضيف) 17:52 ,2012 شباط 10


Missing peace 18:40 ,2012 شباط 10

they eventually will, just a question of time....

Missing maronite 20:19 ,2012 شباط 10

Rafic hariri married an iraqi woman first, then a Palestinian. Rafic hariri was saudi, so his children are saudi as well. Saad hariri is saudi and has an iraqi mother, and a syrian wife. The hariri tribe have nothing to do with lebanon yet we allow them to govern us.

We are selling our country to all who are willing to pay. Already saudis, kuwaitis, qataris and iranians own land in lebanon. Is this something that we are proud of? Are we proud that beirut has become a khaleeeji colony?

The once maronite jnoub is now shiite with fake lebanese whos families are actually from bahrain, iran, syria and iraq and who took the south by force.
Nobody raise their voice about this. Whether Aoun, Gemayel or Geagea, all of them have chosen their favourite mohammed or ali and worked for his interest instead of the interest of maronites. If aoun is sincere let him take back southern lebanon and if geagea and gemayel are proud then let them take back the north and beirut.

Missing peace 21:35 ,2012 شباط 10

back to the crusades! yeee haaa!

Default-user-icon Le phénicien (ضيف) 00:18 ,2012 شباط 11

Chou ya Maronite. C'est vrai ce tête de con de Hariri ne mérite pas d'être Libanais. Je suis d'accord avec toi de le renvoyer chez papa Saoud et les Khanezirs. Mais tu dois admettre que notre pays est composée de différentes communautés et qu'il n'est nullement besoin de dire que certaines sont étrangères car on a tous des origines venant des pays avoisinants. Beaucoup de Chrétiens, y compris Mar Maroun sont originaire de la Syrie, par exemple. Soyons tous uni pour que le Liban ne devienne une khaleeeji colony

Thumb jcamerican 14:49 ,2012 شباط 11

Where do you get your information from? Who kicked the christians out of the Jnoub? What do you mean by getting Beirut and the North back? You sound very angry. So I take it, you want to live in Beirut, but you can't for some reason.

Missing allouchi 20:53 ,2012 شباط 10

Blower, You showed your true colors by being a bigot and a RACIST.

Missing allouchi 20:56 ,2012 شباط 10

Syrian National Council + M14 = No more M8 (period).
bye bye ya hilween...mouuuuuuuuuu

Thumb ado.australia 01:50 ,2012 شباط 11

So allouchi, once again your betting on foriegn help to eliminate "fellow" Lebanese. Bravo.

Missing peace 21:34 ,2012 شباط 10

there are many christians and intellectual in the SNC mr blower :)

Missing peace 21:36 ,2012 شباط 10

i meant mr thrower no offense

Thumb jabalamel 22:47 ,2012 شباط 10

the filthy slimy zionist media terrorists are hallucinating about what will happen after syria regime change only to never whitness syria regime change.

also, they hallucinate a lot about lebanese people, claiming that rafiq harriri was saudi and also that my southern tribe came from "bahrain, iran, syria and iraq".


Default-user-icon Guess (ضيف) 01:13 ,2012 شباط 11

The only and biggest zionist in here is you and Hezbollah which is the biggest favor to israel since it is a pretext for them to keep getting support from the whole world because of your terrorist like behaviors. Jabal Amel, I wish you, your 14 brothers and sisters, and 12-14 kids, and all your fellow hezbollah gangs can spare us and get the hell out of Lebanon.

Default-user-icon GuessWhat (ضيف) 01:18 ,2012 شباط 11

The only reason the filthy zionist Jabal Amel and co are here is because they know no one watches their biased news at al-manar and thus, will have no one to argue with. However, Let me say, the only Zionist in here is Jabal Amel, and Hizbullah is the biggest favor for israel since it is used as a pretext for israel to get all the support from the west and money and weapons. Please Jabal if you may, take you 14 brothers and sisters, your 14 kids, your parents, bigdig, hizbullah and aoun and get the hell out of Lebanon once and for all.

Default-user-icon Ravit Shankar (ضيف) 03:58 ,2012 شباط 11

Cheikh Imbecile must be in excruciating pain to utter a stupidity like this one. But then, cheikh Imbecile seems to be suffering from chronic pain, and this is why he utters nothing but stupidities all the time. What makes it worse is the he is attended to by Dr. Samir Imbecile. Wishing cheikh Imbecile a recovery won't do much. Neither will the pain killers that Dr. Imbecile is prescribing him. Call it khel2a.

Default-user-icon cedarjet (ضيف) 08:14 ,2012 شباط 11

funny how his statements come after the qatari, punching well above his category, paid him a visit.

Also funny how those 'Christian' mps, visited saad, at the same time as the qatari.

We can see hbeish (the syrian dabkeh master) along with petit sami, buying new play stations with qatari money.

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 08:27 ,2012 شباط 11

Flamer, a Syrian Sunni should not represent his own people? - Sharia, you should be more concerned about what Hezbollah has in mind for Lebanon if they had their way. - "multiethnic multiconfessional country"... Syria has been a dictatorship for almost 40 years ...who died and left the Assad's Kings? Why shouldn't the Syrian people want to have a say in their own country. A Free Syria next to a Free Lebanon, why not hope for that

Ado.australia, the one's receiving foreign help to eliminate "fellow" Lebanese, you can only be speaking about Hezbollah.

The rummer is that Jabala-babble was abducted by Zionist aliens and experimented on. They removed his brain and replaced it with a tape recorder. By accident the aliens dropped him into the most evil hole on earth, The Big Rats underground nest. There with and endless supply of Iranian propaganda tapes (smuggled in thru Syria) he arouse among the people to spread the immortal words  "Filthy Zionist"

Default-user-icon Trueself (ضيف) 09:54 ,2012 شباط 11

Maronite: You speak about Sunni and Shai that they did everything they can to get from the so called Maronites the south and beirut and labelled them as serving their sects which indeed is true, but aren't you doing the same: you say maronites as if the Christians in Lebanon are only Maronites. The Maronites comprise less than 50% of the Christians. I am a Greek Orthodox and our sect is more or less equal to the maronites in number. Stop this bullshit of yours. You Maronites at some point and for many decades have eaten Lebanon alive. You put your peoples everywhere and destroyed the fabric of this country. You are not allowed to speak in this way because your people destroyed this beautiful country with their stupid greed and family interests.

Default-user-icon Braveheart le phénicien (ضيف) 11:19 ,2012 شباط 11

Hello Rudes and Bravo for your comment.
Mais ce Saado à la con, ce Khanzir personne ne veut de lui ni en France ni ailleurs. Il faut lui suggérer de rester chez les Khanazirs Saoudiens dit "princes"

Missing hasanzibowawa 20:36 ,2012 شباط 11

Victory soon for those who yearn for freedom of speech and expression. long live the people of Soorya el Hooriya wal Karama!

Default-user-icon Yordo Beeka (ضيف) 00:29 ,2012 شباط 12

Can you check with Gabby or peace of allouchi or thepatriot or shab or aragon or Dr. Ahbal Wmecheh. aka in the west as Dr. Samir Zenekh, to find out how soon this victory is coming? These farts seem to know exactly how soon the regime will fall because they have been predicting it pretty much every Wednesday and Sunday since at least 2005. Welcome to the club, young predictor with a lame name.

Thumb jabalamel 02:39 ,2012 شباط 12

the filthy zionist media terrorists are so angry on me that they wish me to leave lebanon forever.

why don't you come here with you genocidal militia and make me leave?