عون: لن نخرج من الحكومة وليخرج ميقاتي منها لأنه يشلها

Read this story in English W460

أكد رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون أن وزراء التكتل لن يخرجوا من مجلس الوزراء داعيا مجددا رئيس الحكومة الأسبق فؤاد السنيورة إلى مواجهته "أمام القضاء".

وقال عون في حديث لقناة "الجديد" مساء الأحد "نحن لن نخرج من الحكومة فليخرج رئيسها، نحن لا نترك الحكومة أمام الصعوبات بل نواجه الإعوجاج إنما رئيس الحكومة يشلها".

واضاف: "(وزير العمل) شربل نحاس جزء من تكتل، واذا تم المس به ستطير الحكومة كلها، لو ارتكب اخطاء لما كنا قبلنا بذلك والقانون إلى جانبنا وما يحصل إفتراء عليه".

وكان رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان هدد بإقالة نحاس إذا لم يوقع على مرسوم النقل المتعلف بمرسوم تصحيح الأجور.

وجدد القول أن "لا دور لرئيس الجمهورية إلى حين نعيد له صلاحياته ورئاسة الجمهورية تأخذ دورها الحقيقي عندما يمارس الرئيس صلاحياته وفقا للكتب وأن يكون حكما" متابعا "بكل بساطة من ليس لديه تمثيل لا يحكم".

وتعيش البلاد أزمة حكومية بعد علق الرئيس نجيب ميقاتي جلسات الحكومة إثر تنسجاب وزراء التيار الوطني الحر لعدم موافقتها على التعيينات الإدارية المطروحة وقال ميقاتي أنه لن يدعو إلى جلسات جديدة إلا إذا تأكد أنها "ستكون منتجة".

وسأل عون في حديثه "كيف يجوز أن ينقل رئيس الجمهورية شخصيات وزارية أعطيناه إياها إلى مواقع سياسية أخرى؟" مردفا "إذا انتخبنا سليمان رئيسا للجمهورية فهذا لا يعني أن "يركب على ضهرنا تنسوق في".

وأعرب عن اعتقاده أن الحكومة "ليست حكومة حزب الله" ساءلا "أليس وليد جنبلاط ورئيس الحكومة من 14 آذار؟ الحكومة فيها 12 وزيرا يصوتون بنهج 14 آذار فهم خرجوا كلاميا منها وليس فعليا".

وأضاف "ميقاتي كمن يتجوز امرأة ويذهب الى غيرها، يشارك الجميع الا من يجب ان يشارك معه".

وسأل عون في سياق آخر "فليقل لنا السنيورة أين ذهبت الهبات وقطع الحساب" معتبرا أن "ليس لديه أي صفة من صفات رجل الدولة، الفضائح في نصف بيته ورأسه وهو أكبر فضيحة وليتفضل هو ومن "يشدّ على مشده(يحميه)" أمام القضاء".

وعن القول أنه خرق بروتوكول بكركي بأنه دخل بعد رئيس الجمهورية إلى قداس مار مارون أجاب عون "هناك ستون شخصا غيري وصلوا متأخرين إلى قداس مار مارون وأنا بلغت سيادة المطران من قبل أنني لن أحضر الغذاء ولن أرد على استنتاجات بعد كلام البطريرك فنحن أيضا نتعرض للإساءات ولنرى التمثيل الشعبي لكل منا".

وخلص رئيس التيار الوطني الحر إلى القول "أنا من أمثل المسيحيين في السلطة ويجب ان أختار المسيحيين وحتى الآن لم نحصل على أي شيء في التعيينات".

وهل هناك خلل في ورقة التفاهم مع حزب الله أجاب "يجب أن يكون خلف المقاومة جبهة إصلاحية فهم يدعموننا ونحن ندعمهم" قائلا أن "لا خلاف حول موضوع المقاومة حتى ولو اختلفنا سياسيا مع حزب الله".

التعليقات 45
Thumb jabalamel 23:09 ,2012 شباط 12

aoun said something before tuesday and caught whole zionist information war department unprepared.


Missing people-power 23:32 ,2012 شباط 12

I don't see any zionist messages yet, I only see a Persian propagandist message. I guess the Persian masters pay better than the zionist masters.

Default-user-icon Neal (ضيف) 23:56 ,2012 شباط 12

There something mentally wrong with this man .he is not fit to lead

Default-user-icon teacher (ضيف) 00:09 ,2012 شباط 13

until now we haven't gained anything in the administrative appointments... as I had always suspected you are all about personal gain rather than reform and change.

Default-user-icon GMA yma (ضيف) 00:26 ,2012 شباط 13

Comply with my authoritah or I'll run away.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 00:28 ,2012 شباط 13

The weather gotten warmer so the sick man spoke earlier than Tuesday. This guy does not know what he wants, and he does not like it when you accuse him that he is late to church because he had to go back and drink his medicine in case the media surprises him after mass and before Tuesday.

Default-user-icon Rush (ضيف) 00:30 ,2012 شباط 13

I wonder if Aoun's Syrian paycheck is made out to "Loser Aoun" or "Cartoon Aoun" ????

Missing peace 00:52 ,2012 شباط 13

you ll leave in 2013 after the elections if you don t use hezbi arms to keep you in power...
you chose this PM so just assume your choices and work for the people instead of your party!
but lebanese concerns have never been your one of yours, all you know is criticize others and blaming everyone else for your failures!

Missing lebanese_bebe 12:38 ,2012 شباط 13

Name one current Lebanese politician who has benefited all Lebanese or Lebanon... Yeah. They're all the same, stop fooling urself.

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 01:09 ,2012 شباط 13

How many times a week is this clown show going to be on?

...Aoun stressed that he was “the one who represents Christians in power.” ...“I must select the Christian"....

El general will Not be elected President of Lebanon, so now he wants to appoint himself King of the Christians. Aoun must be feeling frisky after his recent victory in the clapping battle.

It is a good thing that Thursdays incident, was a clapping showdown and not an armed one. If bullets had been fired Aoun would have soiled himself, his stomach has not been the same since his Brave and Heroic run to France.

I see Aoun's cheerleaders are here, the Aounets.

Thumb jabalamel 01:36 ,2012 شباط 13

the filthy slimy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about me being follower of aoun. your mossad masters gave you another wrong report about me.

also, they hallucinate about persian propagandist machine referring to me. well, the persian propaganda machine certainly exists, but they probably never heard about naharnet.

however, the zionist problem is that they see iran everywhere, it's like universal scare for them.

Missing lebanese_bebe 12:37 ,2012 شباط 13

So obvious that ur very anti Hizbollah. Other people cant see through ur act. If ur anti Hizbollah why dont u present an intellectual argument rather then hide like some bug lol.

Thumb jabalamel 01:37 ,2012 شباط 13

2 zionists walk down the street of palestine, and someone screams "iran!!", one start running in panick the other draws up weapons and starts shooting on everybody.

Missing lebanese_bebe 12:36 ,2012 شباط 13

Ok Im convinced ur not a Hizbollah supporter.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 04:15 ,2012 شباط 13

The Zionists are inside Iran assassinating the nukes brain power by eliminating every few months the Iranian engineers.
All we hear on the media from their shorty leader is: Zionists are after all the killings and we will retaliate.

Default-user-icon Edmund Burke (ضيف) 04:25 ,2012 شباط 13

It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.

Missing lebanese_bebe 12:35 ,2012 شباط 13

Present these people with a better candidate, other then the typical runners who dont give a damn about the publics welfare and u will see a change. But why would anyone change when the other candidates are no better.

Thumb ado.australia 04:26 ,2012 شباط 13

The constitution must be amended to give the president more power. All of these paralysing of government highlights the dysfunction of the constitution. If the presidents role is arbitrator, he should be given powers to also become judge, and inforce a solution. The cabinet should be reserved with one third veto power for the president. The present situation and constitution is unacceptable.

Also, any Christian should be able to become president and any Muslim pm as a small step to break down the sectarian nature.

Missing lebanese_bebe 12:33 ,2012 شباط 13

Before we worry about destroying the only current form of government that we have right now, we should worry about protecting ourselves from all of the events happening in the region around us. Either way we are screwed. The oil in our seas is too appealing to the West, ridding our region of Iranian influence is too appealing to the Gulf. Invading Iran for its oil is too appealing to the West. And attacking Lebanon when we are most vulnerable to once and for all knock out Hizbollah is way too appealing to Israel. The last thing we need right now is to change our government, we need to unite because all of these outside forces are waiting to attack and we are a sheep surrounded by wolves. Syria is just a battlefield for all of these wolves to fight, the real prize is Iran.

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (ضيف) 07:44 ,2012 شباط 13

Dear Sayed Hasan Nasrallah,
On behalf of all naharnet users I am writign to you in a very polite way to ask you for a favor. Can you please teach Jabalamel some new words. We can anticipate what he is going to write now and it is getting boring. There are other words in the dictionary than: hallucinate & zionist media war ... etc.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

P.S. can you while you're at it put a muzzle around Aoun's snout so he stops talkign habal and embarass u as well!

Thanks again

Missing lebanese_bebe 12:28 ,2012 شباط 13


Thumb joesikemrex 08:49 ,2012 شباط 13

nothing but a traitor. Be gone

Missing lebanese_bebe 12:28 ,2012 شباط 13

They are all traitors in way or another. Jaja signed the Taef and has worked with Israel. Hariri is owned by the Gulf countries. Nasrallah is owned by Iran. And Berri is Syria. And Mr. Jumblatt's allegiance is to himself and the Druze people as an ethnic group but not a Lebanese population. So please. They need to all be gone and those who think like them should go too.

Thumb jcamerican 14:55 ,2012 شباط 14

You have no business on this website. This place is where they conduct their wars on simulators, but the results will be on the ground.

Missing people-power 09:16 ,2012 شباط 13

Former deserter Ex-General Aoun doing his part to "restore" the power of the presidency by telling the current President that he has no power.

Missing people-power 09:20 ,2012 شباط 13

Former deserter Ex-General Aoun doing his part to "restore" the power of the presidency by disrespecting the current President, and trying to overturn the decisions and appointments of current President Suleiman.

Missing lebanese_bebe 12:41 ,2012 شباط 13

Its funny that u even consider any part of the Lebanese government legit or even take it serious... They are all just actors in a soap opera and ur the audience. lol

Missing trigger 09:21 ,2012 شباط 13

"Aoun: We Won't Leave Government..."
sure you won't , because you will never be in it again, ma rah tchemm riheta lal hkoumneh ba2a!!
come 2013, you will be nothing but EX-MP ya train!!!!

Thumb sophia_angle 09:27 ,2012 شباط 13

God Bless you General

Thumb joesikemrex 16:02 ,2012 شباط 13

for the treason you committed and still commitment. For all the poor souls that have died fighting his best friend the giraffe. For providing hizbalkizb cover for all the assassinations. For deserting his men, yes I was one of them....

I understand others are dirty but this guy is the devil himself. Rot in hell

Thumb sophia_angle 21:56 ,2012 شباط 14

God bless you General for fighting the syrians when you supposed to as patriot when they occupied Lebanon where all 'with no exceptions' were using them for their own interests and ruled for decades robbing our gvt and giving them Beirut key, God bless you for your firm grab for not letting a civil war to unleash again, bless you for your wisdom in fighting corruption...

May God give good strong health to go forward & not looking back...

Default-user-icon Minx (ضيف) 10:07 ,2012 شباط 13

Is there no wise person left in FPM to advise this lunatic, in the old days (before and during 2005) there were lots of mature and wise FPM'iers...Where did they go?
We have never ever witnessed low level politician like him before..Even in the darkest days of the civil war!!!!Where are the principles and the values...SOOOOOOO Ashamed of having this low life pretending that he represents us..

Default-user-icon Kalkan Balphas (ضيف) 17:30 ,2012 شباط 13

All the wise men in FPM are gone, and those are still there contracted the stupidity disease from the Claoun, they're all stupid now

Thumb orangeeagle 10:48 ,2012 شباط 13

All i read are comments filled with hatred, stupidity, ignorance and character attack. General Aoun is the only authority who is should rule for various reasons: He is the only person who received the donations and used them to pay for the army's salaries. This is a fact, confirmed even by his own enemies. Secondly, because Aoun has a program and a plan to put this lovely country on track. Please observe the mobile phones plan, internet, electricity, water dams and much more. for 20 years all these public sectors were left to dry out to be sold to the lowest bidder, but now they are making money for the government, in spite of all the breakdowns, due to the lack of maintenance for tens of years for reasons we mentioned above. When did we really hear about a sound plan from Hariri block, or LF or Kataeb or Jinblat or others. NONE. All of them looted and stole and dried out our resources: proof?? 65 Billion USD in debt.

Missing people-power 11:02 ,2012 شباط 13

Aoun has his own interpretation of the Constitution, which has no basis in fact. He wants to usurp the powers of the President and Prime Minister, unless he became president, and in that case he wants all power to be with the president.

The Constitution gives no decision-making authority to any sub-group within the Cabinet, or to any confessional block within Parliament. The Cabinet is the executive authority of government, and Cabinet decisions are made by majority vote.

Aoun claiming to have authority to make decisions for all Christians is like saying the Sunni block in Parliament should be enabled to name the Prime Minister.

Also, any Cabinet member, or member of Parliament, is NOT enabled more power than the President or Prime Minister, regardless of their representation or block within Parliament.

Missing people-power 03:29 ,2012 شباط 14

Normally I prefer to ignore someone as ignorant as you, but since you wish to make a fool out of yourself, lets get into specifics.

Go ahead and tell me the SPECIFIC Article of the constitution which proves my statement wrong. I happen to have a copy of the Constitution in my hand right now.

What part of the Constitution would you like to refer to:

A. Fundamental Provisions
B. Powers
C. Procedural Provisions
D. Miscellaneous Provisions
E. F. G. H. ???

If you are referring to Part B (Powers), then which Chapter?

I. General Provisions
II. Legislative Power
III. Executive Power

If Chapter III, then which Article?

If you can't cite a specific Article, then STFU

Default-user-icon Amused (ضيف) 10:58 ,2012 شباط 14

@ people-power Nice rely. It seems that flame thrower got extinguished!!!! now he can use his weapon to water plants. Pshhhhhhhhhh

Default-user-icon Neal (ضيف) 11:41 ,2012 شباط 13

Orangeeagle , i don;t know where you got your information from . but you need to get your head out of the cloud and find reality . the man is not fit mentally , I'm a Maronite christian and this wacko does not represent me . and some of you on this site called him general . general of what ? he stole money money and ran to France and he is a traitor and self serving loser . all what he cares about is him self . he wouldn't mind lighting the entire country on fire to light up his cigarette

Default-user-icon muhamada (ضيف) 12:05 ,2012 شباط 13

Corruption and more lies to Lebanese people, a policy of failure by Hezbollah and Aoun by allying with the falling regeems like Syrian and Iranian risking the Future of Lebanon. They should be banned from politics for conspiracy and failure to meet the Lebanese needs for electricity and jobs including the oil refinaries(drilling).

Missing lebanese_bebe 12:25 ,2012 شباط 13

The funny thing is, all of ur leaders are deranged lol. The funnier thing is each person thinks his leader is the best and that the others are deranged so in essence your all DELUSIONAL... Ur worse then the parents that gave birth to u. Learn.

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 21:30 ,2012 شباط 13

Aoun is not smart. He acts with his heart not brain (that's if he has any brain to start with.) The PM's resignation would trigger an immediate dissolution of the government because his voive as a member of parliamant alongside his friend from Tripoli would let the extant government loose the majority which would turn to Saad Harriri. So, what he's purporting is a puff in the air.

Missing samiam 22:35 ,2012 شباط 13

Why can't we put an "ignore" button on this guy? Doesn't he realize that he is obstructing the government that he helped put in place? FPM has some good people in the government; unfortunately, its leader is a complete nutjob.

Thumb jabalamel 07:21 ,2012 شباط 14

the filthy zionist media war terrorists hallucinate that they can discver from which party i am, and also, they have their own version of lebanese constitution.

Thumb jabalamel 08:39 ,2012 شباط 14

also, they are so desperate that now they write letters to our glorious resistance.

like he cares.

Default-user-icon Omar (ضيف) 17:13 ,2012 شباط 14

I think that in order for Aoun to be satisfied, he would want to choose a Christian Aouni Prime Minister..