مسؤول اسرائيلي في مكافحة الارهاب: ايران وحزب اللـه يخططان لهجمات اخرى
Read this story in Englishصرح مسؤول اسرائيلي كبير في مكافحة الارهاب الجمعة ان ايران وحزب الله يخططان لشن هجمات جديدة ضد الاسرائيليين في العالم.
واوضح المسؤول الذي طلب عدم الكشف عن اسمه "تخطط ايران وحزب الله لهجمات اخرى ضد الاسرائيليين في الخارج"، لكنه امتنع عن كشف اسم البلد الذي قد تقع فيه هجمات.
وتابع "ندعو الاسرائيليين في الخارج من جديد الى توخي الحذر والتعامل بحذر مع الاجسام المشبوهة وعدم قبول اخذها معهم واتباع تعليمات الجهات الامنية في البلاد المتواجدين فيها".
وردا على سؤال حول الشائعات عن هجوم استهدف وزير الدفاع ايهود باراك هذا الاسبوع في سنغافورة اوضح المسؤول انه لا يعرف شيئا عن الموضوع موضحا ان "المسؤولين الاسرائيليين الكبار المسافرين الى الخارج يشكلون اهدافا محتملة".
وقال المسؤول ان صحراء سيناء المصرية "تبقى الموقع الاكثر خطورة للاسرائيليين" ناصحا السياح الاسرائيليين ايضا بتجنب السفر الى "جنوب تايلاند".
ووقعت سلسلة تفجيرات الثلاثاء في العاصمة التايلاندية بانكوك كشفت وجود خطة قالت السلطات انها كانت تستهدف دبلوماسيين اسرائيليين.
واصيبت دبلوماسية اسرائيلية الاثنين بعد انفجار سيارة في نيودلهي بينما تمكنت الشرطة الجورجية الاثنين ايضا من تفكيك قنبلة وجدت في سيارة موظف في السفارة الاسرائيلية في تبيليسي.
They never stopped in the first place. The terrorists (those are acts of terror) are trying to deflect the current media attention from the Syrian scene but it won't succeed. Over 130 nations condemned the ongoing repression in Syria.
Good, now let them condemn the mess they created in lybia, the beheadings of old women in saudi arbia and the rest of the injustices that take place in the worlde... or dont they have anything to gain from that?
How about the Iranian scientists, who killed them. I guess the italian Mafia. They Iranians are terrorist and Israelis are not. Read your history books. There is a good book written by an Israeli intelligence officer, called 'By way of deception.'
False flag operations by the mossad. Haaretz report today that the mossad chief was in new delhi a few days before the attack... hmm i wonder why. Its not the first time nor last time that the mossad uses false flag operations. This time it has to do with their media war with iran. Killing a random israeli is not the revenge hizbullah is after for mughniyes murder. They want a big shot because they have a reputation to protect when it comes to retaliating to israel. Israel as usual gets impatient and starts boming things on their own because lets face it, the mossad is excellent in PR and making itself look great, but less than mediocre when it comes to their actual work.
Big shots? That's what they wish for! However, that's not what they are getting. Look how far from Israel they have to go in order to target small Israeli reps. If hezbollah was able to get a top commander or a minister, they would have done it already regardless of the consequences of a Jewish retaliation on Lebanon. Because we all know they don't give a damn about Lebanese civilians and interests.
no lebanese would care about dead zionist.
therefore, everyone who said something now against our glorious resistance is 100% jew zionist from occupied palestine
and you learn how to make decent sentence first.
how did you get into zionist information war department? by rich dad?
see, no lebanese would want the zionists to win.
time for naharnet to start cleaning users from database.
The blind man takes sides, both Iran and Israel are two evils, no one has learned how the Palestinians were/is getting massacred, no one sees how the Iranian leader got into power. Both evils are playing the same game and who pays the price? the Lebanese infrastructure and people.
maybe hizbullah is is coping the is zionest method if it always works for the zionest it might work for them ,the zionest always get away with it