ايران تطلق مناورات جوية لحماية مواقعها النووية

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أطلقت ايران الاثنين "مناورات كبرى لتعزيز دفاعها المضاد للطيران" في مواقعها "الحساسة ولا سيما النووية منها".

وأفادت وكالة الانباء الايرانية الرسمية نقلا عن بيان صادر عن قيادة الدفاع الجوي الايراني، أن "هذه المناورات التي تستمر أربعة أيام ستجري "في النصف الجنوبي من البلاد".

وأوضحت الوكالة أنها ستشمل مجموعة كبرى من الصواريخ وأنظمة الرادار والطيران الايرانية.

واعلن عن هذه المناورات التي اطلق عليها اسم "ثأر الله"، في وقت ضاعفت فيه اسرائيل في الاسابيع الماضية التصريحات عن احتمال توجيه ضربة عسكرية للمنشآت الايرانية النووية.

وتشتبه الدولة العبرية وقسم من الاسرة الدولية بأن تكون طهران تسعى الى امتلاك السلاح الذري تحت غطاء برنامج نووي مدني رغم نفي ايران المتكرر. ومنذ 2006 فرض مجلس الامن الدولي على طهران عقوبات بسبب هذه الشكوك.

والمناورات التي أعلن عنها الاثنين ستنظم على مساحة 190 الف كلم مربع وترمي الى تعزيز التنسيق بين القوات التابعة للحرس الثوري وتلك التابعة للجيش الايراني حسب ما نقلت وكالة الانباء الايرانية عن البيان.

التعليقات 13
Thumb beiruti 16:16 ,2012 شباط 20

They are really afraid. But there is no fear that the Israelis are coming after their nuclear facilities. That will not happen because the US does not want it to happen.
No the fear is for the weakest link in their chain to the Eastern Med falling, namely the Assad Regime in Syria. It is about to fall and Iran is putting on all sorts of shows of intimidation against that eventuality.
Unfortunate for Iran, there is no naval show or rocket show that it can put on that will justify the Assad Regime to the Syrian people who have bled so much at his hand.
They will not be justified by anything except the long neck of Bashar al Assad in a noose.

Thumb primesuspect 18:25 ,2012 شباط 20

The Iranian people will eventually topple their theocratic and corrupt regime. Once a decent leader takes control of the Persian nation, the entire world will gladly equip Iran with nuclear power plants. For now, it remains a threat and the use of military power against them could be justified. Iran is not stronger than Saddam's Irak from the early 90s... Their aircrafts are rusty and lack spare parts... Their rockets and missiles can be flattened in the hangar.... Sure, a few of them will hit the Zionist entity, but it'll be a joke.

Thumb jcamerican 15:23 ,2012 شباط 21

People forgot that the americans were backing the shah at that time, and not the opposition or the revolution. @prime Saddam was supported by the Americans against Iran, then he paid the price for such an alliance. At the end, Iran won, since the US toppled Saddam.

Thumb thepatriot 16:17 ,2012 شباط 20

"Sarollah"...hahahaha... "God's vengence"... lool...

Thumb thepatriot 16:22 ,2012 شباط 20

I agree Beiruti... but a firework between these two would be a nice show...

Thumb jabalamel 16:31 ,2012 شباط 20

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about iran being afraid.

send your airplanes than

Thumb jabalamel 16:32 ,2012 شباط 20

also, the rabid zionist didn't miss the chance to make more regional hallucination.

Thumb cedar 16:57 ,2012 شباط 20

They are irritated and they got bored with the 0 options they actually have.

Default-user-icon Habib_Tabrizian (ضيف) 17:23 ,2012 شباط 20

As an Iranian I get depressed when I see our people live in misery and our government lay a such a lot of money to do a show of power which is not but a bloff to chit our own people!

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 18:32 ,2012 شباط 20

let it be war between Iran and israel now and no one will shed a tear if Iran and israel destroy themselves mutually
Democracy now for all arab country including gulf countries

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 18:55 ,2012 شباط 20

There is a saying that says: the dog that barks too much does not bite. If you're really trying to show us your might then why going public? look at the zionist regime they already have a nuclear bomb, the defect that spoke out about it, was jailed for life because he revealed their secrets.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 23:53 ,2012 شباط 20

Voting in 1979 doesn't mean the same people should rule for 40 years. Also many marxist and leftists participated in the revolution but were persecuted by the Islamist regime in power to this day.

These anti-air defenses would be lucky to shoot down one American made plane with their backwards technology.

Thumb sophia_angle 15:50 ,2012 شباط 21

well damn them all they all envy us on such a country & they want to either buy or destroy it...can we just be Lebanese n support whats left in this misrable country?!