14 آذار هذا العام لن يشهد احتفالا شعبيا في ساحة الشهداء

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لن تقيم قوى 14 آذار احتفالا شعبيا كبيرا كما جرت العادة في السنوات الماضية، بل تتجه إلى أن يكون التجمع أشبه بلقاءات "البريستول"، أي عقد مؤتمر موسع حيث يصدر عن المجتمعين ورقة سياسية.

وأوضح رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع، في لقاء مع عدد من الصحافيين أمس الثلاثاء، أن مناسبة 14 آذار المقبلة ستشهد لقاء شبيها بلقاءات "البريستول" ولو في مجمع "البيال".

وستقدم ورقة سياسية يجري تحضيرها حاليا "من أجل رؤية مستقبلية"، وقال جعجع إن هذه الورقة لم تكن مناسبة لطرحها في مهرجان 14 شباط الذي وصفه بأنه كان "ناجحا".

وقد أوردت صحيفة "النهار" أن هذه القوى لن تقيم احتفالا شعبيا في ساحة الشهداء في 14 آذار المقبل لتخوف البعض من افتعال بعض حلفاء سوريا مشاكل أمنية.

وجرت العادة أن تقيم هذه القوى مهرجانا شعبيا كبيرا في ساحة الشهداء وسط بيروت في الرابع عشر من آذار من الأعوام السابقة.

وكانت قد أقامت قوى 14 آذار احتفالا في مجمع "البيال" في 14 شباط الماضي في الذكرى السابعة لاغتيال رئيس الحكومة الأسبق رفيق الحريري ورفاقه.

وتميز الاحتفال بكلمة ألقاها منسق الأمانة العامة لقوى 14 آذار فارس سعيد بالنيابة عن المجلس الوطني السوري المعارض لنظام الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد.

التعليقات 14
Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 29 شباط 2012, 09:50

would like to know who M14 support in the football game
LEBANON OR $emirates$

Default-user-icon fadlallah (ضيف) 29 شباط 2012, 09:54

Has anyone seen Hikmat Dib on the lower side of this picture?
Time passes ...but pictures stay.

Default-user-icon May (ضيف) 29 شباط 2012, 13:16

Back then Hikmat Dib and the other Aounists followed Jeffrey Feltman orders we are now told.

Thumb kesrweneh 01 آذار 2012, 13:49

Haha tru! 3alanan 3alanan 7ekmat Dib, remember, he was running against all pro-Syrians (joumblat, Gemayel (yes gemayel), Helou, LF (yes Strida was pro- Mr.Helou), Erslan....)

Default-user-icon Alvarrez (ضيف) 29 شباط 2012, 12:22

We understand. These M14 are not insensitive. How can they celebrate when their Salafi, Wahhabi and Al Qaida brothers are being finished in Syria? Additionally, they may be missing while they went to the nousra of their bearded brothers and taking action on the ground to bring down the fall of the regime. Just look at what these warriors did for over 30 years in Lebanon: a mix of inviting the Syrians into Lebanon, handing the Syrians the keys to Beirut and to every other location, jumping into the arms of the Syrians at the height of the occupation while scheming against ebn baladon..., all actions that resulted in the defeat of the Syrian occupiers!!! Call them modern-day 3anaters. allahou akbar, allahou akbar, allahou akbar. allah, akbar, 7akim, wbass

Missing peace 29 شباط 2012, 22:53

yes and M8 were the only ones fighting against the syrian occupation, that s why they thanked them for all the good things they did in lebanon, and still are supporting the regime of assad LOL

you are sooooo funny alvarez!

Thumb kesrweneh 01 آذار 2012, 13:51

well no one in M8 is as proSyrian as the one who gave them the keys to Beirut was so...

Default-user-icon Bubba (ضيف) 29 شباط 2012, 13:13

rudes you sound like hassin nasrallah on march 8 2005, of course six days later he had so much of the brown stuff on his face courtesy of the Lebanese people he was mistakenly told him to get coffee to madame.

Missing youssefhaddad 29 شباط 2012, 14:42

It is a wise decision because the war of numbers of those who could go on the streets will never be won against those who could gather thousands of jobless people supported by the Iranian "clean money".
The enemy is ideologically motivated, is supported by the Iranian regime and draws from a large pool of Lebanese who were made dependent on Hezbollah's economical support or who are scared of Hezbollah's power.
Fighting this enemy will take a serious effort from the lebanese who should be united around the pursuit of building an independent and just nation.

Default-user-icon G (ضيف) 29 شباط 2012, 17:41

i bet you were down there in 2005 with a smile on your face but now you are all against it just because M3almak swtiched sides for his own personal benefits. Sheep.

Thumb kesrweneh 01 آذار 2012, 13:53

In 14 March 1991-92-93...05 we were there to kick the Syrians out, now they are out, so we're kicking corruption out. Ah yes and always with a smile thank you for noticing :)

Thumb cedar 01 آذار 2012, 00:57

mabye the bad weather has something to do with it haha.

M14 is infiltrated by too many muslims who love Saudi money, and some bad christian polititians. Overall they do want Lebanon first - but they also want to get paid for stuff on the side - which ultimately leads to their downfall.

The M8 camp is not better.... Basically Lebanon is full of bad politics

Default-user-icon Fire Fighter (ضيف) 01 آذار 2012, 16:16

Walla yalli byesma3ak ya FT would say that all the supporters of HA and your tayyar are there since they beleive in a "Cause" and not just because they are being funded to do so.
lik tfoooo 3a heik Lebanese metlak w ya de3an heik Lebanon that has garbage like you

Default-user-icon FireFighter (ضيف) 01 آذار 2012, 16:19

I don't think anyone doubts that you will serve him well .. u and your familia are used to serving masters and doing as you are told. I think though that you have better luck asking your master Hasan bernayta to ask his master Ahmedi bala najad to get you this money ... I'm sure Bassil will be more than happy to give it back to them