حمص تحت النيران...اشتباكات عنيفة في محيط حي بابا عمرو و23 قتيلا الأربعاء
Read this story in Englishدارت الأربعاء اشتباكات عنيفة في محيط حي بابا عمرو في حمص حيث افاد مصدر امني عن اقتحام الجيش للحي وبدء "عمليات تطهير" فيما أكدت المعارضة أن القوات النظامية لا تزال في محيط الحي ولم تقتحمه بعد.
وأفادت لجان التنسيق المحلية التي تتابع التظاهرات على الأرض مباشرة أنه "ارتفع عدد الشهداء في سوريا حتى اللحظة إلى ثلاثة وعشرين,منهم احد عشر شهيدا في حمص منهم خمس افراد من عائلة البحلاق".
وتابعت أن هناك "ثلاثة شهداء في كل من ريف دمشق و درعا، شهيدان في كل من دير الزور و ادلب و شهيد في كل من حماه و اللاذقية".
وفي التفاصيل عن بابا عمرو قال مصدر امني في دمشق لوكالة فرانس برس ان منطقة بابا عمرو "تحت السيطرة"، مضيفا "قام الجيش بعملية تطهير للحي بناء تلو البناء ومنزلا تلو المنزل".
واضاف "يقوم الجنود بتفتيش كل الاقبية والانفاق بحثا عن اسلحة وارهابيين"، مشيرا الى وجود "بعض البؤر" التي يعمل الجيش على "تقليصها".
واكد عضو الهيئة العامة للثورة السورية هادي العبدالله من جهته ان قوات النظام "لم تدخل حتى هذه اللحظة بابا عمرو"، مضيفا "انهم يطوقون الحي، وهناك اشتباكات عنيفة مع عناصر الجيش الحر لا سيما من ناحية حي الانشاءات وشارع الملعب".
واعلن المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان ان "اشتباكات تدور في محيط حي بابا عمرو بين الجيش النظامي السوري ومجموعات منشقة تمنع محاولة اقتحام الحي، في وقت تسمع اصوات انفجارات واطلاق رصاص في احياء اخرى بالمدينة".
وأشار العبد الله إلى أن الجيش السوري الحر وناشطين مدنيين يعملون على "اجلاء العائلات من اماكن يستهدفها القصف"، مشيرا الى ان "قصفا جنونيا يطال حتى الاماكن التي كنا نعتبرها آمنة".
واشار الى صعوبة بالغة في الحصول على معلومات بسبب انقطاع الاتصالات.
وقال العبد الله "حمص كلها مستهدفة، والمؤشرات على ذلك كثيرة، منها انقطاع الاتصالات والكهرباء".
واكد مدير المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان رامي عبد الرحمن انه "لا يمكن الاتصال بأحد مطلقا في بابا عمرو، وهناك صعوبة في الحصول على معلومات (عن الضحايا) بسبب ذلك".
واشار الى ان "طائرات استطلاع تحلق فوق المكان".
وعبر الناشط الاعلامي عمر شاكر الذي خرج من حمص قبل ايام وهو موجود في لبنان، عن اعتقاده بان "حمص مقبلة في الساعات القادمة على وضع سيء جدا"، مشيرا الى ان آخر اتصال اجراه بمدينته كان قبل 12 ساعة.
وقال "ما يحصل في حمص كبير جدا (...)، هناك عمليات وحشية يقوم بها عناصر النظام لا يتخيلها عقل".
وتابع "انا مقطوع عن رفاقي في المركز الاعلامي (في بابا عمرو)... آخر ما قالوه لي ان بطاريات اجهزة الكومبيوتر تنفد وان حمص تغرق في الظلام، وطلبوا مني ان نواصل الدعاء لهم".
من جهة ثانية، قال المرصد السوري ان مدينة الرستن في محافظة حمص "تعرضت لقصف القوات النظامية التي تحاصر المدينة، ما ادى الى سقوط قتلى وجرحى".
وكانت القوات النظامية انسحبت من مدينة الرستن قبل أكثر من عشرين يوما، بحسب ناشطين.
وذكر المرصد السوري ان "قوات عسكرية ترافقها اليات عسكرية مدرعة اقتحمت الاربعاء مدينة الحراك في محافظة درعا (جنوب) وسط اطلاق رصاص كثيف".
في ريف حماة، "اقتحمت قوات عسكرية امنية مشتركة بلدة حلفايا وبدات حملة مداهمات واعتقالات ترافقت مع تخريب واحراق منازل مواطنين متوارين عن الانظار"، بحسب المرصد.
وافاد المرصد عن مقتل طفل (13 عاما) "اثر اطلاق رصاص عشوائي صباح اليوم في حي العمال في مدينة دير الزور (شرق)، وعن مقتل "شخص داخل المعتقل من قرية المغارة في محافظة ادلب" (شمال غرب).
وتواصلت اليوم التحركات الاحتجاجية الطلابية المعارضة للنظام في جامعة حلب (شمال).
وقال المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان ان "حوالى الفي طالب تظاهروا في جامعة حلب الاربعاء، في ما يؤشر الى نشاط احتجاجي مستمر في الجامعة"، مشيرا الى قمع التظاهرة و"انفضاضها دون وقوع اصابات".
وقال فارس الحلبي العضو في تجمع الطلبة الاحرار في الجامعة في اتصال مع وكالة فرانس برس ان عناصر من الامن "اعتقلوا اربعة من الطلاب المتظاهرين الذين كانوا يهتفون للمدن المحاصرة والجيش السوري الحر"، مشيرا الى عزم الطلاب على تنظيم مزيد من التظاهرات اليوم.
I had previously watched the first part of your documentary on the BBC. You seem to hold something against Muslims. Does hearing them say Allah ou Akbar disturb you? When you are desperate because your leader is a tyrant, you turn to God because he's your ultimate hope. Eventually, they'll shift away from him when the life-quality improves. The Security Forces you mention are 'moukhabarat'... i guess we have a divergence in vision... the spies are the main threat and not surprisingly, they have to be dealt with in times of war. Nobody forced them to remain the the building, they had the choice to flee or to join the so called Free Syrian Army.
FT. Anything you say, quickly the thumbs down rack up on you counter. M14 is the alleged voice of democracy. Imagine they are behind guns instead of computer screens.
both parties battling in homs were shelling us and killing us for 100 days in achrafieh in late 70s
i will not shead a tear on any of them but i wish them a long bloody civil war like the one they imposed on us
I hear you, but you're confused... Syrian regime is something, the people is something else...
" i do have something against all religious extremists" ... so so I my friend, but you support Hezbollah... and they're not exactly moderate...:)
Oh yeah, the Lebanese civil war was started by the syrian government back in 1975, also the war in 1958, and all the fightings back in the 19th century. Wake up man, it's so easy to blame syrians, palestinians, americans and others for your mess. These other people just added to the mess, but the civil war started because of the weakeness and selfish Lebanese people who resorted to weapons to solve their differences. By the way, the syrians came to lerbanon invited by guess who: the christian militias and their leaders.
That's a fact and denying that is ignorance and blindness. For once, Lebanese should apologise to each other, admit they were wrong and recognise their mistakes. But it seems that apologising is considered a shame in this part of the world.
Hezbollah… “the party of God”… a party inspired by Ayatollah Khomeini, a party that kills in the name of God, a party that trains suicide bombers, a party that call itself Islamic Resistance “Mukawama al islamiyya”, a party that calls for the total annihilation of a state (yes, total, women, children, elderly…total!), a party that puts up front its religious hatred (jews, sunni,…remember the Ann Frank diary episode on Al MAnar…), rather than its political hatred, a party that organizes assassinations (Iraq, Lebanon,Egypt,Argentina…), an organization that encourages martyrdom, that is the prime suspect in many assassinations cases, that resorts to intimidation, violence, and threats…
You call that “believers”…. Very nice of you… I call a believer a man who spreads good, tolerance, knowledge, generosity, humility… I guess our visions differ ya Mowaten…
homs is the strategic gate to the military russian base in tartous... lavrov told assad that it MUST be taken b4 the end of february, so the ground assault for the regime has to be today? STALINGRAD OR ST PETERSBOURG???????
No worries. Dr. Samir Abdel Latif and his sheep predicted that the regime... will fall, perhaps this year? or has fallen three and a half months ago? 46 Tuesdays ago? in 2005? in 2008? shall fall eventually? definitely? So everything going on now is just a side show and a passtime. Stay tuned and may God give you a long life to witness the great revelation of Dr. Abdel Latif come true.
just wait and see and we will laugh even more at you and you support for criminals...
A follower of Dr. Abdel Latif, the Dr. who has dragged the Christians from defeat to another bigger defeat and from collaborating with one enemy to collaborating with another enemy and who called the crazies who invaded and almost destroyed Achrafieh MINNINA, among other disasters thanks to his wrong timing, his wrong alliances and wrong strategies (if one can call them strategies) has the nerve to lecture others about who to support and who not to support. walla ba3d na2es hawdeh yetfalsafo wya3to mawa3ez!!!
nice movie...everything is possible.. a very high ranking delegation from the alawi regime visited ryad last week.. they are playing hassoun's head?????????ask moughnieh.
anyway the dictators were always at the service of the bedouin kingdoms.
flame thrower get out of that internet cafe in dahiye & get a job first then get a life. stop critisizing people I have been quiet for a long time & just reading but you annoy people. we had Ahbal before & his presence has been deminished, probably he is in tartous maybe you should follow him.
My fellow brother is Baath love-in , they should send them to Syrian prisons to join the Lebanese who dared oppose the magnificent Syrian regime .
NB : You boys get a room I'm be joining you soon .
Loud and proud yours - Le phenicien
more disinformation from naharnet, the revolt in syria was over three months ago when general michel aoun said it was and no more reliable a source than general michel aoun
3anjad 7aram!! iza d3amna walaw ma3nawiyan sha3eb 3am bi talib bel 7oriyi wel 3adeli serna 3am ned3am l salafiyin!? 3emlina fezay3a! deghri salafiyin w 2eslemiyin!! Lok ne7na l lebneniyi ma 2akalna 3azeb men heda l nizam? 3am bes2al sou2al la yalli 3am bidefi3 bi kel ta2ato 3an l nizam: moch 2ento ya shabeb li akalto atli men l nizam? ya 3ammi moch 2ehelna w 2ehelkoun yali t2azo men l nizam? moch 7oriyetna w 7oriyetkoun yali 3otdiya 3laya lama ken 3enna l nizam? moch 2a7zebna yalli nmana3it bi fe3el 7ekem l "nizam l wa7ad"?
tayib ma bi7e2 la jirana yen3amo bel 7oriyi wel 3adeli?
Wen l mabedi2 ya jame3a?
w khlessna fezay3at w salafiyin! (iza fi salafiyin heda men fe3el l nizam)
i wonder if dahiye rebelled against the lebanese gvt and the army shells itand kills women children if our proud bashars defenders would support the lebanese gvt...
double standards that s all these moralists have to offer...
Cannot believe you said that. When Israel was shelling Lebanon, you didn't care as long they would get rid of Hizballah. This is why the delay in stopping Israel. Give it a chance to finish the job.
who told you i didn t care except in your stupid comments...
this proves only the short sighted prejudiced guy you are, you and M8 = if you are against us it means you are with israel, poor thing you are...you just deserve my spite.
Did you discuss this "days are numbered" issue with you classmates at the Ecole des Clairvoyants du Dr. Samir Bourajfeh: Gabby, thepatriot, allouchi, peace, slash, relaist...? A la prochaine, charchour.
What's your theory exactly ya "Ringo"... Bashar is staying? He murdered thousands but...bahhhhh...never mind, the'll get over it and keep him in power??
And tell us why you like Bashar soo much... because all of the wonderful joys the Assad braught us: Torture, theft, assasinations, executions, destruction, prison... why ya zaki!?
bigdope is right if Israel is gone the Syrians will stop regarding Lebanon as part of Syria, and the dope keeps getting bigger and dopier.
PS: bigdope's clever comeback "but what about Syrian the embassy".. embassy or Anjar nothing changed.
GAME OVER, aka another out-of-this-world prediction from Dr. Kherfen Wmouderyen and his frafeet (Gabby, peace, thepatriot, slash dot net, realist, benazir, allouchi...) came true! Or did it? Hey guys, go find Walid Jumby, another great reader of events, APPARENTLY. No? Game Friggin Over!
now the show will begin on television with all the caputred fighters and who they are , and , and , and ......
humm.. why do so many people think this is all over, we've see this all before, it's been the standard Syria regime rhetoric for almost a year in Daraa, Hama, Homs, Deir Al Zor, Damacus ... but still the revolt continues.
Is it just me or do all the M8ers come to this site and comment in a feeble effort to do damage control for their actions. Most them seem like they do it for a living and go by more then one nickname. A desperate act by desperate people.Clearly they fear they fell they are loosing control and their end is in sight.
Hmm so you support Hizbollah which supports Hamas...hey did you know that Hamas is also a branch of the "muslim brotherhood", you're an idiot, the brotherhood is anything BUT extremists...the only extremists are the Hizbollah members who are attacking Beirut and who are stealing cars and kidnapping people on a daily basis...
Buddy...Mowaten... listen ...HOMS surrounded stupid... Assad Mukhabarat got trapped by very angry Homs Residents FSA ... To bad ... you missed the part were Assad forces killed 138 people and buried in that video you missed the long line up for bread because Assad has blocked off the City... God!!!! Watch the Movie properly again man. You seriously want me to say poor Mukhabarat who are blocked off from the rest of the syrian Army... Mowaten Your sick in the way you perceive the reality in Syria, Poor Army, Poor Assad NOOO!!!... Syria Belongs to the Syrian People not to the one or the few... What you really should say Poor Syrian People man, They are the true victims...
When the people are determined to be free no millitary can stop them.
Evidence of this is in Lebanon and every land gripped by evil.
well i beleive that it is exactly what is happening in Syria that creates extremism and terrorism the lack of democracy creates an ill society was it easy for the opposition to meet in coffee places, they wouldn't have taken shields in mosks because hunger affects everyone even christians. Now the remedy of extremism is government. When Hezbollah arrived to goverment he was seen as a holly party, now it is just like any other party, one of woes, mistakes and failures and soon will face what any other party face, ELECTIONS. Maybe he will get away with it this time but the party is losing momentum for sure.