اردوغان يدعو الى فتح ممرات انسانية "فورا" في سوريا

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دعا رئيس الوزراء التركي رجب طيب اردوغان اليوم الثلاثاء النظام السوري الى فتح "فوري" لممرات انسانية للمدنيين من ضحايا العنف في هذا البلد المجاور.

وقال اردوغان في البرلمان امام نواب حزب العدالة والتنمية المنبثق من التيار الاسلامي ان "الممرات لنقل المساعدة الانسانية يجب ان تفتح فورا"، داعيا الاسرة الدولية الى ممارسة ضغوط على دمشق في هذا الشأن.

ولم يوضح ما اذا كانت هذه الممرات يفترض ان تبدأ في تركيا التي تتقاسم مع سوريا حدودا طويلة.

ودان اردوغان صمت و"تردد" بعض الدول التي لم يسمها حيال "الفظائع" التي ترتكب في سوريا. ورأى ان هذا الموقف "يشجع" النظام السوري على التحرك بوحشية اكبر ضد المعارضة.

وقال "نحن، تركيا، سنواصل العمل لابقاء الفظائع في سوريا على جدول اعمال العالم باسره"، مذكرا بان انقرة تنوي تنظيم دورة ثانية لمؤتمر "اصدقاء دمشق" في اسطنبول منتصف آذار.

واضاف "احيي من جديد الشعب والمعارضة على مقاومتهما النبيلة والثابتة (...) الشعب السوري لن يبقى ابدا وحده وتركيا ستكون دائما الى جانبه".

التعليقات 8
Default-user-icon Randy Pitash (ضيف) 14:03 ,2012 آذار 06

Enough with this other crazy Sunni of Jewish ancestry (what a filthy mix) and his stupidity. If this is the kind of leaders Turkey has to offer, then things look very, very bleak for Turkey's future.

Missing realist 19:26 ,2012 آذار 06

you are the last one to talk of hypocrisy mowaten, calling the syrian people salafis just like the israelis call the palestenians and south lebanese terrorists, you support the butchering of the sunis in syria by the hands of your gods the alawis under your salafi pretext and you dare talk about sectarian incitement!? wala yali sta7u mato

Default-user-icon Drango Jollasti (ضيف) 12:15 ,2012 آذار 07

This is not sectarian incitement. The fact remains that if you look at all the mass killings that have been taking place in the Middle East, Europe, the US and elsewhere since the late 20th century, they are either committed by the Israelis (who happen to be Jewish as far as I know) or Sunni crazies who go by name Al Qaida among many other names. Call it sectarian if it makes you feel better. The fact remains a fact, like it or not.

Default-user-icon +oua nabka + (ضيف) 14:03 ,2012 آذار 06

start by giving back at least the churches and their lands to their rightfull owners before giving lessons

Default-user-icon Samir Kordah (ضيف) 17:19 ,2012 آذار 06

Mr. Erdogan, no matter what you do you will not gain the trust and the confidence of the Arabs and middle eastern people. The history of Turkey is full of atrocities against Greeks, Arabs, Armenians, Assyrians, Jews, and Kurds. To this day these atrocities are being practiced against the poor Kurds. No matter how many hospitals you finance in the Arab world Turkey's image will always be the same evil.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 18:34 ,2012 آذار 06

turkey is part of the game:
america , the west , turkey , saudis= iran ,russia,china,the regime in syria.... it's a free movie ..enjoy...looooong movie...nobody is counting.

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 19:29 ,2012 آذار 06

This is another shameful face in this planet. He's been threatening all the time but with no action whatsoever. He's a crying wolf; no one would ever take him seriously. What I advise him is to simply shut up and don't show us his face.

Thumb chrisrushlau 21:55 ,2012 آذار 06

Turkey is looking for a distraction. From what?