سجناء "فتح الاسلام" في رومية يضربون عن الطعام
Read this story in Englishينفذ السجناء ذوي الأوضاع الأمنية الخاصة، فتح الإسلام، في سجن رومية إضرابا عن الطعام منذ مساء أمس الخميس، احتجاجا على تعرض احد الموقوفين داخل المحكمة العسكرية للضرب اثناء مثوله للمحاكمة.
وأفادت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام اليوم الجمعة أن سجناء فتح الإسلام في سجن رومية المركزي في الطابق الثالث من المبنى B، طلبوا من ادارة السجن، معاقبة المعتدي على الموقوف، لفك إضرابهم.
هذا وتتخذ ادارة السجن، تدابير استثنائية على الطابق الثالث، منعا لتطور الامر الى اعمال شغب او تحوله الى تمرد.
who cares army killers should die , give them back to syria , they will take good care of them
Haters who know nothing about religion and politics, you people shall face thousands of hundreds of these people when the time is right , its a matter of time, coming from every country in the world , and we will liberate this country from non muslim rule
I am sure Dr. Samir Kherfen Wmouderyen will shed tears on and lose sleep over these brothers of his.
let them strike, so what? these are murderors and they are not welcome in lebanon as any other muderor carrying weapons, whether syrian, iranian or the like.
these thugs are not salafis: they are a produce of your masters the syro/iranians :)
Are you serious, like we really care if you are not happy with the conditions of the jail... ITS A JAIL you idiots. I bet the condition in there is much better then the camp you once called home. Starve yourself!!!!
They assaulted the country and were sent in by Assad. Let them starve and die. Hey were was the "resistance" to help with that problem? weren't we under assault from outside the country? Nassy and Bash......the biggest criminals and threats to Lebanon.
Did they ever know who sent them, and who was financing them? Or that is a red line.