الادعاء على 9 أشخاص بتهمة تهريب الأسلحة إلى سوريا

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ادعى مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر على 9 أشخاص بتهمة حيازة أسلحة فردية والإتجار بها وتهريبها إلى سوريا.

وفي التفاصيل، ادعى القاضي صقر اليوم الجمعة على شخصين في جرم حيازة أسلحة فردية والإتجار بها وتهريبها الى سوريا، سندا الى المادة 72 أسلحة.

كذلك ادعى على سبعة أشخاص بينهم موقوفان في جرم حيازة أسلحة فردية والإتجار بها وتهريبها الى سوريا.

وقد أشارت تقارير إعلامية في الآونة الأخيرة إلى عملية تهريب أسلحة إلى سوريا تتم عبر معابر غير شرعية من لبنان.

وكان قد أوقف القضاء اللبناني في شباط الماضي لبنانيين اثنين بجرم نقل الأسلحة إلى سوريا عبر عرسال.

ومن جهة أخرى، ادعى القاضي صقر على ستة موقوفين في جرم تأليف عصابة مسلحة بقصد القيام بأعمال إرهابية والقيام بتدريبات بهدف تنفيذ أعمال ضد المؤسسة العسكرية، سندا الى المواد 335 عقوبات 5 و6 من قانون 11/1/1958، 72 أسلحة و166 و157 قضاء عسكري.

وأحال الإدعاءات الثلاثة الى قاضي التحقيق العسكري الأول.

ولم يذكر الادعاء الجنسية التي ينتمي إليها المدعى عليهم الـ15.

التعليقات 37
Missing allouchi 14:52 ,2012 آذار 09

How come on one gets charged for smuggling tons of weapons from Syria to Hizballa and allies in Lebanon???

Thumb falanges 05:44 ,2012 آذار 10

so answer back mowaten.....puss y

Thumb falanges 05:47 ,2012 آذار 10

iran isnt sending anything but his rat in the hole talks and threats....they once were sending obviously but thats history

Thumb jabalamel 21:18 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about smuggling weapons to our glorious resistance.

it's called arming. when usa gives you weapons, it's smuggling.

Thumb primesuspect 14:57 ,2012 آذار 09

I'd like to know what your beloved country did to prevent the smuggling of highly trained terrorists [understand Hezbollah] that assisted the dictators in his oppression and murders of innocent civilians. Oh wai, that's a false question. The hezbollah convoys took the highways with the compliments of the Lebanese State. What I do hope that justice will be served and that each accomplice of the Assad crimes will be punished. Thank-you TSL. To those who doubts that Hezbollah would kill innocent civilians, just remember what they did a few years ago against us on that bloody and unforgettable month of May.

Missing allouchi 16:33 ,2012 آذار 09

mowaten, you are an iodiot go be with habal amal..

Thumb benzona 21:00 ,2012 آذار 09

ya mowaten khafeef. During the putsch attempt of May, those hezbollahi weapons were pointed at me, I was in my flat in Beirut and guess who came to my building at forbid me to keep my curtains shut across MY flat. When I was on the balcony, who pointed a Kalashnikov at me and forced me to go inside? The Israeli occupant never did this to me. The Syrian occupant never did this to me either. Only a lawless terrorist group terrorizes its own citizen. You're wrong to believe that a majority of the Lebanese wants those missiles and rockets on our territory. you're living in your fantasies...

Thumb jcamerican 09:50 ,2012 آذار 10

Did you know the STL was provided with Mosad and CIA intelligence reports plus other collaborating intelligence services, about the cellular calls. They chose four out of 20000 in that area, and they happen to be Hizballah. Amazing the technology, it cannot be manipulated at all.

Thumb jabalamel 21:19 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorists still holds on to goebbels type propaganda, which mean repeating their zionist lies until nobody in lebanon believes it.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 15:34 ,2012 آذار 09

always equilibrium: 2 are in custody and five at large from the wahabys.. four are wanted by the criminal court plus one (merhi) so 5 farsis at large,, so justice is served,LEBANESE WAY.

Thumb jabalamel 21:24 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about some farsis

Thumb thepatriot 15:53 ,2012 آذار 09

Ahhhh..."terrorists"...yes...yes.... like the 400 children killed so far...yes...terrorists, salafists, Lybians,Saudis, you seem to call them anything but freedom fighters!
And why do you Love Bashar so much? What good has he braught? What was his positive input for your dear Syria? I think you spent too much time looking at his picture...then again, it was on every wall you country has..... ;)

Missing people-power 20:01 ,2012 آذار 09

FlimflamThrower, you never cease to amaze me with your stupidity. Each day you reach a new level of ignorance.

You now envy Syria's "tailor-made notion of democracy".

Need I say more? I think not.

Thumb jabalamel 21:21 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorist just listed the groups payed by mossad that work for them.

they also hallucinate about loving bashar.

Missing allouchi 16:35 ,2012 آذار 09

Kill Bashar and clean Lebanon from M8 scum...

Thumb thepatriot 17:54 ,2012 آذار 09

@FT...are you serious?? Are you seriously explaining us here that syria made progress during the last 60 years... wow.. awesome... so... Dubai is building the highest skyscrapers in the world, but syria is...progressing...errrrr.... "syria has progressed in leaps & bounds from the syria of the 50's".... come on FT... seriously!!

As for their multi confessional system...hehehe... you're a joke dude!

Finally, yur best joke of the day... syria's economy, for info,Syria ranks 14th on 18 countries in the Middle East for GDP Per Capita...only doing better then Iraq, Yemen, the Gaza strip, and the West Bank...hehehe... but suit yourself and your lala land FT... :D

Thumb jabalamel 21:22 ,2012 آذار 10

you keep hallucinating all day until reality is totaly different.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 17:45 ,2012 آذار 09

the only solution is DEMOCRACY in syria and in all arab and gulf countries like saoudieh and qatar and ......

Thumb thepatriot 17:56 ,2012 آذار 09

I thought u liked red lines! HN has so many of'em he cannot walk anymore :D

Missing allouchi 21:01 ,2012 آذار 09

FBlower, "we unfortunately follow the US model (produce nothing, borrow everything)", what's wrong with your brain? What are talking about??? Do you really believe what you are saying? The USA is the biggest and most vibrant economy in the world. (yes I know about its Nat’l debt, that's another topic) and now let's see how many Lebanese work in Iran, Russia and Syria and support our families back home???

Missing people-power 22:24 ,2012 آذار 09

FlimflamThrower says Syria is a "democracy", most ignorant comment ever posted on Naharnet.

He also says the economic model of Iran is better than the economic model of USA.

I can't stop laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thumb jabalamel 21:27 ,2012 آذار 10

yes please lose air and drop dead.

make a good deed for humanity.

Thumb thepatriot 00:11 ,2012 آذار 10

Enjoy! :D

Rank Country GDP Per
Capita[4] GDP (PPP)
Total ($US B)[5]
1 Qatar $ 121,700 $ 101.2
2 Kuwait $ 54,100 $ 150.2
3 UAE $ 42,000 $ 200.4
4 Libya $ 38,400 $ 218.2
5 Israel $ 29,800 $ 219.4
6 Oman $ 23,900 $ 69.43
7 Bahrain $ 21,200 $ 22.85
8 Saudi Arabia $ 20,400 $ 581.3
9 Turkey $ 16.067 $ 1189.9
10 Lebanon $ 13,100 $ 46.03
11 Iran $ 12,900 $ 876
12 Egypt $ 6,000 $ 470.4
13 Jordan $ 5,300 $ 33.06
14 Syria $ 4,600 $ 102.5
15 Iraq $ 3,600 $ 96.6
16 West Bank$ 2,900 $ N/A
17 Yemen $ 2,500 $ 58.2
18 Gaza Strip$ 2,494 $ N/A


Thumb jabalamel 21:24 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about the existance of something they call israel on the middle east map

Thumb thepatriot 00:13 ,2012 آذار 10

Hear Hear!

Thumb jabalamel 21:27 ,2012 آذار 10

you can't hear anything, you have propaganda chip in your head constantly telling you what to do.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 02:41 ,2012 آذار 10

Just ignore that bonehead, when he has nothing to talk about he has to speak out of A$$. He is a waste of electrons.

Missing lebaneserevenge@yahoo.com 04:41 ,2012 آذار 10

What about when hizb smuggles guns and rockets across the border to Lebanon?....moron...

Thumb jabalamel 21:28 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about smuggling

Thumb jcamerican 09:57 ,2012 آذار 10

Then you better keep your mouth shut, or one call from Assad to the Army and Hizballah, they will pick you all up, and bury you somewhere.

Thumb jabalamel 21:23 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorist cannot keep mouth shut. they are geneticaly programed to repeat stupidities.

Thumb jabalamel 21:20 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorists think that eating pig is bad. christian wouldn't say that, only orthodox jew or salafi radical would.

Thumb jabalamel 21:22 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zuionist media terrorists hallucinate about persian project int he middle east.

Thumb jabalamel 21:25 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorists have learned a lot of facts and now is pretending to be lebanese.

Thumb jabalamel 21:25 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorists have learned a lot of facts and now is pretending to be lebanese.

Thumb jabalamel 21:26 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorist are spreading fairy tales while we all know they just want death and destruction.

Thumb jabalamel 21:28 ,2012 آذار 10

this psychopats still repeats this every day on naharnet comments section.

for months now.