باسيل: بات للبنان استراتيجية وطنية مفصلة للمياه تمتد الى الـ2035
Read this story in English![W460](http://images0.naharnet.com/images/31030/w460.jpg?1330527953)
كشف وزير الطاقة والمياه جبران باسيل أنه بات للبنان استراتيجية وطنية مفصلة للمياه، للمرة الأولى وتمتد الى العام 2035، بكلفة 9 مليارات دولار.
وقال في حديث لصحيفة "السفير" أن الاستراتيجية تمتد من الآن وحتى العام 2035 بكلفة حوالى 9 مليارات دولار، بينها تمويل من الدول ومن القطاع الخاص ومن بعض الجهات المقرضة أو المانحة.
وأوضح أن الاستراتيجية تتضمن آليات للادارة والتشغيل وصولاً الى رد الأموال المستخدمة والى تحول قطاع المياه في لبنان على المدى البعيد، الى قطاع استثماري يحقق الربح الكبير على غرار النفط والغاز، عبر بيع بعض الدول المياه الحلوة، مثل الأردن وقبرص.
وفي حديثه لـ"السفير"، قال باسيل أن الخطة تشمل عناوين عدة، منها السدود، مياه الشفة، مياه الري، تغطية المساحات المروية في كل لبنان، مياه الصرف الصحي، محطات التحلية والتكرير وتغذية المياه الجوفية.
وشدد على أن ورشة استمرت أكثر من سنة في وزارة الطاقة وشارك فيها الاتحاد الأوروبي والبنك الدولي و"الفاو" وكل المؤسسات الحكومية اللبنانية و"خلصنا الى استراتيجية من 200 صفحة، سندعمها بمشروعين يحالان قريباً الى مجلس الوزراء، الأول، يتعلق بالسدود والثاني بمياه الصرف الصحي".
ويتمتع لبنان بثروة مائية كبيرة ان من جهة الانهر والبحيرات التي يملكها وان من جهة المياه الجوفية نتيجة ذوبان الثلوج وامتصاص الارض لمياه الامطار. وهو على عكس معظم البلدان العربية المجاورة، فهو يملك واجهة بحرية تمتد على طول حدودها الغربية من الشمال الى الجنوب. فضلاً عن مناخه المعتدل الذي تفتقر اليه البلدان العربية الصحراوية والشبه صحراوية.
From the first beginning of this new government ,the only thing this guy ever does is talk about plans ,plans and more plans...and still nothing worthy to speak of , no actions implemented.This Government is so inconsistent and lacks unity, Perhaps More...Harmony. FlameThrower talking about blocking ? Review the past Years of the Miserable Hariri Government ,You'll know about blocking.M14 as objectors in this government no wander they will do whatever it takes to knock bassil out.but what is odd is that harakit amal ,and hizbuallah at some points also disagree with bassil although they are on the same track. what a weird mixture! ... hopefully they'll Agree on something this time.
You forget to mention the 9 billion dollars! I mean, shit, isn't that a lot? He will steal it all! The water plan doesn't need 9 billion dollars. I mean, forget the 11 billion dollars that have mysteriously gone missing in previous governments, because 9 billion dollars to fix the water system for 23 continuous years if too f'ing much. This is why the country is becoming worse by the second! We actually have politicians that give a crap!
Electricity didn't work may be water will...afterall they have to come up with projects only to fill their pockets, good luck this time!
If he is as well advised as he thinks he was for encouraging the use of Diesel....I'll give it a pass. Again! Doing things no matter if they are good or bad just to be reelected isn't going to work for him. He seeks media attention, nothing else.... Believing that Lebanese are dumb and fools.
FLamethrower you need to climb out of that box of yours. Remember when your leaders informed you that your task is to live in tents in downtown Beirut while they closed parliament. And this idiot bassil just collected on tge fake power project now he is the prophet sent to lebanon to solve the water issue as well!! What a lucky country we are to have a bullshitter like bassil in government with similar supporters like yourself. Remember 2 years ago when m14 drew up a plan fir 32 damn across lebanon ??? Go google it, see why the plan never materialized!!! Iran is a better place for you, because Syria is falling ever so fast.
the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about some climbing and some boxes, and many other things not worthy to comment
jabal amel, doesn't tha mean mountain of lice?? very appropriate me thinks!
Flamethrower if we are to learn anything here it is that m8 and m14 are not so much different. Maybe for the Iranian twist with m8 but otherwise they are the same. It's just us the people that can't see it. It's a circle, 8&14 take turns. Ya haram ya libnan
Um, sorry to burst your bubble, but they are different. One works for the country of their heart, the other for the country of their financer. BIG difference. Lebanese people are Lebanese from the peoples of the Phoenicians, not Iranian from the peoples of Persia.
agree. We all know where lice farm (jabal amel) and his boyfriends prefer to live, go to the dohyeih and it looks like iran. then they tell us that having the broom and mop look is their culture when i don't think Lebanon ever had this until bum hole hussouny and his goons cashed their first national iranian bank cheque..
Good to see than someone is working!.
So no matter what the action is M14 supporters will trash M8 and M8 supporters will trash M14...can we have some objectivity from both sides please?!!! BTW I'm not M14 nor M8...If it were up to me I would get rid of politicians from both sides!
Why would we want the Iranian government to control our infrastructure? From a technology and civilization standpoint they are living in the Dark Ages. I think we can find another country supplier that actually operates in the 21st century.
The Lebanese have enough health problems-we don't need water electricity laced with uranium. Neanderthals, no thank you. Bassil is a coward and not a true Lebanese. Otherwise, he would realize that he will have to shower in the same sewage as the rest of us. Filthy animal.
Also, this guy is an idiot. My shoe would be a better member of cabinet. Doesn't everyone M8 and M14 included live in the country? Electricity, water, sewage, garbage, food safety affects everyone. EVERYONE. Keep the poison in the uncivilized Middle East. Let Lebanon be the only country living in the modern era, not the Dark Ages. This is 2012, Bassil-get with the program. The Lebanese are tired of smelling your stink. Represent your country honestly or go away.
ellebsd, I used to think that. But I am yet to see one camp out do the other for the sake of our country. Hariri sr. Built what we call lebanon today, but since his time we have zero accomplished. Ellebsd, take jabalamel for example he is so brainwashed that he never has any facts or supporting evidence to any of his week arguments. How can you communicate with someone as tunnelvissioned as this individual ?
Jabable is back and as defective as ever... I though you were back in Iran getting reprogramed.
the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about me being brainwashed
yeah, you would know everything about that.
Jabalamel, you know you are brainwashed because you never see a negative in your leaders.