جعجع في رسالة الى جوبيه: الديموقراطية وحدها تعزز نمو مواطني ومسيحيي الشرق

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أكد رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع أنه "لطالما شكل لبنان في عيون مسيحيي الشرق أنموذجا للديموقراطية والعيش المشترك، فالمواطنة لم تكن يوما في لبنان مجرد كلمة عابرة، بل هي فعل إيمان وواقع معاش، وهذا ما يجب أن تكون عليه الحال في بلدان المنطقة جمعاء".

وأشار الى أن "التعدد الديني والإثني واللغوي إنما هو مصدر غنى حقيقي يعلو فوق تلك الحسابات التي تحول المواطنين الى مجرد أرقام تتراوح بين أقليات وأكثريات. والحماية التي يزعم بعض الطغاة توفيرها لمسيحيي الشرق ليست إلا مرادفا للخضوع والاستسلام، فوحدها الحماية التي توفرها الدولة الديموقراطية هي التي تعزز نمو مواطنيها في الكرامة والحرية".

وجاء كلام جعجع، في برقية ارسلها الى وزير الخارجية الفرنسي ألان جوبيه لشكره على "رسالته الى مسيحيي الشرق في مقال نشرته صحيفة "لاكروا" الكاثوليكية الفرنسية في عددها الصادر يوم الثلاثاء في 28 شباط الماضي".

وأكد جعجع أنه رأى في رسالة جوبيه "خير تجسيد لفرنسا المنسجمة مع نفسها، مع تاريخها وقيمها ورؤيتها للعالم المحيط".

ونوه جوبيه "بضرورة أن يحطم مسيحيو الشرق جدار الخوف ويعبروا من خلاله ليستعيدوا الدور الريادي الذي لطالما اضطلعوا به في أوطانهم، لجهة تعزيز قيم الحياة والديموقراطية والحرية وعيشها جميعا"، مذكراً أن "المسيحيين عاشوا هذا التحدي سابقا عندما بذلوا التضحيات الجسام في قيادة النهضة العربية، وها هم اليوم على موعد جديد مع التاريخ".

ورأى جعجع أن "الجرأة في التعبير عن هذه القناعات هي حجر الزاوية في بناء مستقبلنا، وشكر لجوبيه "الالتزام الذي يبديه تجاه الشعوب المتعطشة للحرية"، مؤكدا أن "هذه المعركة السامية في أهدافها ستظل دائما أبدا معركة القوات اللبنانية".

وكان جوبيه في 28 شباط الماضي قد قال أن "مسيحيي الشرق قلقون على ديمومة وجودهم في منطقة هي منطقتهم منذ 2000 سنة. وقلقون على احترام حقوقهم في سياق إضطرابات كبرى. وقلقون إزاء صعود التوترات المرتبطة بالطائفية. أريد أن أقول لهم إني أسمع، إني أفهم تخوفاتهم".

وقال "أريد أن أقول لمسيحيي الشرق، بأن فرنسا لن تتخلى عنهم".

التعليقات 36
Thumb geha 11:50 ,2012 آذار 10

well said :)
there is so much talks about the salafis ( which are moderate so far) and everyone does not talk about the extremely high shia extremism that is controlling us :)

Thumb jabalamel 21:51 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionst media terrorists hallucinate about moderate salafis and and shia extremism.

Thumb jabalamel 21:51 ,2012 آذار 10


Missing peace 01:07 ,2012 آذار 11

losing your temper ? ohhh :)

Missing forces 03:43 ,2012 آذار 11

bigpig very appropriate. expect nothing intelligent from you lot.

Thumb jcamerican 13:00 ,2012 آذار 10

Make me wonder why they let him out, not kill him. Like they killed their best friend Hobeika.

Thumb jabalamel 21:52 ,2012 آذار 10

because he promised he will be their mouthpiece forever.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 13:33 ,2012 آذار 10

god bless you hakim
Democracy is the solution your right
how long have you been head of your party ?
how long all parties in lebanon have same head ?
are there zou3ama in democracy ?
is there religion in democracy?
how many arab countries are democratic ?
start byyourself hakim elect another leader at your place and give the example of democracy and the whole world how democratic u are

Default-user-icon A. Templar (ضيف) 14:20 ,2012 آذار 10

Democracy's notion of 'One man one vote' does not favor the Christians in Lebanon. Seemingly Mr Geagea has no fight left in him and if calling for Democracy is the only salvation for the Christians in Lebanon, it is not comforting at all.
Lebanese Christians have no choice but to unite and show mighty force, otherwise contact your travel agent when you still can.
Mr Geagea should read the upcoming Academic History book.

Missing aris 14:55 ,2012 آذار 10

jupe , sarkozy, i love yee, just get rid of hassouni please

Thumb jabalamel 21:53 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorists are now begging others to do something about our glorious resistance because they are incapable of doing something themselves.

they suck up in sarkozy but.

Default-user-icon Mashi (ضيف) 16:30 ,2012 آذار 10

For God's sake can someone ask this jerk how democracy fits with those who take the Qoran and interpret it as they wish as the supreme and the source of all laws? I have nothing against the Qoran or any other religious book, but is this guy that stupid or he takes those who happen to come by his fartations for stupid people? What an illiterate idiot with a sub-zero intellect! If this guy understands 2% of what he is saying he would commit suicide. Shut him up and find someone else from his band of jerks to speak on such matters, or all matters.

Default-user-icon A. Templar (ضيف) 17:55 ,2012 آذار 10

Naharnet, You never posted my comments on Geagea Democratic dreams. It seems that Naharnet wants to silence opposing views..
What Democracy ???

Missing aris 20:19 ,2012 آذار 10

Bigdig you are another habal just read and don't write any comments

Thumb jabalamel 21:54 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about patriotic lebanese not writing comments because their bosses know they lose media war

Thumb jabalamel 21:54 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about patriotic lebanese not writing comments because their bosses know they lose media war

Thumb chrisrushlau 20:27 ,2012 آذار 10

Is the Taif Accord democracy?

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 21:20 ,2012 آذار 10

ya hakim you have been leader of the lebanese forces more than bachar president so which democracy you aare talking about ?

Thumb mrbrain 21:24 ,2012 آذار 10

Geagea to Juppe: Only Democracy Can Protect Citizens and Christians in the East :

Thumb jabalamel 21:50 ,2012 آذار 10

war/peace criminal is teaching fat banking slime about democracy.

can it be more ridicilous.

Missing peace 01:08 ,2012 آذار 11

talking about hezbollah at last an intelligent comment from ahbal!

Thumb jabalamel 02:24 ,2012 آذار 11

the filthy zionist media terrorists just wanted to say something

Default-user-icon Dopyo Puetti (ضيف) 23:15 ,2012 آذار 10

Aren't we happy that this genius is revealing his out of this world theories and not keeping them within himself? They surely should help Juppe make his case. What would the West or the East for that matter do without such deep thinking by Dr. Hebelawmecheh? I am sure his theories of democracy are so unique that they are mixed with his other theories of when to collaborate with an enemy against your brother and what to do afterwards. Always the wrong theories. Always the wrong timing. Always the wrong alliances. Always the wrong ideas... Simply put, ALWAYS WRONG.

Missing forces 00:16 ,2012 آذار 11

jabal amel... doesn't that mean mountain of lice?? very appropriate me thinks.

Thumb jabalamel 02:23 ,2012 آذار 11

that's your knowledge of arabic

Thumb jabalamel 02:24 ,2012 آذار 11

sorry i don't know that jewish language you use so i can't translate you

Missing forces 03:36 ,2012 آذار 11

no problems say it in your native iranian filth. even syrian would do.

Missing forces 03:49 ,2012 آذار 11

i bet you go to sleep every night wandering if your mommy has had relations with a jew don't you. is that where the hatred comes from. its ok to admit it they f u cked you over many times. poor hussouny is still in his rat hole hiding and talking tough.

Missing forces 03:50 ,2012 آذار 11

flame thrower, is full of hot air, please shut up if you have nothing constructive to contribute, talking like a 12 year old doesn't impress.

Thumb jabalamel 04:37 ,2012 آذار 11

the filthy zionist media terrorist would like for this comments section to go to their level, meaning 2 year old

Thumb jabalamel 04:38 ,2012 آذار 11

thre filthy zionist media terrorists have mossad agents who speak farsi, so they think they are smart now.

Thumb jabalamel 04:38 ,2012 آذار 11

the filthy zionist media terrorists have hallucination about my mother and jew.

it's necrophilia. it's sick

Thumb jabalamel 04:39 ,2012 آذار 11

just to be clear, my mother is alive, but you zionist are brain dead, so it's necrophiliac hallucinations

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 06:42 ,2012 آذار 11

Yeah that really clears it up... Jabable you are one of a kind :-)

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 05:07 ,2012 آذار 11

God Bless You Ya Hakeem so that you remain bou3bou3 in their dreams at night and they fear to sleep peacefully.

Missing people-power 06:03 ,2012 آذار 11

Naharnet: Please give us an "ignore" or "hide" button, so that we can hide posts from Iranian propagandists like bigidiot, jabal-iranian, jc-iranian, mowatin-iranian, and flimflamthrower.

They are ruining your website