ذكرى 14 آذار الأربعاء لن تشهد برنامجا خطابيا للقيادات
Read this story in Englishأنجزت قوى "14 آذار" وثيقتها السياسية ووزعتها على القيادات المعنية، على أن تتم تلاوتها في الذكرى السابعة لـ"انتفاضة الاستقلال" التي ستحييها في البيال الأربعاء المقبل. ولن يتضمن المهرجان برنامجا خطابيا.
وتوصلت قيادات 14 آذار من خلال المشاورات التي أجريت بين قواها الرئيسة، من إنجاز "مشروع وثيقة - رؤية 14 آذار للمرحلة المقبلة".
وأوضح مصدر مطلع لصحيفة "الجمهورية" الاثنين أن الوثيقة تنص على "سلام لبنان والدولة المدنيّة والدور اللبناني في المستقبل العربيّ وعلى العيش المشترك ونهاية حقبات الإستقواء سواء بالسلاح أو بالتحالفات الخارجيّة".
وأفادت صحيفة "المستقبل" اليوم الاثنين أن ذكرى "14 آذار" في العام 2012 ستكون مختلفة عن السنوات السابقة، أي من دون أي برنامج خطابي، إذ سيقتصر الكلام على مداخلات قصيرة لممثلي هيئات المجتمع المدني.
وترى هذه القوى أنه "آن الأوان لتفعيل دور المستقلين الذين كان لهم الدور الأساس في انطلاق هذه الانتفاضة في 14 آذار 2005، بعد شهر على اغتيال رئيس الحكومة الأسبق رفيق الحريري".
وأضافت "المستقبل" أن القيادات قررت أن تغير على قاعدة "الشعب يريد"، وأن تستمع إلى جمهور "14 آذار" بدل أن يستمع إليها.
The Latest great idea of our great government:
sophia, you chose Iran & Syria. We got it! Now spare us from your lame comments.
No I choose 'Lebanon' thank God we still have few good minded fellows that are free from being guided by Iran or Saudi such as Mikati/Sleiman/GMA that could preserve peace, protect democracy & defend our land.
The same GMA who sided with Hezbollah?
The same GMA who defends the Syrian regime?
The same GMA that visits Ahmadinejad in Iran?
The same GMA who instead of "defending his land" escaped to the French Embassy?
The same GMA who burns tires and blocks parliament? Peace huh?
The same GMA who photoshops pictures?
The same GMA who "praises Iran's constructive role in Lebanon"?
The same GMA who doesn't say a word about the syrian army trespassing, and firing within Lebanese borders?
The same GMA who allied with Suleiman frangieh "the spiritual son of Hafez el aSSAD"??
The same GMA who has over 250 Million $ in the name of his wife in London?
Ahhhhh.... yes.... thank God we have him...
you choose lebanon? and you like the above? get your facts straight first, then you will realize especially aoun is part of the syro/iranians :)
Youth? What's wrong with the elderly" who led you from one miscalculation to another more disastrous one that are your main cause of frustration and disappointment? Aren't these "elderly" the most qualified to lead and indoctrinate you with ideals. After all, aren't they the same ones who collectively with their militias destroyed Lebanon? Aren't the other "elderly" or Rafic Syria responsible, with Rafic Syria, for funding all of the warring factions only to swoop and rob "al akhdar wel yebes" under the auspices of the Syrian occupier? Then, aren't these elderly the supreme collaborators with every enemy that Lebanon had or still has? So now we shall watch the "youth" swear: bel ro7 bel dam, nafdikom ento yalleh daba7touna wsara2touna w2a7battouna wba3edkon 3am to2or...na
Well said Turko :) be sure that whatever GMA did before, do now, will do later all comes from a free 'patriot' man! a soldier from a Lebanese army!!! not guided by a remote control like all others...
GMA is THE cheapest politician on the market... France, USA, Hezbollah, Syia,... he's always on sale!
Some people (M14) love to live and look to the future with hope and youth BUT Sadly there are others (M8) that are stuck in the past and love their hate of others because without that hate they cannot survive...M8 followers snap out of it and join the us...