جعجع يرى أن عون يدافع عن آل الأسد: لتوقيف رئيس الشبكة التكفيرية لو كلف ذلك نهر بارد ثان

Read this story in English W460

شدد رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع على أنه "يجب توقيف رئيس الشبكة التكفيرية حتى لو اقتضى الأمر نهر بارد ثان".

وإعتبر جعجع في حديث عبر إذاعة "صوت لبنان" (93.3) اليوم الخميس، أنه "إذا كان لا بد من ذلك فلتنزع السلطات اللبنانية كل السلاح خارج المخيمات".

وفي هذا الإطار، طالب جعجع بنزع السلاح الفلسطيني خارج وداخل المخيمات وذلك بقرار من الحكومة اللبنانية".

ولفت جعجع الى أن "السلطة الفلسطينية أكدت استعدادها للتعاون مع الحكومة إذا ما أخذت هكذا قرار، ولكن من يعترض على ذلك هم سوريا وحزب الله وحلفاؤهما وعلى رأسهم العماد عون" (رئيس تكتل التغيير والاصلاح النائب ميشال عون).

وتابع "إذا ما أجبرنا على نهر بارد ثان فليتم الدخول الى عين الحلوة وإلقاء القبض على رئيس الشبكة التكفيرية والإتيان به من قبل السلطة بالمنيح أو بالقبيح".

وفي هذا السياق، أكد جعجع أنه "إذا ما قامت الدولة بهذا الإتجاه فالمعارضة ستؤيد الدخول الى عين الحلوة والمعسكرات كافة خارج المخيمات لتحريرها من السلاح".

وكان قد شدد رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان على ضرورة التعاون بين وزراء الدفاع والاتصالات والداخلية في موضوع "الخلية التكفيرية".

وقد أعلن رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي أن الجيش اللبناني وضع يده على الخلية الإرهابية التي كانت تخطط لضرب ثكناته ويقوم بالتحقيقات اللازمة، نافيا أي علاقة لها بالشأن السوري.

وأفشل الجيش اللبناني مخطط "الشبكة التكفيرية" في استهداف ثكنات ومراكز عسكرية واعتقل أعضاءها، وكشف مسؤول المقر العام في حركة فتح في لبنان العميد منير المقدح أن "مسؤول الخلية السلفية يدعى ابو محمد توفيق طه وهو موجود في عين الحلوة، ولا احد يعرف مكان تواجده بالتحديد، لكنه في المخيم حالياً".

ومن جهة أخرى، رأى جعجع في "أن عون يدافع عن نظام آل الأسد ويذهب الى أبعد الحدود وبكل الوسائل في هذا الخصوص اكثر من عائلة الاسد"، لافتا الى انه "يؤيد نظاما ديمقراطيا يختاره الشعب".

وعن المخاوف التي يطرحها النائب عون على خلفية انتشار التيارات السلفية في المنطقة، رأى جعجع "إن الجنرال يخوض معركة تطهير عرقي للمسلمين السنة في المنطقة من خلال تصويرهم وتسويقهم على أنهم متطرفون".

ورأى أن "هدف العماد عون تصوير "تيار المستقبل" على انه تيار اصولي، بينما حلفاؤه في ايران حزب الله، متشددون ولا يرتدون ربطة عنق".

التعليقات 53
Thumb hakawati 14:58 ,2012 آذار 15

Nice necktie, Mr. Murderer.

Missing helicopter 17:29 ,2012 آذار 15

You thought wrong and the reason is you hate the guy and your understanding of what you read is colored by such blindness. The contradiction is not in what Gaegae is saying but in how you read it. His position in weapons is clear.... now one except the army and ISF should carry them PERIOD. So go ahead disarm the takfiris (whether they are Salafis or Hezb)

Thumb lebneneh 17:48 ,2012 آذار 15

that's nonsense...and you know that

Thumb lebneneh 17:49 ,2012 آذار 15

He does

Thumb hakawati 19:28 ,2012 آذار 15


I don't hate Mr. Murderer. As I wrote: I appreciate the necktie of Mr. Murderer. The color reminds me of his victims flesh.

Missing helicopter 22:48 ,2012 آذار 15

Back then he was a warlord like Nasrallah, Berri, Jumblat, and others. However since the end of the civil war the only ones with blood on their hands are the M8 folks (center player Hezb and theri supporters). Also they (M8) murderedd the only one who did not have blood on his hands during or after the civil war (Rafic).

Thumb arzz 07:23 ,2012 آذار 16

at least he has them. Your lady geagea got none ... bwahahahah

Thumb kesrweneh 15:02 ,2012 آذار 15

I fully agree with the camp invasion if the Wahhabi leader isn't surrendered. However, stating that the FPM, Syria and Hezbollah are against that, well I guess he is just trying to be funny. Finally as for Mustaqbal, as you know the Harriri family is Wahhabi which by definition is a Salafi current, so yes of course not all suunis are salafis but a very small minority called Harriri and co.. And regarding the Hezbollah, of course they are a religious movement and they never denied it unlike the Harriri family, also for Hezbollah defense I would say that they never had connections with Al Quaeda, their leader is Lebanese and they had nothing to do with Fat7 el 2esalm (again unlike HArriri)

Missing helicopter 17:33 ,2012 آذار 15

Go ahead take him up on his statement and push your Government to invade the camp and disarm the Salafis..... seize the opportunity he and all of M14 will support you (this will be a good start to the eventual goal of confining all arms to the army and ISF only). If you do nnot support that then you are the hypocrite.

Thumb ado.australia 15:09 ,2012 آذار 15

he accused aoun of waging a “battle of ethnic cleansing against Sunnis in the area through portraying them as extremists.”

“He is attempting to portray the Mustaqbal Movement as a fundamentalist group, while the MP allies himself with Iran and Hizbullah, whose people and members do not even where neckties,” !!

Wow... I mean what the hell is this guy on? Neck ties? What about the gulf Arabs, do they wear neck ties too? I understand geagea lives and breaths Aoun but he is really getting desperate, attacking the batrak and now this.

Default-user-icon Horus (ضيف) 15:31 ,2012 آذار 15

ado, Iran and HA in particular dont believe in wearing ties because it somehow has Western influence and resembles a crucifix. So you will never see any one in Iran or HA wearing any ties. As for Gulf States this is not the norm and wearing ties is perfectly normal, not that im implying that they are not extreme in other ways.

Missing forces 09:41 ,2012 آذار 17

did you know that they don't take photos of the burj al arab in dubai from the see cause it resembles a cross. kinda extreme if you ask me

Thumb cedar 15:19 ,2012 آذار 15

GeaGea please shut up! The way that i see it, you would love to see the army go in and attack the camps, then let me guess, rebuild them with lebanese taxpayer money and say its for the good of the country. Just like naher el barid yea?

NO WAY IN HELL - not at the cost of Lebanese soldiers lives. I have a better idea, what if you re arm the Lebanese Forces then go into the camp yourself? That way after you take care of the problem mabye you can rebuild it with funds from your own pocket.

Your an under cover spy - why are you so worried about sunnies? did you forget they did the worst to the christians in lebanon during the civil war... or did you forget that like many other things you 'conveniently forget'

Missing ulpianus 20:13 ,2012 آذار 15

Eh...did worst to the christians? I think this man himself killed more christians than any "sunni". The sunnis did not massacre a camp with only children, women and elderly left in it. As a Lebanese, you should not refer to specific incidents from the civil war as done by "sunnis" or "maronites" or whatever. Because it´s more complex than that, and the fractions did many times cross the religious boundaries.

Thumb thepatriot 15:21 ,2012 آذار 15

So... is everyone ok with that? M8 people always claimed that Hariri & co seek to protect the Palestinians and their weapons... Geagea is demonstrating the contrary and is encouraging a raid to disarm them... but of course the M8 stooges will find ways to attack him and complain (like the 3 jokers above)... Let's see now if Aoun and Nessy (the syrian collaborators) will come up with more red lines...hehehe...

Default-user-icon Mohammad_ca (ضيف) 15:36 ,2012 آذار 15

unfounded claims? Aoun is declaring war on the Muslim Brotherhood whose members are winning elections from Tunisia to Egypt to Morocco and soon in Libya....

Missing aounisshit 15:57 ,2012 آذار 15

Haha I don't think Geagea's argument is based SOLEY on neckties...so for you to rest your case on that one line that neckties=civilization,makes your argument not credible. What is barbaric is that Aoun and all of his followers,along with Hizbullah are barbaric to think it is okay for Assad to kill thousands and thousands of people. If Aoun kept silent the world would be a WONDERFUL place!

Missing helicopter 17:39 ,2012 آذار 15

I can see from the pro M8 comments here that all of you are against disarming the Palestinians. I am not surprised, this has been the official position of the M8 camp all along. Their position makes sense, removing all illegal weapons will strengthen the state and strengthening the state presents danger to Hezb.... because they will find it more difficult to hold on to theirs then.

Default-user-icon Assaad (ضيف) 15:25 ,2012 آذار 15

to keserwaneh - their leader is Lebanese?? - are you sure. i heard he is official rappresentant of someone in Iran. a solsier in his army.

Thumb kesrweneh 16:48 ,2012 آذار 15

Well he IS Lebanese and he proved it so many times. Of course he is related to wilayat al fakih but does that make him any less Lebanese? Does the Christians religious relation with the Vatican make them Italians, or the sunnis toMakah Saoudis? What I was referring to was that the Harriri family (not tayyar el mustakbal) are Saoudis and Wahhabis (the largest Salafi group in the world as you know)

Default-user-icon Imad (ضيف) 15:52 ,2012 آذار 15

So a neck tie makes you civilized??? The Pope doesn't wear a neck tie either ya Mr.Ignorant. What a stupid comment against neck ties. We're u wearing a neck tie when u helped murder all those innocent women and children in their camps?

Default-user-icon jabalena (ضيف) 15:59 ,2012 آذار 15

gegea is uncovering some of the truth about clowny aouny - although the comment about neckties is out of sync, the point is aoun the clown allies himself with religious fanatics and with repressive regimes more so than anyone else.

Default-user-icon Free Lebnan (ضيف) 16:26 ,2012 آذار 15

Who said Lebanese people are smart or educated? Judjing by this small sample of commentators, we can only be described as dumb and ignorant as we've done to our country over the last 50 years. And we're so smart that we always find other external powers for our misery: American or Sionists!!! Both who hate Geagea and those who hate Aoun/Nasrallah made no sense in understanding what this guy is saying! the best are those who pretend that Al-mustaqbal movement is Salafist while Hizbollah is a modern movement. How funny??? Just chut up and let smart people talk and act!

Default-user-icon Sobrado Giubella (ضيف) 17:19 ,2012 آذار 15

Dr. Mustafa Geagea al Manfalouti has finally lost it. No wonder he was inducted into the Sunni Hall of Crazies during his last visit to Qatar where he was circumcised (and as I was told, nothing was left down there) and officially became a nut.

Missing ulpianus 20:17 ,2012 آذار 15

How surprising, a racist comment by my fellow Lebanese.
I guess you are one of those who think their group is more civilized than the others.
(by the way many catholics do circums. as its in the old testament also. Its not typically sunni thing to do.)

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 17:27 ,2012 آذار 15

@ Flamethrower, it would be nice for once to support the idea of disarming the palestinians all together and stop attacking left and right. I dont support geagea for many reasons but this one should be a reason for all to enter the camps and finish everybody off . I might be against Hezb, but im for sure for the disarming of non lebanese factions first, be it palestinians or salafis or al Qaida brigades or i dont know what other scumbags there is on our soil. Lets at least agree all on that.

Missing helicopter 22:52 ,2012 آذار 15

@ flame thrower - I did my share, I gave you thumbs up (I go by the message, not the messenger).

Missing people-power 23:46 ,2012 آذار 15

FT.... your posts are voted down because of your history of being a Persian propagandist, and everyone knows you are an idiot.

Missing syrian88 00:40 ,2012 آذار 16

Finish everbody off? Ya 3ein. Will you put them in gas chambers as well? Go finish off your own filth before wanting to murder hundreds of thousands of refugees of whom not even 0,5 % are with the extremist groups, in fact these groups are majority lebanese, some are even in the army. You always put your problems on non-lebanese. I wish all non lebanese will leave lebanon so that you guys have no one to blame for your problems. The most racist people on earth. I hope bashar falls soon so that syrian refugees can return otherwise you will blame them for everything just like you do with the other non-lebanese.

Thumb falanges 09:34 ,2012 آذار 16

ok. leave then

Thumb arzz 04:38 ,2012 آذار 16

Flame, thumbs down on this site is a good thing :) .. cheer up.

Missing forces 09:31 ,2012 آذار 17

funny sruff this, it doesn't matter what is being said most of the time, it is always about who is saying it. I think we all agree on a lot of things but disagree on who is saying it. I think all these scum bags have 'blood' on their hands in some capacity so it is pointless for us to defend or attack them on these points. Good to see some agreeance from Flame on this issue :)

Default-user-icon joe A (ضيف) 17:27 ,2012 آذار 15

to ado.australia
I don't like Geagea but did we forget when aoun and frangieh attack former batrak.
you attaking Geagea for saying that the batrak should not take sides

Thumb ado.australia 00:37 ,2012 آذار 16

Joe A, no one has forgotten the tension between batrak Sfeir and Aoun and franjeih, but removing what their supporters might of said or done they never verbally attacked like geagea did the other day. The LF were the most vocal defenders of the maronite patriarchate, picking fights with people who dared question the batrak.

Batrak Sfeir actually took sides in the election, publicly advising who to vote for. How has batrak Rahi taken sides? What has he said that has been anti geagea or kataeb?

All he has said is that he doesn't fear hezballah and that we must have dialogue with them. He said that what is happening in Syria is worrying and he hope reform and dialogue will win over violence. That the opposition is also causing much of this violence. All this is now known as true and now western leaders like the British p.m. David Cameron are saying the same thing.

Default-user-icon assaad (ضيف) 17:28 ,2012 آذار 15

thank you for your answer Keserwaneh, if i'm not wrong Khamenei has another rappresetant for religious questions, Nasrallah is for political questions, and this is the main difference. It's like having the ambassador of another country a chief of the strongest army in your country. you understand i can't accept it ? thanks.

Thumb kesrweneh 15:12 ,2012 آذار 16

Again it's one of the fundamental differences between Christians and Muslims (you know the “dine wa Dawla concept). So a religious Christian leader sticks only to religion while Muslim religious leaders will extent their influence to earthly matters as well. So you are right Khomeini has the right to interfere in political matters (religiously speaking) the same goes for the Saudi king and the Harriri family, or the Ottoman sultan and the local Muslim chiefs during the Ottomans occupation, while the pope can’t in theory influence Christian leaders (and this is true in Europe but sadly not in Lebanon)

Thumb jcamerican 17:32 ,2012 آذار 15

Pink necktie? Pink necktie? Where did you buy it from? From Victoria Secret. I love pink.

Thumb Abubakr 17:51 ,2012 آذار 15

When it comes to Islam They all stand hand in hand to fight us , Allah Akbar min geagea Allah akbar min aoun Allah is the creator of all this universe, and were going back to him sooner or later

Missing helicopter 18:48 ,2012 آذار 15

A brain is terrible thing to waste and yours was wasted by a zealot Shaikh when you are a toddler still. Hard to grow a new brain, but maybe one day they can perform a brain transplant on you. WOu must have gone to sleep some 1500 years ago and you just woke up ....

Missing ulpianus 20:19 ,2012 آذار 15

I guess you, mister helicopterbrain just proved his point. Just because he said that "when it comes to Islam.." you made a fool out of him..

Thumb geha 19:07 ,2012 آذار 15

whatever you say, the most dangerous extremists are hizbushaitan thugs.

Default-user-icon Passo Doble (ضيف) 20:31 ,2012 آذار 15

If anyone is to be arrested (or in his case re-arrested) it is this crazy maniac.

Default-user-icon Nael (ضيف) 21:36 ,2012 آذار 15

LOL all this ignorant talk about islam and neckties is amusing. The reason fundamentalist muslims don't wear neckties is because they are typically made of silk which mulsim men are forbidden from wearing. This is because silk is considered a feminine material. It's the same reason muslim men are forbidden from wearing gold. Most mulsims aren't too strict with this since it isn't haram but rather discouraged. You would think living in a country full of muslims would make Lebanese people aware of such things. Instead, the deep hatred Lebanese people have for anyone who doesn't share their religion keeps them from learning anything.
As for Geagea accusing Aoun of wanting to ethnically cleanse muslims, that's rich for a guy that's been accused of murdering thousands of Palestians (Sunnis too if I remember correctly).

Missing the-judge 21:40 ,2012 آذار 15

This guy used to kill young allies by throwing them to the sea with concrete bucket.
This guy used to bomb the Lebanese Army.
This guy is talking about our patriarch because he seeks strife in the country between Christian.
This guy has nothing to lose and don’t give a shit if Lebanon is destroyed and its future of the country since he has no children.
This guy is being paid millions of Dollars to talk and talk and talk.
This guy has killed more than what has been killed till now in Syria.
This guy does not deserve 11 years in jail, but an eternity.

Thumb benzona 23:51 ,2012 آذار 15

Sure Judge, he deserved more than 11 years of jail time. But Aoun did the same.... and more recently Nasrallah with a much more destructive effect on Lebanon's economy.... pretty much all of the old school politicians should be sent to the Hague. (Berri, Jumblatt, etc....)

Missing syrian88 00:27 ,2012 آذار 16

So one guy of the takfiri network was palestinian while the rest of the five were lebanese (at least three wich were even in the army) and the focus turns against the non-lebanese as usual? Racism at its best. When a lebanese comits a crime in syria nobody turns it in to racism. Its a shame how racist you are.

Missing helicopter 07:10 ,2012 آذار 16

When a Lebanese opposes Syrian occupation of Lebanon he disappears in Syrian jail (I prefer racism over that). At least it is based on a real crime committed within our borders. America deports a foreigner who commits a crime back to their home country (after serving jail time).... I wish Lebanon will do the same.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 03:46 ,2012 آذار 16

“He is attempting to portray the Mustaqbal Movement as a fundamentalist group, while the MP allies himself with Iran and Hizbullah, whose people and members do not even where neckties,” I don't like Geagea any more than the other sectarian leaders running Lebanon but this is very well said.

@hakawati: Why is it that Geagea is the only murderer in the war? Berri was killing people before Geagea even had any power, Huzb Allah killed thousands of Shia, Aoun tried to wipe out the Christian militias by force..

That was all during the war, when it ended it was agreed that the past was done with. What has happened since the war? Huzb Allah and Amal and allies took over Beirut on May 7, the Syrian controlled government arrested Ouet and Aounis, Huzb Allah launched divine victories while getting half the country destroyed in the process.

Can you tell me what violence Geagea and his followers have committed since the war ended?

Thumb kesrweneh 15:04 ,2012 آذار 16

Mmmm how about Marc Hwayek, Universities clashes,....

Default-user-icon Yando Fallatcha (ضيف) 08:26 ,2012 آذار 16

Geagea's motto: I blabber, therefore I am.

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (ضيف) 09:05 ,2012 آذار 16

Another bald, moustached Christian murderer flip flopping. And here I thought Jumblatt was enough.

Missing mabboud 11:16 ,2012 آذار 16

what's very funny is he opposed Homs raid but is OK with a second Naher Al Bared... when soldiers in Syria are killed, they should not attack but in Lebanon we should do it... ??? we should never attack a civilian area even when it's heavily armed just to get one or few people... unless forced i.e. when too many people are at risk because of the said arm group and that no other solution was possible... but it's a very hard call and not something we can decide by just adhering to the necktie principle.

Default-user-icon eli (ضيف) 14:45 ,2012 آذار 16

Reading comment like the above from all sides shows me why Lebanon is in termoil. Its like driving with your eyes on the rearview mirror the pace is slow and the path is crooked.Always thinking about the past,rarely the future.Incapable political class,coupled with a tribal mentality foreign alighnments is a perfect recipe for disaster.