الراعي يرفض العنف ويدعو إلى المصالحة في قداس قاطعته قوى 14 آذار

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شدد البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي على ضرورة تحقيق المصالحة المستدامة والوحدة الوطنية في لبنان، مجددا رفضه "لكل عنف يمارس على أرضنا أو في أي مكان آخر أو أي تحريض على العنف".

وجدد الراعي في عظته اليوم الأحد في خلال القداس الاحتفالي في بكركي في الذكرى السنوية الأولى لتوليته وبمناسبة عيد البشارة، الدعوة لجميع اللبنانيين من أجل التعالي عن كل ما يفرق فيما بينهم وعدم التلهي بالصغائر.

ورفض الراعي وشجب الانقسام والاستعلاء والخلاف الناتج عن أي اختلاف في الرأي والدين والثقافة، "فالوحدة في التنوع هي هويتنا".

ومن جهة أخرى، رفض البطريرك الماروني ودان "بحكم ثقافتنا المسيحيية كل عنف يمارس على أرضنا أو في أي أرض أخرى وكل تحريض على العنف أو الدمار".

وشدد الراعي على أن "كل إنسان له حياته وكرامته. أي اعتداء على أي انسان هو اعتداء على الله لأنه هو وحده الذي يعطي الحياة".

كما اعتبر أنه لا يمكن اقصاء أحد من المواطنين أيا يكن دينه، "ولبنان بحاجة الى كل طائفة ومذهب وحزب".

وحضر القداس حشد من السياسيين والوزراء والنواب، أبرزهم رئيس "تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون.

وغادر النائب العماد ميشال عون بكركي بعد حضوره القداس وعقد خلوة مع البطريرك الراعي.

وصرح عون قبيل مغادرته وعن غياب قوى "14 آذار" عن القداس "هذا أمر سياسي، انا جئت للتهنئة بالعيد".

وهنأ عون البطريرك "لمناسبة مرور سنة على تسلمه رعيته الكبيرة ورئاسة الكنيسة المارونية"، مجددا "رجاؤه وامله وتهانيه لكي يظل الله يوفقه، وتبقى الطائفة في ظله تعيش ايمانها وقيمها".

وقد انتخب الراعي بطريركًا في 15 آذار 2011 بعد 13 جولة اقتراع على مدى خمسة أيام قام بها مجلس المطارنة الموارنة منذ 11 آذار، خلفًا للبطريرك السابق مار نصر الله بطرس صفير.

التعليقات 38
Default-user-icon blah (ضيف) 11:39 ,2012 آذار 25

bla bla bla and more bla bla bla then more and more bla bla bla

Thumb geha 11:44 ,2012 آذار 25

rahi represents FPM and as such he is rejected.

Default-user-icon shepherd (ضيف) 14:58 ,2012 آذار 25

.... and he also represent hizb of terror!

Default-user-icon Matneh (ضيف) 10:31 ,2012 آذار 26

He was not received by the Azhar; he was not received by the U.S administration; He is not welcome in Saudi Arabia..... is that what we want for Bkirki? His views that he uttered at the door of the Elysee' were enough to "disgust" many people! He is afraid the sunnis in syria will "gang" up with the sunnis of lebanon and the christians will be sidelined....!!! Yet, he is happy to be under a different alliance: that of the shias allied with the alawis in syria? Is that a religious man talking? I guess not...... Stick to religion and keep your nose clean.... WE are a minority in this east, and it is not to our advantage to support a tyrant and a butcher! Let the people of Syria decide what regime they want, and please don't get us involved in it!

Thumb geha 16:21 ,2012 آذار 26

go and try to keep your so called government alive first then come and discuss christian matters. you have no say on this subject :)
anyway, you can see the ground crumbling under your feet, and your coalition of thieves and thuga is falling :)

Thumb benzona 11:55 ,2012 آذار 25

That's why clerics from all sides should stay away from politics. We'd be much better without Khamenei and co. However, we must respect al Rahi at all costs. It wasn't Aoun whom elected him but a council of high priests.

Thumb benzona 12:44 ,2012 آذار 25


Thumb kesrweneh 18:40 ,2012 آذار 25

he never talked about small size politics but about general ideas that are vital for the maronites of whom he is responsible. Anyway thank you for the respect

Thumb kesrweneh 18:41 ,2012 آذار 25

Slash if ur going to insult the church and the christian religious leaders please remove Cheikh Bashir pic from ur profile you are giving a very eronous idea about him. and BTW only some 14 March doesn't respect him which is less then 30% of all maronites so he's ok ;)

Default-user-icon 2erfen (ضيف) 12:48 ,2012 آذار 25

wlok bet2arfou bi 7akyetkon w te3li2atkon...kelkon sawa...
ma 7ada bya3ref yo2ra menkon wkel wa7ad bishouf ghalat ghairo bass...chouf aghlatak awal chi w ba3den 2ente2ed ghairak...slash enta bta3ref enno 90% men el massi7iyi elli metou bel 7arb ,el kate2eb wel 2ouwet atalouhon...????akid ma bta3ref iza ma betfi2 eala iyem el 7arb aw li2annak 7ezbi wa3ma ma betchouf...!!!metel kel el 7ezbiyine bi lebnen 3emiyen...shame...for that reason, aLL OF YOU MUST LISTEN FOR WHAT THE PATRIARCH IS SAYING AND KHEDOU 3EBAR...LA LEL 3ONF AND LA LEL WEAPONS...YES FOR PEACEFULL AND FREEDOM !

Thumb jabalamel 13:38 ,2012 آذار 25

oh, look, the campaign against patriarch is slowing down. a year ago it's was 2 pages of comments against than fresh patriarch but now only 5 of them.
the zionist media terrorists are giving up on that subject just like they gave up on STL subject and syria "uprising" subject

also, it's cute to see how they agree even when they disagree.
that's because yesters one of them disagreed of something and was removed instantly.

Missing helicopter 05:59 ,2012 آذار 26

The software update you received last week seem to be working. Your vocabulary has improved and I project that with 5 more updates you might come close to what Google translate is able to do now. Good job.

Default-user-icon the voice of God or man.... (ضيف) 13:54 ,2012 آذار 25

patriarch Rai... at least declare boldly your conviction that Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace and that He and His Kingdom are the only answer in this world. condemning violence and wishing for world peace are sweet sounding yet powerless words. Preach the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 14:15 ,2012 آذار 25

any disunity between the christians is a weakness for lebanon b4 the christian sect,rahi is endangering the whole christian community in lebanon and syria.
if we remember pope pie 12,the catholic church is still enduring from his weak stand against hitler... rahi has no experience and for sure dont study history

Missing lebaneserevenge@yahoo.com 14:18 ,2012 آذار 25

I am a Maronite, but I am also disgusted with my Patriarch. How he can defend and NOT condemn Bashar Assad for killing 9,000 people is beyond me. I cannot understand that, at all. He should be replaced as our Maronite Patriarch. I am not the only one who feels this way towards him. He truly ought to be ashamed of himself. He should resign.

Thumb benzona 15:22 ,2012 آذار 25

We should bring back Nasrallah, the good one, not the Iranian of course!

Thumb kesrweneh 18:45 ,2012 آذار 25

yeaaah he's from kesrwan just like me! but the poor guy made too much mistakes and now Vatican sent him on an early retirement, oh well we tried to worn him now it's too late

Missing lebaneserevenge@yahoo.com 18:21 ,2012 آذار 25

FlameThrower: When this is all over, we will see who the REAL idiot is, you clown, and it won't be me...

Thumb kesrweneh 18:43 ,2012 آذار 25

till now no one knows who killed 9000 people, is it Al qaeda is Bashar ... plus he condemned violence form both parts, or do you want him to criticize on Geagea demand ??

Missing helicopter 20:15 ,2012 آذار 25

It is not just the 9000 in Syria, it is the hundreds of thousands in Lebanon also. The whole Lebanese civil war was planned, nurtured and executed by the Assad clan in collaboration with Israel to weaken and destroy Lebanon then give it to Syria on a silver plate. Bahsar was not as smart and he could not hold on to it like his shrewd father. Not only they cut a limb, not only the cut a whole Cedar tree, they set the whole Cedar forest on fire and we will continue to pay the price of their deeds for decades to come.

Default-user-icon 4G (ضيف) 15:50 ,2012 آذار 25

Dr Geagea,Bkirki,and Rafik Hariri are the reason Leabanese people have freedom of speech today.A large number of Lebanese paid a heavy price for these privileges we take for granted.The brave and resilient Syrian opposition movement have decided to sacrifice there lives for freedom of speech and the ability to live in dignity and no one in the world can take that away from them,even our patriarch .Dr Geagea,you are a patriotic leader who leads by example,you are a shining light on the hill,you are the only one that keeps the dream alive for many and you have succeeded against all the odds.Lebanon needs more people with your qualities I salute you Dr Geagea and I pray that our patriarch may stumble across some common sense.

Thumb kesrweneh 09:52 ,2012 آذار 26

first of all Mr.geagea was never a Dr so stop calling him so, 2nd Rafic Harriri was Syria nbr 1 man (might I remind u that he was PM amid 7august) also when Geagea says "falyahkum el 2khwan" and attacks Bkerkeh and The Lebanese Army, he's evrything but a patriot, he's simply doing the salafis agenda becaus Harriri promised him on twitter to make him president (he just forgot that he was on twitter and that he will probably be the farmville president) heheehe

Default-user-icon NR (ضيف) 17:20 ,2012 آذار 25

He never said that he supports Bachar. Your hypocrite leader (Geagea) said it and as clever as you are, you beleived him blindly!

Default-user-icon NR (ضيف) 17:23 ,2012 آذار 25

Geagea said that the Patriarch is a spiritual leader but he doesn't agree with his political views. that's fine.
But the mass is a religious event, so why boycott it ?

Thumb kesrweneh 18:38 ,2012 آذار 25

you shoul read other sites the Future and Jazira. he never supported assad regime he said it needed reform and by the way violence is from both side, I don;t think the free syrian army is fighting with roses

Missing helicopter 20:06 ,2012 آذار 25

But in Lebanon violence has been from one side for the last 6 years and he still supports that side. At the very least he should be neutral.

Default-user-icon GCB (ضيف) 18:43 ,2012 آذار 25

Al-Rahi never defended the Syrian regime, he only asked for stability and a peaceful solution. Both sides in Syria are violating human rights. Just because Rahi didn't support the opposition explicitly doesn't mean he's supporting Assad. He's taking a reasonable approach to the crisis. Stability is key for a prosperous country.

Thumb kesrweneh 18:49 ,2012 آذار 25

ohhh so the 14 March people boycotted a Mass (exept for the Kataeb I'm loving those guys more and more they should join us already!!)according to the last elections M14, Bkerkeh and the independant had 47% of the Christians, so if bkerkeh and the independant represents 20% of the christians this leaves about 27% for 14 march, take out 10% for the kataeb, we're left with 17%, It's less then those who couldn't make it because of the flu so the PATRIARCHE is ok

Thumb cedar 19:05 ,2012 آذار 25

To all those who dont like the Patriarch,
Why? Is it because he calls for peace for all?
You tend on forgeting something, he is the Patriarch of Antioch not just Lebanon. So he is the patriarch for those christians in Syria who are also being threatened by the CIA and AlQaida backed muslim brotherhood (also known as the syrian national council)... you have your facts all mixed up. The patriarch is acting in the interests of both Lebanese and Syrians when he asks for peace by backing up Assad. ... remember he dosent like assad but he confirms that assad is better then radical syrian council!

Thumb ado.australia 20:17 ,2012 آذار 25

Cedar, those against the batrak are the same people and parties that were against the Lebanese army in the 60s and 70s and 80s. They are the same people that scream their anti Syrian sentiments in 2005 but were the biggest supporters and benifactors of Syrian occupation of Lebanon from 1990. They are the same people that will most proberbly want Syria and lebanon to be united when a "opposition" comes to power. And then there is geagea and his remaining post anti batrak, supporters.

Default-user-icon BS (ضيف) 03:53 ,2012 آذار 26

hmmmm..... don't understand what you mean, you sectarian aouni? elaborate.....

Thumb israeliconspiracy 22:24 ,2012 آذار 25

It's always fun to see the "resistance" and their supporters backing Bashar al-Giraffe. They do so for two reasons mainly:
1) They are sectarian-minded and the idea of Shi'ites (including their off-shoots) and Christians losing prominence in a potentially democratic Syria scares the hell out of them. Proof? Just look how they support the uprising in Bahrain, yet not the one in Syria - even though both uprisings have the same dynamics (a majority being ruled by a brutal minority).
2) They claim Bashar as the anti-Israeli warrior. Please. Remember whose party handed us the Golan on a silver platter in 1974? And remember when we bombed Deir Ezzor in 2008 and Bashar pretended like nothing happened? He's so power hungry that he wouldn't risk a confrontation with us. We want him to stay, and we're happy the resistance is doing the propaganda for us without even realizing it. Thank you, "resistance" bloc!

Thumb cedar 05:43 ,2012 آذار 26

BAHAHAHHAHA - your funny.

Let me make one thing clear for u israelconspiracy:

I would be happy too see The Sunni and the Shiite kill each other.

and for your information - there are more Lebanese Christians then there are Muslims. Whether they live inside lebanon or not is a different story - and the main issue is the government allowing international voting just like all other countries do! then see who wins in Lebanon!!!

Thumb primesuspect 12:01 ,2012 آذار 26

Divide et impera. Good try conspirator but it's useless. Smalla, Sharon and natanyahu are good a match to any Arab dictators although they were elected. So did Bashar. You have the same issues as we have, you live in a racist society... With many classes of citizens, ashkenazis at the top... Sefarades and Mizrahim at the bottom. (what about Ethiopian Jews and Arab Israelis even lower !) your country is corrupt... And apartments in tel-aviv cost a million dollars... Now we got the whole picture, you stole land to make profit.... Not even by charity towards your co-religionaries. Nice picture indeed!

Thumb benzona 12:07 ,2012 آذار 26

Mon Cher voisin. Vous prêchez chez des convaincus. Allez prêcher sur al-manar!

Thumb benzona 13:55 ,2012 آذار 26

mowatn: On peut être en désaccord sans s'insulter, non? Voilà ce qui distingue les 14 marsisites des autres terroristes...

Thumb kesrweneh 15:46 ,2012 آذار 26

benzon en Francais, bravo mon cher, mais fraterniser avec l'ennemi c pousser le bouchon un peu trop loin, tu ne trouves pas?

Thumb benzona 20:49 ,2012 آذار 26

Eh bien, vous n'êtes pas très perspicaces. Je suis navré de constater que vous ne percevez pas le sarcasme à des kilomètres à la ronde. Et puis, 'fraterniser' comme vous le dites est tellement démesuré. Je partage les convictions sur le Liban qui est complètement dépassé, obsolète, corrompu et plus grave encore que c'est l'iran et la Syrie qui sont par intérêts les alliés silencieux de l'Etat sioniste. La mesquinerie de l'intervenant israélien est d'autant plus douloureuse qu'elle est fondée!!!!!