جعجع ينفي وجود أزمة مع بكركي: الحكومة الحالية الأكثر فسادا في تاريخ لبنان
Read this story in Englishأوضح رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع أن ردة فعله على موقف البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي "جاءت حادة بعض الشيء ربما"، نافيا وجود أزمة مع بكركي.
وأكد جعجع خلال استقباله في معراب وفدا من القطاع النسائي في القوات في زحلة اليوم الأحد، أن ردة فعله على مواقف الراعي جاء "بقدر محبتي واحترامي لموقع البطريرك ومقام بكركي الذي كنا وسنبقى نحترم".
يُشار الى ان الراعي وفي تصريح سابق له اعلن أنه مرتاح الضمير حيال ما قام به في العام الأول من توليه سدة البطريركية.
وكان قد انتقد جعجع موقف الراعي لاعتباره "سوريا أقرب إلى الديمقراطية" قائلا إن موقف الراعي هذا لا يشرف "ولا أقدر أن أفتخر به".
ورد الراعي سابقا أنه ليس "نبويا" مثل جعجع طالبا منه أن يقرأ من تصريحه "لا إله إلا الله" وليس فقط "لا إله".
وتجدر الإشارة إلى أن قوى "14 آذار" لم تحضر القداس الاهي الذي ترأسه الراعي اليوم في بكركي بمناسبة مرور سنة على توليته وعيد البشارة.
من جهة أخرى، اعتبر جعجع أن "لبنان لم يشهد حكومة على شاكلة الحكومة الحالية الأكثر فسادا في تاريخه".
وأشار إلى "الكهرباء مرورا بالأوضاع السيئة للهاتف والاتصالات الخليوية، وصولا الى فضائح المناقصات على أنواعها".
@FT, don't even try to pretend your piece of crud GMA and mini prince went after Sfeir night and day you hypcorite.
a crisis?? no no he's just backing the Salafis and attacking the vatican and Bekerkeh , but nooo there is no crisis. and of course today all LF MP were sick from yesterday's party and couldn't make it to Bkerkeh mass. It's just like with the Lebanese army he's not trying to attack and suuport the Salafis undrmining it he's just telling jockes and they took it far too seriously
In your mind Syrians are either Salafis or pro-regime. I am hopeful that most of the Syrians are freedom loving, secular minded folks. Even if you are right, that shows that the regime is to blame because after 50 years of ruling Syria (and messing up Lebanon) they could not manage to develop the kind of Syrian Citizen you say does not exist.
of course not all Syrians are Salafis , but geagea said "falyahkum el 2ekhwan" not "falyahkum el cha3b el soury el 3almani"so he's not pro laicisim he's pro Salafis.
PS: naharnet belongs to Harriri and is supposed to back Geagea up, so why the picture where he looks like a serial killer?
sure they are, they are what Le Fiagro called "Salafites cravates" salafis wearing ties. Did you notice the ban of Bikini in Egypt, the polygamy re inserted in Lybia, the Christian lebanese singer banned form Carthage etc.. so yes Erdoghan is a salafi but he wears ties
Just as Aoun's FPM, suffered in popularity by their memorandum of understanding with Hezbollah, so too will geagea suffer with his attack on the batrak. The difference is that the FPM were 70% of the Christian vote, while geagea is only 25% at best. With his core base of supporters dissalusioned by his attack on the Maronite church, and most of his allies (kataeb) distancing themselves from his rant, he has allot of work to do to continue to be relevant.
FPM didn't suffer in popularity by their memorandum of understanding with Hezbollah ... it's by going too much more than their understanding and supporting hizballah on the expense of the army, their support to Syria who themselves were their victims in the 80s and 90s and forgetting their prisoners in Syria, and by always complaining about corruption saying that they want to correct things without doing anything, by saying they want to regain the christian rights, yet they strip the cristians their last rights by undermining president Michel Suleiman.
hassan it was 53% for FPM (after the clash with Bkerkeh, u should read auzzie better) and 47% for the Independant, Bkerkeh and 14M, so if the independants (bon, Khazen, Boueiz) and bkerkeh represents only 20% of the christians this leaves M14 with 27%, if Kataeb are 10% of the Christians this leaves Geagea with 17% max. simple math
'Geagea criticized the patriarch for allegedly defending the Syrian regime and endangering Christians in the region.'
It was Mr Geagea who played the Syrian puppet..
We all remember Mr Geagea being among the first arrivals to Suleiman AL ASSAD' funeral and shaking Hafez's Hand. (Check it on YouTube)/
And about endangering Christians in Lebanon: No one endangered the Christians in Lebanon more than Mr Geagaea himself, by killing rival Christian leaders, as dictated to him by Syria in its strategy of 'Divide and Conquer'. Furthermore, Mr Geagea is very much aware of the Christian Lebanese still in Syrian jails..
Naharnet, if it values the 'Freedom of the Press' should allow the fair criticism of Geagea...
He denies committing crimes. He denies bouncing into the arms of the Syrian occupation while scheming against ebn balado. He denies losing every single battle that he fought. He denies causing more harm to the Lebanese Christians than anybody else throughout Lebanon's history. He denies that he is a failed predictor. Always the wrong thinking. Always the wrong moves. Always the wrong words. Always the wrong alliances. ALWAYS WRONG.