مصادر: الصفدي يحاول الوصول إلى رئاسة الحكومة بانضمامه إلى حملة "التكتل" على ميقاتي
Read this story in Englishانضم وزير المال محمد الصفدي مؤخرا إلى وزراء "تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" في الحملة التي يشنها "التكتل" على رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي، لاعتقاده بأنه سيكون المرشح الأوفر حظاً لرئاسة الحكومة في حال تقررت اطاحة الحكومة الحالية.
والخلاف القائم هو حول مسألة استئجار البواخر لتوليد الطاقة الكهربائية والعروض المقدمة.
ويؤيد الصفدي وزير الطاقة جبران باسيل في عرضيه المقدمين للبواخر، فيما ميقاتي يسجل اعتراضا على الاقتراحين ويطرح حلا بديلا يوفر على الخزينة ويؤمن الطاقة لمدة أطول.
ولفت مصدر وزاري لصحيفة "الحياة" اليوم الاثنين إلى أن ميقاتي فوجئ بأن أزمة الكهرباء أخذت تتفاقم يوماً بعد يوم وانه اضطر لطرح خطة بديلة بسبب الاختلاف في داخل اللجنة الوزارية على موضوع استئجار البواخر.
وبالتالي، وجد ميقاتي نفسه مضطراً للتدخل على قاعدة ان انشاء معامل جديدة ومتطورة على الأرض سيكون أقل كلفة من تلك التي سيتكلفها إنتاج الطاقة عبر البواخر، بحسب المصدر.
ورأى المصدر الوزاري أن المشكلة لن تحسم باللجوء الى التصويت في مجلس الوزراء بين خطة باسيل ومشروع ميقاتي، وان الحل يكمن في مناقشة المجلس للخطتين على ان يكلف لجنة دولية لتقديم البدائل المجدية التي تؤمّن الحلول الدائمة.
وأضاف أن ميقاتي وحليفه وزير الدولة أحمد كرامي يدعمان ترشح الصفدي لرئاسة الحكومة إذا كان ثمن بقائه في الحكومة الرضوخ لسياسة الابتزاز التي تمارس عليه.
ويعقد مجلس الوزراء جلسة عادية الأربعاء المقبل في قصر بعبدا، ووزع جدول الأعمال المؤلف من 76 بندا على أعضائه، ويضم تقرير ميقاتي حول استئجار البواخر.
This must be the American influence on you. They only ellecct good looking men to be presidents.
That was a joke helicopter. I elect someone for substance and principles. Which most politicians lack, specially your leaders. Most readers and commentators here lack sense of humor.
Mikati say that he can build a power plant in one year where the truth is it well take him ten years just to pass the bill due bickering and fighting on who wants to PM. Same goes to Bassil, they are both equally guilty.
Look on the bright side: Safadi is less bald. However, if the reports of his treacherous switch of positions to Aoun's side for the sake of the Premiership are true, we cannot expect any other bright sides should he eventually get the post. Înno ya ma7la Jumblat...
Bonnet blanc et blanc bonnet!
Our entire system is caduc, and laws bypassed (re-elections of Lahoud, and now of Rifi etc...). Mikati=Safadi... but who will designate Safadi... he has no majority... M14 & M8 are forced to make un-natural alliances for power... we're doomed!
enough with this nonsense time fore a new form of governance, I suggest this modern system
He is doing so for his safety because the glorious resistance is a killing machine and is very efficient in eliminating opponents that are deemed popular (Rafic and others met that fate on its hands). So good for him, and one day he and others will be able to be in Lebanon and feel safe..... it is a matter of time.
Thanks to taef we still have a president. Has it been left up to the glorious resistance we will be living in welayat elfaqih now. If we can improve on taef why not, it will be a good thing but first lets have a meaningful state free of glorious resistance and arms of the Palestinians and Salafis.
I have a lot of respect for PM Miqati and PM Saniora but nothing for this opportunist scumbag Safadi... At least Miqati is coming up with solutions and trying to save this country a buck... He does not need to steal like Gebran Basil and the crew of his father in law, the senile prick...
no this time round it will not happen:
- safadi ( a known arms dealer) will never be PM
- if this government falls, there will not be another one formed under hizbushaitan, due to loss of majority.
- with the upcoming war with israel, we will be without a government, and all what that means....
@ flamethrower, the president is powerless not only because of taef, but because and you know it he is always at loggerheads with the FPM , on every damn appointement, although the FPM clearly stated, and its leader michel aoun, long before , that any minister loyal to the FPM is a + for the president because they supposedly seeked to give him back the power taef took... if the FPM ministers werent always against him he would have power with more ministers on his side. Maybe you would like to remember when sleiman asked for 5 ministers annd aoun just said he would not give him more than 3 but that anyway his ministers ( from the FPM) will be loyal to sleiman... we can see that eh. I dont just blame the FPM, i blame everybody in this disgusting country. starting the people who elected ALL of them, they are the real problem. Dumping wastes, showing off, prostitution with arabs for money, no laws.
Lebanon is only a jungle because its people are happy to live in it and nobody can tell me otherwise. Or else we would have had a revolution a long time ago to remove all these dirty politicians.
hmmm.. 500 million for 25 years of service from our own plant or lease vessels that will cost 1 billion for 5 years of service.....you pick you blind brainwashed fools
....But still you cannot compare Rafik Hariri with Saed Hariri:-)
That is why we need a democratic system in Lebanon not only at a national level but also on the level of political parties. He may not be ready, or never ready to be a leader and there could be someone more fit in the ranks of the future movement.
at least hariri is in a european country not without vitamin D in the slums underground like hasoon lol
Tyrian (ulpianus), it's true that there is no match to Rafic Hariri, that's why Hezbollah killed him. The kid as you call it isn't having the time of his life, he's abroad because there's a bounty on his head inside Lebanon. What proves to us that he isn't an extrmist like your Iranian idol Nasrallah is that he isn't spending his time in Saudi Arabia although the king's castles doors are wide open for him. True he isn't his father but he's a million times better than Berri, Aoun or the Shia terrorist. His heart is tayyib. The money, he inherited it from his father, he doesnt need to steal it from the Lebanese like other still do. Allah yi7meek ya sheikh Saad. Look at his young sister, she married a {poor} body guard. They are tolerant and open-minded. Just what Lebanon needs right now!