سليمان وميقاتي يؤيدان اقتراح شربل حول قانون انتخاب يعتمد النسبية

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أيد كل من رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان ورئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي اقتراح وزير الداخلية والبلديات مروان شربل حول قانون انتخاب جديد يعتمد النسبية.

وعقد عصر أمس السبت في قصر بعبدا اجتماع ضم رئيس الجمهورية ورئيس الوزراء ووزير الداخلية، لبحث ملف قانون الانتخاب.

وقد عرضت في الاجتماع مجموعة واسعة من الاقتراحات والمشاريع المطروحة وفي مقدمها مشروع القانون الذي وضعه وزير الداخلية والذي يعتمد نظام النسبية، بحسب ما أفادت صحيفة "النهار" صباح الأحد.

واكتفى الرئيس ميقاتي بالقول إن البحث مع رئيس الجمهورية "تناول المقاربة التي سيتم من خلالها التعامل مع القانون".

ومن جهته، صرح شربل لـ"النهار" أن الرئيسين "أيدا مشروع قانون اعتماد النسبية الذي أنجزته، وليطرح على مجلس الوزراء ليتخذ منه الموقف المناسب".

وأضاف "عرضنا خلال الاجتماع الأجواء السياسية التي ترافق الموضوع، وتبين أن هناك أصداء من المواطنين متحمسة لاعتماد النسبية وهذا ما وصل اليّ شخصياً من بعض المهتمين".

وتوقع أن يطرح المشروع على مجلس الوزراء في اقرب وقت وربما في الجلسة التي ستلي جلسة الثلاثاء المقبل.

وقد ناقش مجلس الوزراء قانون الانتخاب الذي يعتمد النسبية مرات عدة ووضع ملاحظات واقتراحات على المشروع، بعد استماعه إلى شروحات تفصيلية من الوزير شربل.

ومن جهته، اعتبر مصدر نيابي بارز في قوى 14 آذار أن النقاش الحكومي في قانون الانتخابات "لا يعني شيئاً ما دام موضوع السلاح من دون أي ضوابط".

ورأى عبر صحيفة "النهار" أن مجلس الوزراء "لن يقرّب ولن يؤخر ولكن القرار سيكون في مجلس النواب".

التعليقات 9
Default-user-icon The Patriot (ضيف) 11:44 ,2012 نيسان 01

“Several citizens have voiced their support for proportional representation,”... he says... and I agree because I am one of those... I never voted in Lebanon before but will do if his proposal is accepted... I still have one request... to eliminate the requirement for the president is Maronite and allow any Christian candidate regardless of his religious affiliation be it Greek orthodox, Melkite, Protestant, etc... to run for President... we are not goats and there are plenty of qualified Christian candidates...

Thumb cedar 16:48 ,2012 نيسان 01

International Voting for Lebanese.

If that is the one and only law that is passed in the entire governments history - that will fix lebanon.

Christian control of Lebanon again via Kataeb and Lebanese Forces

Missing ulpianus 19:41 ,2012 نيسان 01

How can a person get so much rubbish out of the same mouth? Sorry for saying this but you deserve it.

What we need is extremist like you, and extremist on the "other side" leaving the country, and letting us choose a government based on what you know, what education you have and your CV. Not your "religion".

Besides, having a religion does not mean anything as most kataeb and LF members ( politicians) clearly do not live according to what christianity tells them. Same comes to the muslim politicians. For sure they are all of them having fun together in Casino Du Liban every weekend.

But internationally voting for Lebanese would be Great!

Default-user-icon Murad (ضيف) 17:33 ,2012 نيسان 01

How does international voting for parliamentary elections make sense when polling is split into many districts? Anyway, on the bright side, bye bye Jumblatt!

Missing ulpianus 19:37 ,2012 نيسان 01

U seem to forget that the same maniacs that are in the government now, were in the previous governments with M14.

M14+M8= Ma elon 3aze kelon 3ala ba3don 22

Thumb chrisrushlau 19:53 ,2012 نيسان 01

This article does not tell us what "proportional representation" means in this bill. I remember from a month or two ago when this proposal was under discussion that I looked it up on Google, etc., and it does not mean an end to the Taif Accord or sectarianism. It is some tiny niggling detail under the unchanged, totally-messed-up system Lebanon has now. Why can't Naharnet discuss the actual situation of voting?

Thumb cedar 22:34 ,2012 نيسان 01

@ ulpianus, the removal of secterian voting system in Lebanon will mean the distruction of the Lebanese Christians.

On a level that you probably dont understand because you dont know what i know. I dont mean to be arrogent - but i would love for Lebanon to live in peace and people vote for whoever they want without religion being involved - BUT you remove religion from Lebanon and you remove Lebanons heart and soul... and on a higher level that you dont comprehend properly that means the distruction of Lebanon and its Christians.

The issue here is the Devil - working thru the Muslims and the Jews to eliminate the Christians in Lebanon, also mabye beyond your comprehension.

Thumb cedar 22:39 ,2012 نيسان 01

@ flamethrower
Kataeb failed because Amin loves himself, and Because GeaGea is a hillbilly.

I am Old School Kataeb - we believe in Lebanon for both Christians and Muslims side by side in peace - But we dont believe Lebanon is Arab - We never agreed to it when we made the Lebanese Flag!

Default-user-icon Johnny (ضيف) 10:40 ,2012 نيسان 02

@ chrisrushlau... the proportional representation they are suggesting means that Muslims and Christians alike will be able to vote for the candidate on their own sect now. for example in Tripoli, the Muslim voters choose what christian will be elected. but this isn't the only reason they are proposing it... in mixed areas hizballah voters help FPM get elected, and same goes for future voters helping LF and Kataeb and vice versa. this would eliminate that. you can see why certain officials oppose it... alot of parties do not politically benefit from this...