سليمان: نترك للتحقيق ان يؤكد اذا كان جعجع قد تعرض لمحاولة اغتيال
Read this story in Englishأوضح رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان من استراليا أن القضاء يتولى التحقيق في قضية محاولة اغتيال رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع، متمنياً الا تكون المسألة محاولة اغتيال.
وفي حديث الى الصحافيين اللبنانيين الذين يرافقونه في زيارته الى استراليا طمأن سليمان الى عدم وجود مؤشر لعودة الاغتيالات في لبنان، معتبراً أن محاولة اغتيال جعجع "لا يمكن اعتبارها محاولة اغتيال ام لا".
وقال "حتى الساعة هي اطلاق نار ونترك للتحقيق ان يؤكد اذا كانت محاولة اغتيال. واتمنى ألا تكون كذلك".
وكان قد تعرض جعجع الى محاولة اغتيال على يد قناصة في مقره في معراب وبدأت التحقيقات لكشف الفاعلين.
وعن سلاح "حزب الله"، قال سليمان للصحافيين أنه "علينا دائماً النظر الى سلاح المقاومة لجهة كيفية الاستفادة منه ايجاباً للدفاع عن لبنان طالما أن الاحتلال قائم".
وتابع أن هذا الامر يتطلب التوافق على إستراتيجية دفاعية كفيلة بالاجابة على اسئلة كثيرة حول السلاح ووجهة استعماله.
ويؤكد "حزب الله" أن سلاحه هو للدفاع عن لبنان في وجه اسرائيل وأنه ليس موجهاً الى الداخل اللبناني. في حين تدعو أوساط المعارضة وتطالب بنزع سلاح حزب الله وضمه الى سلاح الجيش اللبناني.
يشار إلى أن القرار 1701 يطالب ضمن البند الثامن بتطبيق القرارات الدولية السابقة الخاصة بلبنان التي "تطالب بنزع سلاح كل الجماعات المسلحة في لبنان حتى لا تكون هناك أي أسلحة أو سلطة في لبنان عدا ما يخص الدولة اللبناني".
So... what was it then?
a) a bad joke
b) the shooter was aiming at birds
c) it was a lost bullet from Homs
d) None of the above, Suleiman is disconnected from reality
Come on Mr. President, even your granddaughter knows it was desperate maneuver to get some attention and mostly some votes Lf is crucially missing since it started its attacks on the church to protect the takfiris. However knowing the LF fighters dexterity during the war the bullets (if real) could have missed and hit him in the head ;))
when i read a comment like this from Kesrweneh . i wonder if we ever will have our country back , because it is hard to deal with stupidity let alone ignorance . when someone's IQ is in the single digit it is very hard to communicate with
I am so happy u know how to read this means there is still hope.
sorry I usually don't answer personal comments as they are eloquent enough
yes kesrweneh... and Pierre Gemayel got himself shot just to get the attention...idiot!
Mr President! It's an illogical statement! did geagea joking with you, you have to Withdraw that's unfair statement!
You are the President! not from the group of "Shabiha" in Lebanon!
Did you know that if you google "fake assassination attempt" you get comments on Geagea's story? It is so ridiculous that only in Lebanon people misinterpret events in such a manner. You would expect this from someone childish blogging somewhere though, I was baffled to hear it from the president himself. What an un-statesman like behavior.
Only in Lebanon we get such a satire out of serious attempt to murder one of its political leaders. If this was a hunt for Israeli agents, the phone data would have been turned over quickly by this government to the investigators. Shame on this government and Hizb Iran! This government and country is not worth investing a penny in because nothing will change.
Suleiman is standing before the Sydney bridge and probably contemplating living in peaceful Australia and away from the zoo
Ahhhhh... conspiracy theories... i love'em... especially when they're this groce hehehe...
hehehe nice one helicopter but no it's not a book it's a theory and a very serious one, google it when you have time. (see this is a very polit manner to answer wish M14 would learn that instead of "akl khara"(fatfat) and the other vocabulary they use)
I went by your advice, I Googled it and here is what I found.
After the coup against M14 Government, the Hezb controlled all aspects of life, continued to hold the card of war and peace, threatened opposition leaders, ordered history books to not mention the Cedar Revolution, prohibited the playing of popular music and blew up liquor stores,....etc.
After all Hezb was the puppet, Iran the puppeteer.
Your biased and prejudiced point of view coupled with your ignorance of the facts clearly indicates you suffer from an acute Geagea/LF hatred syndrome. I feel sorry for you and pitty you.
If this was NOT an assassination attempt, AND if it was NOT perpetrated by the usual murderers, then M8 would have no problem releasing the telephone records. This government is a joke
I am giving the president the benefit of the doubt. I think what he meant is that he wants to see whether it is an assassination, meaning a party or group of people trying to kill for political reasons, or simply an attempted murder for personal reasons.
Dear Mr. President Suleiman, please consider that which you should already know by heart.
Facts vs. Fiction: No matter how many times anyone repeats a lie, it never becomes the truth. The presence of weapons in the hands of the so-called Party of God aka “the Party of Lies and Disinformation” is in violation of the Lebanese Constitution and the Taef Accord, thus unconstitutional and illegal, PERIOD, THE END!
Dear Mr. President Suleiman, as the president, you have a duty to the people NOT to perpetuate the myth about the legitimacy of the weapons in the hands of the so called the Party of God aka the "Party of Lies and Disinformation". These weapons are unconstitutional and illegal. There is no mix-up or confusion about this. Please tell the truth and only the truth so help you God!
to the so called kesrweneh go seek psychiatric help buddy. You will twist the theory no matter what. Pity that creatures like you are allowed to be called Lebanese. Typical brainwashed orange zombie
at the end of the day, we end up with another weak or syrian puppet president. That is thanks to our enlightened Lebanese that create and support fake leaders like Aoun. Wake up you orange zombies. You say you are secular, but you align with hezbollah. You say you are against feudalism and nepotism, yet Aoun has shares his power and wealth with his son in law and family. Zoghbie, Barakat in Canada and now Abu Jamra left. Wake up you zombies, Aoun is a big fake lie and you need to stop wasting Lebanon on such trash.
How does shooting at a person intentionally, with prior planning, not constitute at least the charge of attempted murder? Seriously, Mr President, you are playing the PR game too close to please some parties.
I will have to admit: You cannot teach stupid.
Moustafa Geha's failed assassination on 4/15 less than two weeks after GeaGea's attempt re-enforce one and only one simple demand the normal Lebanese citizen has been asking for: security.
If only one side is being hit by assassinations for the past 5 to 10yrs regardless of their religion then everyone know the EVIL without formally charged in court. (Law & order 101)
Probably not a false flag. Considering the fact that so many Anti-Syrian Lebanese leaders have been killed, and knowing that assassinations are the Syrian Baath Mode of Operation, this most likely is not a false flag. The Syrian Baath are killing their own people daily, and Gaegae has voiced support for the Syrian revolution.
It wasn't an attempted murder. It was another attempted joke by Dr. Karakoz al Manfalouty which turned out to be as lame as everything else about Karakoz.
He should also wait the results of the probe into Hariri's assassnination to see whether it was premeditated murder, or just a road accident with a loaded van! Only a fair lebanese tribunal could decide that..!
What's the matter child? You don't know how to debate so you bring my mother into this? I feel sorry for you and I pity you.