مصادر: نتائج التحقيقات في محاولة اغتيال جعجع ستعلن خلال الساعات المقبلة

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من المتوقع أن تعلن المراجع الامنية خلال الساعات المقبلة نتائج التحقيقات التي أجريت في محاولة اغتيال رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع في معراب، على ما أفادت أوساط في قوى 14 آذار.

ولفتت هذه الاوساط لصحيفة "النهار"، أن اعلان نتائج التحقيقات هذه سيقفل نهائياً أبواب الحديث عن "إطلاق نار" بدل "محاولة اغتيال"، في اشارة الى كلام رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان.

ومن أستراليا، كان قد أوضح سليمان أن القضاء يتولى التحقيق في قضية محاولة اغتيال جعجع، قائلاً "حتى الساعة هي اطلاق نار ونترك للتحقيق ان يؤكد اذا كانت محاولة اغتيال. واتمنى ألا تكون كذلك".

وفي الرابع من نيسان أعلن جعجع عن محاولة اغتياله في مقره في معراب على يد قناصة، وأن الرصاصات أصابت جدار المنزل بدلاً منه.

التعليقات 10
Default-user-icon Halaktouna (ضيف) 09:00 ,2012 نيسان 24

hmmm ... they need to realize if this was an attempted murder or just shot at! very insightful indeed

Conclusion of the probe: the shots fired at Geagea were part of a new mechanism deployed by the ministry of Bee2a to preserve the flowers of Lebanon .. .the shots were just a warning to all Lebanese not to pick flowers!

Shi maskhara aktar men heik ma fi!

Default-user-icon douka (ضيف) 09:43 ,2012 نيسان 24


Default-user-icon achrafieh (ضيف) 09:56 ,2012 نيسان 24

just want to know the name of the flower which saved his life , so we can make it the embleme of the new demand for the pope to make samir a saint

Default-user-icon Haifa (ضيف) 09:57 ,2012 نيسان 24

Staging it with the help of his bodyguards. I thought he was in his garden inside his house not outside his fortified residence walking with his bodyguards. Let Geagea make up his mind.

Missing forces 13:50 ,2012 نيسان 24

@Haifa such a fitting name :). garden inside his house? sure that makes sense. sweetheart within his fortified residence he has a garden, is this too hard to comprehend?

Default-user-icon NR (ضيف) 10:10 ,2012 نيسان 24

No, I think it means if it was an assassination attempt or a shooting with purpose to intimidate and threaten but not to kill

Missing forces 13:55 ,2012 نيسان 24

The sad reality is that they will call it what they want but they will never catch the low lives that did this because as is the case in all assasination cases they are politically motivated and the findings are too sensitive to ever release as this would likely start a civil war. lebanon is the size of a cattle farm in outback australia and yet our security forces cannot catch the criminals? very convenient.

Default-user-icon Pashto (ضيف) 20:01 ,2012 نيسان 24

A draft of this report, which has the word CONFIDENTIAL on it cover, contains one piece of paper with the word TOJLITA on it.

Missing tripolian 22:03 ,2012 نيسان 24

Good, but when will the report of the victims of geagea come? This guy has murdered MANY, they too deserve a report.

Default-user-icon Umpappa (ضيف) 08:04 ,2012 نيسان 25

Does Dr. Fe2e3a Jadbeh have any updates re. the POSSIBLE fall of the Syrian regime or is the "predictions" season on hold for the time being?