اسرائيل تبدأ في بناء جدار على الحدود مع لبنان
Read this story in Englishبدأ الجيش الاسرائيلي الاثنين ببناء جدار على امتداد اكثر من كيلومتر واحد على الحدود مع لبنان قرب بلدة المطلة بحسب متحدثة عسكرية.
وقالت المتحدثة لوكالة فرانس برس "هذا البناء الذي بدأ الاثنين يجري بالتنسيق مع قوات اليونيفل والجيش اللبناني ويهدف الجدار الى تجنب الاحتكاكات على الحدود" دون اعطاء المزيد من التفاصيل.
ومن جهتها قالت الاذاعة العامة بان الجدار الذي سيرتفع عدة امتار يهدف الى منع اطلاق النار من لبنان باتجاه المطلة الواقعة داخل اسرائيل وان بناءه سيستغرق عدة اسابيع.
وكان الجيش الاسرائيلي اعلن في كانون الثاني الماضي عن هذا المشروع مشيرا الى ان الهدف من الجدار هو حماية مجمعات من المباني اقيمت مؤخرا في المطلة من نيران قناصة من قرية كفر كلا اللبنانية الواقعة على بعد كيلومتر واحد والمطلة على السياج الامني الحالي على الحدود.
وتعد اسرائيل ولبنان في حالة حرب الا ان مسؤولين عسكريين من البلدين يلتقيان بشكل منتظم برعاية اليونيفل لمناقشة المشكلات على الحدود.
good and let the wall be 30 meters high, and let the wall spread with the same height alll over the borders with israel: egypt jordan syria and lebanon
and we must sign a deal with the hebrew state that the wall stays forever
make sure that the wall is at least 30 meter high and ot stretches on all borders of israel : egypt palestine, jordan syria lebanon
LEt the Israeli's live within these concrete walls. Best thing ever. THey will be doing all Lebanese a favour. It sickening having Zionists living on your border.
The syrian regime is about to fall and the Israelis are scrambling to build walls all over the place, just goes to show how much protection the Assads were providing to the Zionists entity.
the filthy zionist slime trash worm shit admires the efficience of zionist entity.
yeah, i know that you have to suck up to your new country (after 2000).
and also, i saw the "give votes to expatriate discussion" and it seems that nobody told you that lebanon does not have embassy in zionist entity meaning that you won't be able to vote.
and you will lose anyway
Well, you know that the only party in Lebanon that actually had "contact" with the zionist state in form of negotiations for a variation of issues are Hezboll ( exchange of prisoners etc etc)
All other parties, and politicians, including the government are considered traitors if they have any form of contact with them.
....And there is "contact" with them in form of smuggling of their products from South Lebanon ( into Lebanon). The smuggling is as I said from south Lebanon and not from Batroun or Keserwen.
With this, I´m not implying that Shias are traitors or even Hezb. I just want you to look after your own house before throwing this garbage at people.
when will Israelis learn that the only way for them to survive in the middle east will be by giving up there messianic warmongering ideologies and start working toward a fair and honourable peace for all.
they can build as many walls as they want but sooner or later those walls will be breached. Today they have military superiority but history teaches us that such advantage is never permanent and sooner or later the scale will tip on the other side.
even the great wall of china was unable to protect its builders.