جنبلاط يحمل صحناوي مسؤولية وقف التحقيقات بمحاولة اغتيال جعجع

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حمّل رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط وزير الاتصالات نقولا صحناوي المسؤوليّة كاملةً عن وقف التحقيقات بمحاولة اغتيال رئيس حزب "القوّات اللبنانيّة" سمير جعجع بسبب حجب داتا الاتصالات.

ونقلت صحيفة "الأخبار" الخميس عن جنبلاط قوله إنه أكّد إثر لقائه مع مساعد وزيرة الخارجيّة الأميركيّة لشؤون الشرق الأدنى جيفري فيلتمان أن الجانبين اعتبرا أنّ محاولة اغتيال جعجع جديّة، وأنه يجب الحذر.

وكان قد تعرض جعحع لمحاولة اغتيال في الرابع من نيسان الماضي في مقر اقامته في معراب ولا تزال التحقيقات مستمرة لكشف ملابسات الحادثة.

وقد تقدم المعنيون بالتحقيق في محاولة اغتيال رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" بطلب من وزارة الاتصالات لتسليم "داتا الاتصالات"، ولكن الوزارة لم تلب الطلب.

ولكن صحناوي نفى أي علاقة له برفض طلبات الاجهزة الامنية الحصول على "الداتا" كاملة، مشيرا إلى أن هذا الامر هو من اختصاص الهيئة القضائية المستقلة التي أوكل اليها مجلس الوزراء هذه المهمة.

التعليقات 17
Thumb geha 03 أيار 2012, 06:49

Sehnaoui and the fpm as accessories to this murdor attempt, and they should be tried for their crimes.

Default-user-icon Reader (ضيف) 03 أيار 2012, 07:30

And you wouldn't understand that in any country, when an investigation subpoenas phone records, they are required to comply.

Missing dimashki 03 أيار 2012, 08:15

Go back to Iran you filthy mullah majoosi

Default-user-icon Neal (ضيف) 03 أيار 2012, 08:31

you kidding me right ! you live in Lebanon what the hell you know about democracy and freedom , is only a convenient to who ever hold a gun , it is a slogan and empty words . you have Michel Aoun who talks about freedom and privacy as he sees it and anything he does not agree with is wrong . you have Hezbollah who put a gun to your head tells you we are the resistance and the only thing they are resisting is your freedom and your privacy . if you only can see what the real freedom and democracy is than you will realize what a prison you people live in

Thumb geha 03 أيار 2012, 08:43

stop misleading yourself and others and understand that the required data is not equal to infringment on privacy and civil liberties.
once more I explain the difference:
- the data is about which number called which number
- the data is about from a number called another number.
so put it back in your head and straighten your mind :)
not providing the data means helping the perpatrators of this crime, thus criminally charged.

Missing roger@10452 03 أيار 2012, 11:31

So it is OK for the hizb to have access to all this data but not the Lebanese security agencies !!!!

wow, and you are preaching about liberties!!!

do you know how conutries protect the liberties of their people???

why dont you google it and enlighten yourself about how liberites are protected!!!

Thumb kesrweneh 03 أيار 2012, 07:36

ah so Jumbalt is now joining the ingnorence gang, why am i not surprised? Mr. jumblat u know very well that it's not up to Mr Sehnaoui to give away the full data but to hte Judicial committee. so go and play elsewhere

Default-user-icon habib (ضيف) 03 أيار 2012, 08:29

Kesrweneh hala2 serto kolkon btefhamo bel le2wenin serto azkiya ktir e layek ya zaki ne7na mbehil bas afarneha halmara l3awniyi heni yali msherkin bi mohawalet legtiyel leyem jeyi wbibayen kol shi

Thumb kesrweneh 03 أيار 2012, 11:08

looool!! can't stop laughing especially for the grand finale "kol sheeh"

Default-user-icon sam, (ضيف) 03 أيار 2012, 09:36

To Geha And Dimashki What You Wrote Here Is The Realy Truth And Honest ... About The Others May God Forgive Them

Default-user-icon Castro (ضيف) 03 أيار 2012, 09:38

Ah ya Jumbalt ya batal give it to them FPM wankers, when you and the Hakeem speak the rest of the clowns should listen.God bless Lebanon

Thumb beiruti 03 أيار 2012, 12:40

It is good to see Jumblatt back in the fold. He knows well that if the Assad Regime in Syria survives, after all dissidents have been killed in Syria, after their families have been killed and after their homes have been destroyed, then Assad will direct his proxies in Lebanon, namely Hezbollah, or Wahab or any of the other cast of characters, to liquidate those who spoke against him in Lebanon. First among these will be Jumblatt. The shots fired at Geagea were not intended to kill, otherwise, they would have. But were intended to give warning, not just to Geagea, but to Hariri, Jumblatt and the others as well.

Thumb geha 03 أيار 2012, 13:16

wahab will soon be of the past....

Thumb geha 04 أيار 2012, 08:07

other than insulting others, can't you find an intelligent comment to contribute with? oh I forgot: your IQ is 0....
it is funny to see fpm guys lose their temper when they have nothing t say to defend their stupid masters.... :)

Missing ydafylsa 04 أيار 2012, 03:48

I wonder whether Minister Sehnaoui would have been so keen to protect "people's liberties" if the assassination attempt had targeted General Aoun?

Missing cedars 04 أيار 2012, 04:20

There is no such thing as warning shots with the terrorists.

Missing ydafylsa 04 أيار 2012, 05:52

Didn't know one could stutter while commenting!