جريحان بطرابلس إثر إطلاق نارعلى معتصمين على خلفية توقيف المولوي وميقاتي يحذر من "الشارع"

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جرح شخصين إثر إطلاق نار من قبل مجهولين على معتصمين في ساحة النور في مدينة طرابلس على خلفية توقيف الشاب شادي المولوي المتهم بالتواصل مع تنظيم إرهابي.

وأفادت الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام أن "مجهولين أطلقوا النار من سيارة، باتجاه المعتصمين في ساحة عبد الحميد كرامي في طرابلس للمطالبة بالإفراج عن شادي المولوي، ما أدى إلى إصابة شخصين".

ولقد اعتصم شبان من المدينة في ساحة عبد الحميد كرامي بجانب السرايا، وقاموا بقطع الطريق الدولية في الاتجاهين احتجاجا على توقيف المولوي من قبل أحد الاجهزة الامنية اللبنانية".

ويجوب العشرات منهم الشوارع على دراجات نارية، حاملين أعلام "الثورة السورية"، ومرددين هتافات تطالب بإطلاق المولوي. بحسب الوكالة.

ورفع المعنصمون لافتات تطالب بالافراج عنه فورا، والا سيلجأون الى خطوات تصعيدية.

كما أقدم المعتصمون على قطع الطريق عند مستديرة نهر أبو علي قرب سوق القمح بالاطارات والسيارات والسواتر الحديدية، مطالبين بالاسراع بالافراج عن المولوي، فيما جابت في الشوارع سيارات تعلوها مكبرات الصوت تبث الاناشيد الحماسية وتطالب بالافراج عنه. بحسب الوكالة.

وإثر الحادث، قال رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي: "لا يجوز تصوير مدينة طرابلس وكأنها خارجة على الشرعية والدولة" ، محذرا من" الانجرار الى منطق الشارع الذي لا يتلاءم مع قيم طرابلس ومبادئها ".

ودعا ميقاتي الذي تابع الوضع مع قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي وقادة الاجهزة الآمنية ، "بالتشدد في ضبط الوضع الامني واعادة الهدوء الى المدينة".

ورأى أن "العدالة وحدها كفيلة بانصاف الناس وسنكون دائما الى جانب العدالة والمظلومين".

وكانت المديرية العامة للأمن العام أعلنت في بيان صادر عنها أنه "بعد متابعة دقيقة قام بها مكتب شؤون المعلومات في المديرية، وبإشراف القضاء المختص، تمت ملاحقة المدعو شادي المولوي وتمكنت من توقيفه بتاريخ اليوم أثناء خروجه وعلى مدخل مركز الخدمات الإجتماعية التابع للوزير محمد الصفدي في طرابلس".

وأشارت المديرية الى أن الموقوف قد اقتيد إلى التحقيق بتهمة تواصله مع تنظيم إرهابي.

من جهته، أعلن مكتب النائب محمد الصفدي في طرابلس، أن المواطن شادي مولوي "استدرج الى مركز الخدمات الاجتماعية للنائب الصفدي في ساحة النور ظهر اليوم السبت، من قبل جهاز أمني بواسطة اتصال هاتفي به بحجة منحه مساعدة صحية".

وأوضح البيان انه "بعد دقائق من وصوله فوجيء الموظفون في مركز الخدمات الاجتماعية التابع للوزير الصفدي بدخول عناصر مسلحة من الأمن العام في طرابلس من دون إذن أو سابق إنذار".

وأضاف: "عمد هؤلاء الى توقيف المواطن وإخراجه بالقوة الى جهة مجهولة مما اثار ذهول الموظفين والمواطنين الموجودين في مكتب الخدمات. "

وعليه، دان الصفدي "استخدام مثل هذه الأساليب المستهجنة في استدراج المواطنين"، مطالبا " بالافراج فورا عن مولوي".

ورأى الصفدي أن "هذه التصرفات مرفوضة رفضا تاما، و تشكل خرقا للقوانين وللأعراف وللحرمات وتعطي عن الأمن العام صورة لا نرضاها له".

وأردف: "لذلك نطالب قيادة الامن العام والجهات المختصة بفتح تحقيق بهذه الحادثة، ومعاقبة المسؤولين عنها ليكونوا عبرة لسواهم في الالتزام بالقوانين"، داعيا الى "كشف الحقيقة كاملة في هذا الموضوع".

وخلص بيان الصفدي الى القول : "كرامة أهل طرابلس ليست مكسر عصا لأحد، وأنه لا يوجد أحد فوق القانون بدءاً بالمسؤولين عن تنفيذ هذه القوانين".

بدورهان استنكرت اللجنة السياسية لـ"الجماعة الإسلامية" في طرابلس، طريقة اعتقال مولوي، منتقدة "الأسلوب المستهجن في استدراج المواطنين تمهيدا لاعتقالهم بشكل مخالف للأنظمة والقوانين".

وطالبت اللجنة في بيان صادر عنها "جهاز الأمن العام بإصدار بيان توضيحي للرأي العام في مدينة طرابلس بالأسباب التي دفعته لهذا الفعل، كما وتطالبه بالإفراج الفوري عن المواطن شادي المولوي".

وختمت بالقول "إن حرمة مدينة طرابلس وكرامة أهلها خط أحمر".

كما طالب مؤسس التيار السلفي في لبنان الشيخ داعي الاسلام الشهال، الجهات المختصة ب"الإفراج الفوري" عن مولوي، معتبرا أن اعتقاله يشكل "فصلا جديدا من القهر والظلم والحرمان.

التعليقات 32
Missing peace 19:18 ,2012 أيار 12

the word terrorist is a very convenient word: NO country has defined what is terrorist and what is not on a legal basis. Very practical to throw blames on groups labeling them as terrorist when they want to get rid of them!

we can say that aoun is allied to a terrorist group because that is how he labeled hezbollah for decades, but now for his own interest they are no more terrorists! the same goes to the regime of assad labeled yesterday as terrorists by the same aoun and now it is suddenly a democracy!
the syrian calls the opposition terrorists, when they claim the same rights as in libya where the opposition was called freedom fighters!

very convenient indeed....

Missing lebcan 21:51 ,2012 أيار 12

FT your comments are correct if you consider the fact its the opposite of what you said...

Default-user-icon LebExile (ضيف) 00:45 ,2012 أيار 13

so you concede that the March 8 group were Syrian bootlickers before Hariri was blown up and are still Syrian bootlickers today!
Bravo to them.

Thumb jcamerican 19:41 ,2012 أيار 12

It was always like that. Bin Laden was a terrorist to the russians in Afghanistan, but to the americans he was a freedom fighter. Hope that help you in your dilemma.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 20:14 ,2012 أيار 12

he will be released NOW.FULL STOP.

Missing abdelhakim 21:11 ,2012 أيار 12

Flamethrower, to be fair, historic places and green lands have been destroyed all over lebanon to make room for malls, offices and expensive apartments for the few super rich lebanese and of course the arab princes.

Thumb libnani 21:41 ,2012 أيار 12

Tripoli neanderthals? The best Lebanese people are in Tripoli and Akkar come to Tripoli and say that and see what happens.

Missing peace 21:47 ,2012 أيار 12

"this shows they are real men with principles who assume their choices like men,"

then i assume that aoun is a woman...he changed his principles no? ferocioulsy anti syrian then pro syrian!
oh: and he also said, because you have a way of twisting things proper to your propaganda of the day, he also said that even the most honest politician was OBLIGED to cooperate with the assad regime or die.. i guess as you believe yourself as a man of principles that you would have died instead of working for the syrians if you were in that case...

and you often boast yourselves in FPM that aoun changed because wise people change and adapt: why do you deny those who had to work with the syrians before to change and be anti syrian?
you see how illogic and irresponsible FPM beliefs are.... poor FT we all pity you and your likes

Missing peace 23:31 ,2012 أيار 12

poor FT stop , you are getting down at each comment:
let me remind you the change in principles of your aoun which breaks the last argument you are so proud of
he said and repeated for years that till the assad regime was in place nothing good will come to lebanon and that it shall be removed!
strange how now syria is a democracy for hm when for DECADES he labeld it a terrorist regime! syria didn t change your aoun did to get the protection of his new hezbi pimp...
strange how he defends this very same regime like you are!

Missing peace 21:50 ,2012 أيار 12

"tripoli neanderthals "

you are just a low coward FT.. plus you are insulting a whole population including christians living in tripoli.seems you ve never been there i bet because you are afraid!
M HATE best suits you!!! and you pretend to want a unified lebanon? you are a joke and a little nazi racist...

Missing lebcan 21:58 ,2012 أيار 12

Hey FT ... to save many, I think people like you need to Go Away... you EVIL person!!! you sound like a Baath thug or a Hizbshitan thug... mmmm very interesting ... be careful FT, you are not indestructible OK ;) so fear Allah... and have peace dude...

Missing peace 22:05 ,2012 أيار 12

"tripoli and its residents is better off nuked for the hellhole it has become."

do you measure the extent of racism and hatred in your words? what if someone says the same for dahiye or baabda or rabieh? would you agree and find it normal?
you are a shame for your country for spitting out so much blind hatred and extremism, you deserve no respect and you have become a carpet on which to wipe one s feet...

Thumb libnani 22:10 ,2012 أيار 12

Hahahahah you want to nuke tripoli? The reason you hate Tripoli is because we stand up for ourselves when lowlives like you try to hurt us, we care for all our residents to the last one Muslim and Christian if you want to nuke us come and try, anyone that wants to mess with Tripoli we will take care of you whether it is jabal mhsen, hezbolchaitan or you flamethrower you are nothing compared to one person from Trablus.

Thumb libnani 22:31 ,2012 أيار 12

"this is why M14 weaklings are better off dead (preferably the hariri way). thanks"

Bro if you want to start a new civil war go ahead but alot of people would not appreciate this particular comment you have made your hatred of Sunnis is seething which is why I am sure you are not an atheist like I think you have said in the past. You are worse than any war criminal you criticize because you also wish to inflict harm on civilians like the people of Tripoli, and you wish to kill off politicians you don't like....so how are you different from the politicians you criticize for having so much blood on their hands you hypocrite?

Thumb libnani 10:01 ,2012 أيار 13

You are sectarian or harbor feelings of hatred against a significant number of Lebanese to make yourself sectarian anyway so don't think you are any different I have alot of family in Tripoli if you want to nuke it you are my enemy and I would defenitely be glad to be rid of you and your ilk. You are the devil himself.

Default-user-icon Yamak (ضيف) 23:48 ,2012 أيار 12

Free Mawlawi or we will make sure the Arab Spring wipes out the trash in Lebanon once and for all!

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 00:16 ,2012 أيار 13

i want to comment on the story, but b4 blablaying i want to know tripoli is wahaby or farsi???????

Missing peace 01:06 ,2012 أيار 13

"how my posts are 'racist' "
when you label tripolitans as neanderthals, when you call for the killings of people,... typical racism and extremism poor little arrogant FT...what would you say if i call people from dahiye the same as you do? what would you say if i call to nuke dahiye or rabieh or what ever?

oh i guess you d find it normal as it seems normal to you!it s the language of little nazis of your kind...

Default-user-icon Monster (ضيف) 02:02 ,2012 أيار 13

tripoli has become a sunni bastion maybe but what do you call Keserwen and Metn?

Missing peace 02:39 ,2012 أيار 13

"i'd rather be anything than a lukewarm PC centrist like you (:"

good for you... but calling for murder is a sign of great intelligence you have!
but as you always pretend to give lessons and think you are the greatest and most intelligent one on this site who knows all about politics, i ll leave you in your state of denial and complex of superiority...typical from FPM supporters, just watch aoun he taught you well!

Missing peace 11:09 ,2012 أيار 13

"M14 is a criminal, cowardly and thieving party."

yes it is just what i said you are calling for the murder of a great part of lebanese in a cold and nazi like manner...
typical way of acting of extremist parties: eradicate all those against it like baath party or nazi party do...
your posts are more and more desperate if the only dialogue possible for you is murder, it shows how afriad you are to lose bashar and your privileges...

you are the one who is useless here...

Thumb kanaandian 02:51 ,2012 أيار 13

I say thrown the Salafist leader in jail, ban Salafism and start monitoring the rest of them. If these traitors won't hold the Lebanese flag, they should be considered Qaida agents and thrown in jail or a secured mental aslyum until the renounce extremism. Enough with the Salafist garbage rolling around, these people are all bombs waiting to burst. They aren't Lebanese, Salafism isn't Lebanese, Salafism is a threat to the world wherever there are Salafists. Cudos to the LAF, throw them all in jail where they belong and prosecute them harshly. Enough of this nonsense that is plaguing the Middle East already.

Thumb libnani 10:23 ,2012 أيار 13

People resort to religion when they realize the only entity that they can trust is Allah subhanahu wa ta3ala and definitely not the decrepit state of Libnan.

Default-user-icon javelina (ضيف) 08:08 ,2012 أيار 13

I just wish everyone would stop fighting so I can come back there someday.

Thumb libnani 09:59 ,2012 أيار 13

I am from Tripoli the best people of Lebanon and a nightmare to devils like you.

Thumb libnani 10:56 ,2012 أيار 13

Ah, you mean your cousins and family in the Syrian cancerous district of jabal mohsen, don't worry FT we will deal with them and soon enough people like you and tripoli will be cancer free.

Thumb Lebanon4life 11:14 ,2012 أيار 13

Free Lebanon. A strong independent and well equipped army, that's what we need. No crazy radicals who think they can do what they want. No Hezbollah arms that's what we want . And nobody claiming we need the resistance arms, the resistance arms prevent Lebanon from having a strong army. !!!!!!

Thumb libnani 11:19 ,2012 أيار 13

May we see the end to hizb al muqawama

Missing peace 11:17 ,2012 أيار 13

what about those sunnis extremist of tripoli trained by hezbollah? are they good extremists for Mhate?

Thumb shab 12:49 ,2012 أيار 13

Religion is poison

Default-user-icon eli (ضيف) 15:52 ,2012 أيار 13

Hizballah and the salafis are two sides of the same coin.Lebanon is best without both.what Lebanon needs is a small army, not a big one,Lebanon will never have enough money to equip an army strong enogh to face off with israel.A peace treaty with Israel is long overdue.Also,it needs a strong policing acgency that can and should apply and protect the law of the land equaly to all.

Default-user-icon reader (ضيف) 18:04 ,2012 أيار 13

Naharnet needs to control this conversation--at least when profanities are used and when it gets out of control as it did!!!