ميقاتي عن رسالة سوريا لبان: تؤجج الخلافات والحكومة تقوم بواجبها كاملا
Read this story in Englishأكد رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي أن رسالة الخارجية السورية إلى الأمم المتحدة التي تؤكد أن الإرهاب إليها مصدره لبنان "تؤجج الخلافات" معلنا أن الحكومة تقوم بواجبها "كاملا".
وقال ميقاتي في بيان صدر عن مكتبه الإعلامي مساء الجمعة "إن الحكومة اللبنانية تقوم بواجبها كاملا في مكافحة عمليات الارهاب من اي نوع كان، وفي مراقبة الحدود اللبنانية وضبط الوضع الأمني ومعالجة الثغرات الأمنية التي تحصل".
وكانت قد وجهت وزارة الخارجية السورية رسالة الى الامين العام للامم المتحدة بان كي مون عبر مندوبها بشار الجعفري لفتت فيها الى ان بعض "المناطق اللبنانية المجاورة للحدود اللبنانية السورية قد اصبحت حاضنة لعناصر ارهابية من تنظيمي القاعدة والاخوان المسلمين ممن يعبثون بامن سوريا ومواطنيها".
وذكر ميقاتي مساء الجمعة أن "التجاوزات تحصل أيضا من الجانب السوري للحدود، حيث يعلم الجميع طبيعة التداخل القائم بين البلدين وصعوبة ضبط المساحة الحدودية الشاسعة بينهما".
وختم رئيس الحكومة بالقول "نعتبر الكلام الذي صدر عن المندوب السوري تأجيجا للخلافات ، في وقت نسعى فيه عبر القنوات الديبلوماسية والأمنية المختصة الى تخفيف الانقسام الحاصل ومعالجة الاشكالات التي تحصل بهدوء وروية ،وبما يحفظ حسن العلاقات بين البلدين والشعبين".
"“the Lebanese government is fully performing its duty as to combating any type of terror operations, and in monitoring the Lebanese border, controlling the security situation and addressing any security gaps.”
why then are there still heavy fights in tripoli? can t the army stop it? or are you doing the minimum to inflame tripoli and accuse the "terrorists" of doing so?
Why the hell is Lebanon in the arab league? The only thing we have in common with the arabs is the language and ABSOLUTELY nothing else, we are Phoenicians formally known as the canaanites,semetic Aramaic speaking sea ferring people with six thousand years of history. Please give us our lebanon back and leave us alone.
Miqati, who knows how severe the anti-syrian-regime sentiment is in the suni street is playing politics to help maintain suni credibility and to remain in parliament come the next elections. At the end of the day there are no 'centrists' when blood is spilling in an ultra-sectarian region. tayebe miqati, 3ali w khood jumhoor lol.
Why can't Jaafar shut the border and tis way he is secure? enough with this moron, it's been more than a year since the revolt and they cannot put out the fire so they are accusing the air that blows from Turkey and Lebanon. Go get him Miqati.
Send a letter to the UN demanding demarcation of the borders with Syria and the building of a fence. Syria should oblige since they are complaining about the inflow of weapons and terrorists. Hit the metal when it is hot. Follow the liar to the thresh hold of their door (poor translation from Arabic I know).
Bravo Mikati ! and @ enough, i would have wanted all of them to respond, but we know very well specially General, he is a syrian agent in Lebanon now, he will not dare contradict his master which he thinks is governing the most democratic country in the world...Anyways i hope bachar wont make that mistake, because i think all lebanese from any religious background wont accept that. but in the same time it might be the best strategy to get all together and finish Assad for good.
i actually wouldnt be suprised one bit if he enters into an electoral alliance with hariri come 2013, this is lebanon where jumblatization is always a political possibility.
Assad was a little boy when Ahsrafieh, Zahle and Qanat were burial ground for his lousy army.
Yalla ya shater, go study your history before you make the biggest mistake of your life.
Time to re-load...war drums are beating!!!
Tripoli and Akkar, it is your turn now to show our neighbors some lebanese hospitality...
It is laughable that there are 50 "terrorists" in Qalamoun. I was sitting in a public coffee shop in Qalamoun with several people who are defending the syrian regime. When I stated that this is a criminal regime who kills its own people, couple of friends from the town took me to the side and told me to be carefull as those supporting the Syrian regime have no qualm against making people disappear. Also the Syrian regime is supported by elements of the security and intelligence service in lebanon.
The letter also claims that “50 terrorists are stationed in the town of al-Qalamoun in Tripoli under the command of Khaled al-Tanak, Khaled Hamza and Zakariya Ghaleb al-Khouli.” So how come people there are wary about criticizing the criminal regime in Syria and how come the few still supporting that regime in Qalamoun still can voice their opinions without fear!!! I should know: when I did criticize the regime in the cofee shop, couple of my relative told me to be wary "you have children. you are visiting. you have a good life. They will make you disappear or if lucky you will have a beating." "These" include pro-Syrian thugs and unfortunatelly elements in the intelligency and security forces in Lebanon that are loyal above all to the criminal regime in Syria. Miqati had better stand up to the butcher of damascus and their sycophants - otherwise his political future is over as I doubt anyone will vote for him if he does not develop a spine and a conscience.