عون يرفع دعوى قضائية ضد جعجع لتصريحاته حول الاغتيالات
Read this story in Englishرفع رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون دعوى قضائية على رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع، بسبب تصريحات الأخير بشأن الاغتيالات السياسية في لبنان منذ عام 2005.
وجاء في بيان للتيار الوطني الحر أن عون تقدم بالدعوى لدى النيابة العامة التمييزية بشكوى متخذاً فيها صفة الادعاء الشخصي "بحق كل من السيد سمير جعجع، ووكالة الأنباء المركزية، والموقع الالكتروني للقوات اللبنانية، وصحيفة المستقبل".
وأشار البيان إلى أن الدعوة هي بناء "لارتكاب الجرائم المنصوص عنها بموجب أحكام المواد التالية من قانون العقوبات اللبناني: المادة 398 لجهة تضليل التحقيق القضائي وعدم تزويده بالمعلومات "القيمة" التي يملكها بهذا الصدد، والمواد 217/218 معطوفة على المادتين 188 و189 لجهة التحريض على قتل المدّعي، والمادة 317 لجهة إثارة النعرات الطائفية والمذهبية، إضافة الى القدح والذمّ".
وكان جعجع قد حمل عون "المسؤولية الأدبية والمعنوية" عن الإغتيالات السياسية في لبنان "إن لم يكن أبعد من ذلك".
وأتى كلام جعجع بعد كلام لعون الثلاثاء عندما سئل عن محاولة اغتيال جعجع فأجاب "لم تخرط في دماغي القصة كلها".
وكانت قد كشفت صحيفة "الأخبار" في عددها الصادر صباح السبت أن عون سيرفع الدعوى بسبب قول جعجع أن عون مسؤول معنوياً، "إن لم يكن أبعد من ذلك"، عن محاولات الاغتيال.
وأضافت الصحيفة أن وكلاء عون القانونيّين سيتقدمون بهذه الدعوى السبت، أو مطلع الأسبوع المقبل.
So it's OK for Aoun to bad mouth everybody 'men ta7t el zinnar', and we are all expected to listen. But beware someone speak about him, he goes nuts! .. and over what? NOTHING.
pff, what a pitiful man.. not even a man.. a mule.
this senile keeps running forward trying to mislead the idiots who follow him :)
he knows Geagea is right, and that fpm is hiding the data to help the perpetraitors of the assassination attempt.
Someone should sue those responsible for hindering the investigation by not allowing ISF access to telecom Data (same Data that Hezb has).
You know FT ... Jumblat, Maqati and Safadi all ran under the M14 ticket last election... and during the course of term they switched SIDES!!!... They may have switched sides from the M14 to M8 but the people who voted for them were betrayed... so just wait, just wait, lets see what will happen to Safadi, Maqati and Jumblat in the next elections??? I wonder what will happen??? hmmm
Divide and Conquer... i think Hizbshitan's hope of staying in power is to create hell in Lebanon so the elections could be cancelled...
As did all your masters ... or u have enjoyed double standards so much that you want to apply it to everything?
Slashito will never change :) Ya educated man from hareerz money such suits happen in all the civilized countries that you support so much so why not saying it does not make sense?
Again emotional accusations, no foundation :) Ufff 3a hal frustration 3an jadd I pity you habboub ;) you don't want the law, normal for someone milichyewe bass your time is over now... les premiers cris de haine... :) Amen!
How about catching the head of the snake who caused the killing of 2000 Lebanese citizens during the 2006 war over the entire country?
I won't mention the massive infrastructure destruction due to the Iranian money promise to repair the damages.
How about a lawsuit by the 2000 people killed against Hizbollah? wait a minute, if you are under Hizb territory then Iran/Hizb gave each family 100K to shutup because their martyr went to heaven and is coming back soon.
bravo slash thanks for the recommendation bass non merci we are still behind him inta le ma'hour. He left leb when he was betrayed we are ready to accept that... He did drug his milicia and ordered them to kill men and women in camps ;)
PS : Slashito de mi corazon, I don;t hate him I make fun of people who follow him. I admire him for being so smart to manipulate so many ;)
Aslan there has never really been any M14... Ta yettef'o ben ba3d. The internal crisis has never been so big. Their only leitmotiv is weapons weapons weapons... Focus on the real issues guys :)
dividing? They are welcome to join :) We are open minded and know how to forgive stupidity... We were always open, they decided to leave us aside? Remember?
Read all international papers and books, zero doubt about this dear. At least admit it as a 'mistake' and only then we can talk... I had plenty of students from this milicia in my class... yjaglo 3al sabaya with their weapons... what a mascarade!
How is that irrelevant if your master wants to borrow 11Billion dollars to fix the electricity, meanwhile the same entity that he belongs to only believes in arms, control, destruction and do not even pay a dime for their electric bills? I will give you a simple Leb example: This is like the cow that you milk it and gives you 100 ton of milk daily but in the end of the day it kicks the barrels and all milk is wasted by close of day.