نصرالله عن خطف اللبنانيين بحلب: لا يجوز لا قطع الطرقات ولا خطف أحد وأجرينا اتصالات مع دول إقليمية
Read this story in Englishدعا الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله إلى الإمتناع عن حرق الإطارات وإقفال الطرقات ردا على خطف اللبنانيين في حلب من قبل عناصر "الجيش السوري الحر" كاشفا عن إجراء اتصالات بين "حزب الله" ودول "إقليمية مؤثرة" لحل القضية.
وقال نصرالله في اتصال مع قناة "المنار" مساء الثلاثاء "ليس لازما أن يتم قطع الطرقات ونحن نخاف من أن يدخل أحد على الخط مع الجيش أو مع أي أحد".
وكان قد نزل عدد من الشبان مساء الثلاثاء إلى الطرقات خصوصا في الضاحية الجنوبية وضواحيها بسبب خطف الجيش السوري الحر حجاج في حلب كانوا في زيارة دينية إلى إيران.
وتابع نصرالله "أتمنى على أهالي الضاحية وكل المناطق لأننا لا نريد قطع الطرقات فعلى من تقطع؟ قطع الطرقات ليس سليما لا من الناحية الوطنية ولا الأخلاقية".
كما أشار إلى أن "الكلام عن أننا سنرد بالخطف ممنوع فهذا حرام ولا يجوز أن يتصرف أي أحد من تلقاء نفسه لأن الأمر لا يخدم القضية".
وكشف نصرالله أن "الإتصالات بدأت مع السلطة السورية ومع بعض الدول الإقليمية المؤثرة في المنطقة".
وتوجه إلى المحتجين في الشارع بالقول "أولادكم أمانة في أعناقنا، الكل مدعوين للإنضباط والتعبير عن الموقف سلميا".
وشدد على أن هذا "الموضوع من مسؤوليتنا والمخطوفون هم لبنانيون وهناك حكومة التي عليها بالدرجة الأولى تحمل المسؤولية كأي دولة".
إلا أن نصرالله لم يخف رأيه أن "العملية مدانة بكل المعايير" قائلا أن "الأولوية هي كيفية معالجة الموضوع وبعدها نتكلم بالسياسة".
وإذ ابدى عدم امتناعه للإعتصام في المساجد قال "حديثي موجه بشكل أساسي إلى العائلات وما سأقوله هو كلام باسم دولة الرئيس (مجلس النواب نبيه) بري وباسم القيادتين".
quelqu'un veut absolument provoquer la guerre au Liban. a la tele une femme de Alep a dit qu'il ont ete kidnape' a 5 m de la frontiere. c'est tres etrange, je pensais que les troupes siriennes controllait encore les postes de frontieres.
ce n'est pas neuf, israel et la syrie se sont toujours affrontes sur le territoire libanais... ensuite l'Iran a fait de meme.... maintenant c'est Assad qui essaie de survivre en tentant d'embraser le Liban voisin, hsitoire de montrer qu'il est le seul capable d'eteindre les incendies qu'il a le pouvoir de declencher. c'est classique... Le Liban est un pays sans avenir, c'est certain.
You sow what you reap. Creep. What kind of country anyway, has a guy like this who lives in a hole in the ground and who exercises more power than the President, Prime Minister, the cabinet and the Parliament combined? A backwards hidebound 7th Century satrap. That is what this thing is turning Lebanon, the most chic country in the world, he is turning into his image, slowly, relentlessly, one spoonful at a time.
We know what the problem is. If only some leadership would be shown to execute the solution.
Your Hizbshitan thugs in syria... but you sheep will never accept the truth of what is...IS!!!
So it's OK for you to kill by means of inside jobs using the Lebanese army? Ya manzar wissikh!
And Mr Nesralla, the sooner the better it is for you to realise that Lebanon will NEVER become an islamic republic like you and your masters in iran wish to achieve,and Mr Hariri the same goes for you Lebanon will NEVER succombe to your wahabite or salafite masters in saudi arabia. Ive said it once and will say it again,the lebanese people are an educated,sophisticated and free people.
"why are you stuck in the past dude? " just read your precedent post: you live in the past too... so don t blame him as he does what you do too!
"but the criminal still is here today, and still followed by hollow heads like you."
the criminal benefited from amnesty from your friend lahoud...so he is no more a criminal... funny how only this man is labeled criminal by M8 forgetting all the criminals still in power in M8...
double M8 standards as usual....
You're all a bunch of idiots...including the ones who put as their profile pictures of Lebanese poticians who are the sons of the sons of the sons of the same polticians over and over again...you have no brain to think for yourself and this country will never change...other countries are launching commercial trips to the international space ship and we're still saying this party said this and this party said that....what a waste of such a beautiful country...shame on your all....
Yalla rja3 3a jourtak habibi yalla. You don't represent the Lebanese so don't act like you do. Yalla run back to your hole before a drone homes in on you.
The power of a gun is amazing, some follow at gunpoint some follow for a loaf of bread and free medical care.
"The Lebanese state and government have a responsibility to work toward the release of those kidnapped," he said.
you are totally correct and we deplore such kidnapping of lebanese citizens. but what about working towards release of the lebanese in syrian jails or at least return their bodies? what about the state and government responsibility to ensure that syrians and lebanese are not abducted in lebanon and handed to the syrian regime? nothing but another one sided speech....
I dont know why for every article we should bring up the past.
Comment his latest speech only. the latest speech was actually pretty good ( this short one that he did this evening).
He simply said No closing roads and no attacks on innocent people inside Lebanon.
Whether you like him or not, what he said was good for Lebanon this time.
Someone should have told that dog, that the Syrian free army is only made up of Saints and that only Israel , could have kidnapped the visiting chiites ! These guys should be paid in kind, and made aware, that as a minority in Lebanon and, the ME, the members of the Hizb sect will be treated in kind ! Those individuals are no better than murdered Prime Minister and MP's , and numerous other ordinary citizens killed wrecklessly by the Hizb animals!
Stop accusing each other on each article..... To hell all Lebanese parties and their leaders, we are for economic growth only, and a rich top tier country only. When achieve that then we'll be able to help neighbours and even the endangerd polar bears or maybe the king penguins of the north pole. I swear.. But now let's just focus on making money, thats the real and only cure for this country, wealth...
Nasralah should have known better that he putting the she3a community in lebanon, who were once welcomed by suni syrians in 2006, at war with the sunis in Syria: a strategic blunder. Officialy the two communities, unfortunately, are defacto enemies and let's be honest about this, Hizbustan is involved in the genocide in Syria and not innocent one bit, all you have to do is watch manar. The current solution to this one is release of prisoners from both sides.
How could we ever build a nation when no one lifts a finger when Lebanese people are shot and killed on Lebanese property by Syrian soldiers across the border. The government denies they were killed and yet when Hizzbullah affiliated group is kidnapped, the Shias are protesting in the streets demanding their release. Not that I have ever had hope for Lebanon but this is a clear indication that this is a country doomed for years to come. Pitty the Nation.
So he is calm because he does not have any force to use ,but if he in situation of being very power he will use it.
what a political agenda he follow ,hezbollah make all lebanease under dangour.