لافروف: انتقال العنف من سوريا الى لبنان "خطر حقيقي"
Read this story in Englishحذر وزير الخارجية الروسي سيرغي لافروف الاربعاء من ان انتقال اعمال العنف من سوريا الى لبنان يشكل "خطرا حقيقيا".
وقال لافروف لصحافيين في موسكو ان "خطر امتداد النزاع (في سوريا) الى لبنان اصبح حقيقيا حيث يمكن ان تنتهي الامور بشكل سيء نظرا للتاريخ والتشكيلة العرقية والدينية للسكان والمبادىء التي بنيت عليها الدولة اللبنانية".
واضاف "انه تطور خطير جدا للوضع يجب الافلات منه باي ثمن".
ويرى محللون ان لبنان بات رهينة النزاع في سوريا بعد سلسلة مواجهات امنية دامية وقعت فيه اخيرا بين مناهضين ومؤيدين لنظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد.
No Lebanese want civil war nor even civil strife. Any problems that arise: Blame Syria, Israel, Iran and the US.
I am really astonished from the narrow mindedness of this foreign minister and the country he represents. Let's assume for one that yes Lebanon would resurrect civil war! does this mean that we should support the Syrian regime even after they have killed more than 10 thoudands of their citizens. the Syrian crisis is purely Syrian and the people of Syria are more than capable to resolve it one way ir another. It would have been wiser if Lavrov did put some brain in his head and the head of his master Putin and help the Syrian people find a new president for themselves based on the Syrian's choice at the gullops. This is how democracy works. But who would listen; the Russians who had their elections rigged for Putin to succeed. Russia is the last country to let us know how we should govern or behave. They should first fix themselves and then maybe if they become rational to help impart piecec of advice to others.