جعجع: أتفهم دعوة سليمان للحوار ولكننا نرفض الحوار الشكلي طالما ملف الحكومة لم يحل بعد

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أعرب رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع عن تفهمه لدعوة رئيس الجمهورية العماد ميشال سليمان للحوار، رافضا الذهاب الى حوار شكلي، مشددا في هذا الإطار على ضرورة معالجة ملف الحكومة جديا، وتشكيل حكومة حيادية.

وقال جعجع في مؤتمر صحافي له عقده اليوم اليوم الجمعة: "سمعت دعوة سليمان للحوار ورئيس الجمهورية من المسؤولين القلائل في الدولة الذين يصارعون من أجل الدولة ولانقاذ ما يمكن انقاذه، أفهم دعوته للحوار لانني اأى حجم المخاطر التي تحيط بلبنان، وهو يفكر بما يجب فعله لاخراج لبنان باكبر قدر من الصحة والعافية".

ورأى أن "سليمان دعا للحوار من حماسه لفعل شيء ما في ظل هذه الظروف المضطربة"، مضيفا: "تمت الدعوة مرتين الى الحوار والرئيس قال اذا كان ثمة مواضيع اخرى للحوار فتطرح بالتوافق، فيما يتعلق بالسلاح خارج المخيمات هذا الملف اتخذ قرار فيه والحكومة مشكلة من الفريق الآخر كليا فلم لا تنفذ هذا القرار".

وتابع: "لن قبل بالذهاب الى حوار شكلي فنحن نريد حوارا فعليا لكن الفريق الاخر لا يريد هذا الحوار، ليبدأوا بتنفيذ المقررات السابقة ونقطة الانطلاق هي استقالة الحكومة الحالية لانها "شاذة" وتشكيل حكومة حيادية".

وحول موضوع السلاح ذكر جعجع أن الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله قال أن هذا الموضوع ليس مطروحا للبحث، لافتا الى أن كل الذين تواجدوا على طاولة الحوار سابقا تقدموا بأوراق عمل للاستراتيجية الدفاعية الا الفريق الوحيد المعني فعليا وحزب الله.

وعليه، تساءل جعجع "اذا كان حزب الله يقول أن سلاحه غير مطروح للحوار والوحيد الذي لم يقدم استراتيجية دفاعية، فلما الدعوة للحوار وما الموضوع الذي سيطرح"، معتبرا أن "المقومات الفعلية لحوار جدي غير متوفرة".

وسأل أيضا "هل حزب الله مستعد لوضع سلاحه على طاولة الحوار؟ وهل سيقدم تصوراً للاستراتيجية الدفاعية؟ نحن لدينا تصور اضافة الى كل الفرقاء باستثناء "حزب الله" المعني مباشرة بالموضوع على هذا الاساس نأخذ القرار".

وأردف: "أفهم فخامة الرئيس لكن لا مضمون ولا مقومات فعلية لاي حوار. وبدل أن نعود للطاولة بالسن خشبية من دون أن نفعل شيئا لنبدأ بما يجب البدء به وهو أن تقدم الحكومة بتنفيذ البند المتعلق بالسلاح الفلسطيني".

وإذ أشار الى أن "الحكومة الحالية ضد الحوار بدءا بطريقة تشكيلها وفي معظم القرارات التي اتخذتها وخطواتها ومكوناتها لا يستطيعون التحاور مع بعضهم"، أكد جعجع أن "ملف الحكومة بحاجة الى حل للذهاب الى حوار جدي".

وفي مناسبة عيد التحرير، أكد جعجع أنه " سيبقى يوما مجيدا رغم اللطخات التي توضع خلاله"، لافتا الى أن" ثمة يوم مجيد عند اكثر من 50% من اللبنانيين هو 26 نيسان 2005"، مطالبا "الحكومة ان تجعل هذا اليوم يوم تحرير بمعنى من المعاني".

وحول موضوع دعوة الرعايا الخليجيين الا يأتوا الى لبنان، قال جعجع أن معلوماته تقول ان هذه الدعوة ستستمر، لافتا الى أن "الدعوة بجوهرها تعني ان الدول لا ثقة لها بالحكومة الحالية".

وأكد " نحن في 14 آذار نعرف مدى اهمية هذا الامر للبنانيين"، مشددا على ان وجود هذهذ الحكومة ستظل المواقف العربية تجاه لبنان تأخذ هذا المنحى

التعليقات 21
Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 17:27 ,2012 أيار 25

This man still talks? he is a WAR CRIMINAL

Default-user-icon Roberto Bostadgi (ضيف) 17:39 ,2012 أيار 25

So according to this retard's logic, the Lebanese must kill one another to resolve other issues and then they can conduct a dialog. min addak ya 7akawati

Default-user-icon El Cubichi (ضيف) 18:09 ,2012 أيار 25

No seas tan come mierda....

Thumb beiruti 18:11 ,2012 أيار 25

Dialogue "an exchange of ideas or opinions on a particular issue, especially a political or religious issue, with a view to reaching an amicable agreement or settlement."

Explain FT, that process, when one party to the dialogue has a gun, the other does not, and the party with the gun had displayed a known propensity, should the dialogue not arrive to the armed party's desired destination, to pull out his gun and force the issue to be resolved in the way that the armed person wants?

This is not a dialogue, it is coersion under the ruse of consensus. This is the Hezbollah modus operandi to rule by coersion, but under the guise of a government.
I do not blame M14 at all for not wishing to engage in this self serving fraudulent Hezbollah sponsored exercise.
Rather, I commend them.

Thumb Bandoul 08:28 ,2012 أيار 26

@FleasThrower, did you apologize for wanting to shoot us in the head and to dissolve us in acid? What? No? Not yet? Then, STFU.

Thumb lebnanfirst 19:45 ,2012 أيار 25

Why in heavens name would ANYONE want to engage in dialogue with the likes of you FT. All you advocate is the elimination of those who do not share your opinion. No tolerance for opinions that do not align with yours and an inclination towards violent solutions. Unless and until HA arms are on the dialogue table there can be no dialogue.

Thumb geha 06:02 ,2012 أيار 26

name ne persn that you have nt insulted because his ideas are different from yours.
you are a sick person.

Thumb geha 09:07 ,2012 أيار 26

I checked tayyar site and I sa the civility you are talking about: it is all hate and insults towards nyone who differ with you gys. it is the same thing you try to spread here too.

Missing allouchi 20:55 ,2012 أيار 25

Hakim is our next president

Thumb Bandoul 08:30 ,2012 أيار 26

@allouchi, he won't run for president, he know what's best for Leb, too much baggage and it would inflame a lot of people who think he is responsible for the church incident.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 21:11 ,2012 أيار 25

Good talk Dr. Geagea, but i must disagree on one thing. yes i am with the removal of Hezbollah weaponry but under the integration inside the lebanese army as a very strong regiment in the south. And foremost, i suggest we must tackle the dialogue table with no conditions exept first of all the palestinians weapons inside and outside. This must be our priority. All non lebanese militias dissolved first. with this kind of recommandation, we will see where Hezbollah stands. if it is ok with that, it means , ultimately , it will accept after the removal of its weapons because palestinian weapons in a sunnite-chiite conflict if it occurs , will be turned against them and they cannot hand their weapons to the lebanese army before the palestinians issue is resolved. I understand that and everybody must understand that first. Hezbollah has credit at least to have liberated the south in 2000. what do the palestinian militias have credit for exept ruining Lebanon ? .

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 21:11 ,2012 أيار 25

Lets all unite first on this issue. And as for the withdrawal of the syrian army, yes it should be a national day, because more than half of the lebanese have suffered because of them, and their withdrawal was a historic day as well. We have to respect the views and resistance of every sect. Not just one. In order to understand Hezbollah, they must understand our fears, our victories, our ennemies as well, only then we will be able to understand them as well and all unite again

Default-user-icon Tromba Balloutgi (ضيف) 22:38 ,2012 أيار 25

bi ro7 wa bi dam al massi7iyin, yafdikom al 7akim ya ahl al sunna

Thumb Bandoul 08:27 ,2012 أيار 26

@FleasThrower, did you apologize for wanting to shoot us in the head and to dissolve us in acid? What? No? Not yet? Then, STFU.

Thumb Chupachups 09:04 ,2012 أيار 26

exactly!.. it seems anything that affects this resistance is a "no-go"zone but everything else we can dialogue about... what hypocrites.

they say they want dialogue without pre conditions, but arent they putting conditions already by saying 'no dont talk about our arms'

Missing peace 14:00 ,2012 أيار 26

pavlovian reflex again.. you see geagea you are the first to spit your hatred! you criticize others for doing the same as you do... double M8 standards i guess, moron...

Missing peace 14:01 ,2012 أيار 26

when M8 doesn t want to discuss the main issue that divides lebanon and is the root of all the problems , yes mowaten M8 refuses dialogue!!!!

Default-user-icon Toshty Kovarda (ضيف) 15:52 ,2012 أيار 26

And the best way Dr. Hallucinando sees fit to resolve the government dispute is by igniting a fresh round of civil strife. Dialogue will then come naturally in the form of a second Taef Accord that is more humiliating to the Christian than the previous one. Thank you Savant!

Missing cedars 07:24 ,2012 أيار 27

My house is 50 meters near the Electricity Gen Station, Everytime Israel bombs the station to destroy the infrastructure I do not just blame the evils but also the root cause of their evilness. Hassouna boys has never come to me and paid for the three story building that its entire walls are cracked from the missiles that land in the Gen Station for every marathon in the South between Iran and Israel. Let's stop this resistance BS because the example above proves to a 10yr old that the Leb Army is the sole responsible entity to protect the Country otherwise everyone should be armed and everyone will immigrate because we'll have no Country as we're back to the war.

Missing cedars 07:24 ,2012 أيار 27

My house is 50 meters near the Electricity Gen Station, Everytime Israel bombs the station to destroy the infrastructure I do not just blame the evils but also the root cause of their evilness. Hassouna boys has never come to me and paid for the three story building that its entire walls are cracked from the missiles that land in the Gen Station for every marathon in the South between Iran and Israel. Let's stop this resistance BS because the example above proves to a 10yr old that the Leb Army is the sole responsible entity to protect the Country otherwise everyone should be armed and everyone will immigrate because we'll have no Country as we're back to the war.

Thumb Bandoul 20:49 ,2012 أيار 27

@FleasThrower, did you apologize for wanting to shoot us in the head and to dissolve us in acid? What? No? Not yet? Then, STFU.