سليمان من وزارة الدفاع: الجيش يجب ان يبقى موحدا وضربه مدخل للفتنة

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شدد رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان على أن "ضرب الجيش هو مدخل للفتنة والفوضى والمؤامرات".

وأوضح خلال لقائه كبار الضباط بالجيش في قاعة العماد نجيم في وزارة الدفاع باليرزة، أن "الجيش هو العامود الفقري للبلد وأنه يجب ان يبقى موحداً حتى لو طال الانقسام كل فئات المجتمع اللبناني".

وتابع سليمان، قائلاً "واجب الجيش حماية الإختلاف والتعدد، وضربه مدخل للفتن والمؤامرات والفوضى، ولا يستطيع أحد وضع الجيش في مواجهة أي طائفة أو جماعة أو فئة، فقراره موحد يجسد المشاركة".

وأثنى سليمان على "دور الضباط والمؤسسة العسكرية في حفظ الامن الاستقرار".

من جانب آخر قال سليمان "نتجه الى الحوار" وهو "ليس حوارا للحوار أو لإعادة تعريف العقيدة، بل التطبيق على قاعدة القوى الشرعية العسكرية والإستفادة من كل قدرات القوى الأهلية التي تولت راية المقاومة".

ووجه رئيس الجمهورية الاثنين الدعوة الى كافة الاقطاب السياسية للمشاركة في الحوار في 11 حزيران في قصر بعبدا، والذي سيتضمن 3 مواضيع وهي سلاح المقاومة لجهة الاستفادة الايجابية منه على قاعدة الاتفاق على استراتيجدية وطنية للدفاع، والسلاح داخل المدن وخارجها وتنفيذ مقررات الحوار السابقة في ما خص نزع السلاح الفلسطيني خارج المخيمات وتنظيمه داخل المخيمات.

ووصل سليمان الى وزارة الدفاع صباح الثلاثاء حيث وكان في استقباله وزير الدفاع فايز غصن وقائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي ورئيس الأركان اللواء الركن وليد سليمان.

التعليقات 15
Thumb kesrweneh 14:43 ,2012 أيار 29

Does this mean that you will not be teaming with the thugs(i: Future and LF) criticizing the army during the next elections? You did that in 2009 and you were not able to gain one parliamentary seat. So repositioning is crucial for you

Default-user-icon Patriot (ضيف) 04:20 ,2012 أيار 30

This How Soldiers and army should be treated like "http://www.mullerover.com/2012/05/23/what-honor-looks-like-the-flash-mob-at-gate-38-of-reagan-national-airport/"

Missing helicopter 15:13 ,2012 أيار 29

Stop calling half of the Lebanese thugs. It was those thugs that caused Syria's army to leave Lebanon. Your allies are the ones that already forgot all the Prisoners in Syria's jails and forgave all the massacres they committed in Lebanon. Outgrow your prejudices for the sake of Lebanon.

Thumb beiruti 15:26 ,2012 أيار 29

Targeting the Army, is not the same as holding it accountable to the democratic institutions, standards and norms which standards are the source of the Army's credibility with the people. The Army cannot be above the law, otherwise we are into an Assad Regime type situation. The Army must serve the people which means that it must be servant to the laws made by the people.
When elements of the Army breach that trust by wantonly killing Lebanese civilians, it is necessary to hold the offending soldiers and officers accountable for the sake of maintaining the credibility of the entire force.
Suliman should not confuse holding the army accountable with targeting. Its a wrong equation.

Missing lebcan 17:59 ,2012 أيار 29

Very true

Missing peace 16:52 ,2012 أيار 29

dont worry slash: M8 suffers from alzheimer or selective memory... i should add to what you said that hezbollah had forbidden the lebanese army to deploy in the south before 2006... wasn t that targetting the army too?

Thumb chrisrushlau 18:49 ,2012 أيار 29

This discussion is very untidy. If the Taef Accord were abandoned in favor of "one man, one vote", all this suppressed hostility, which is nothing but anxiety about the lack of a "level playing field" (fear of powers behind the scenes), could be transformed into the power of policy analysis. For example, what does Lebanon need an army for? Who is the likely enemy? Why?

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 20:22 ,2012 أيار 29

Unfortunately and lets be fair, the army is no good anymore. Not because we dont have brave soldiers, but because political decisions have affected it so many times and has proven that it cannot do anything to help civilians. Lets take it objectively, what has it done to stop the alawites and salafists ( or anti-syrians) in the north? it was standing by waiting for a " political decision ". Same goes in Akkar. It arrests FSA fighters, then releases them, causing a gathering of anti -assad resistance forming in lebanon. Same goes for the borders, they let the syrian army shoot our citizens instead of Arresting them IF PROVEN GUILTY OF VIOLATIONS OF BORDERS. But yet again, " poltical decisions"... Lets not talk about the army never entering Dahiyeh , that is a fact and a clear one for anybody that has followed lebanon news or any accident happening in Dahiyeh, they clean up and then let the army in after having erased evidence...

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 20:22 ,2012 أيار 29

What army? yes i know where they are effective.. beating up christians in the christian neighboordhoods. Because it is too scared to beat up sunnites or chiites because it will spark a civil war. I hate from all my heart to say that , but the christians are rearming whether LF, Kataeb or Tayyar, we dont trust the army anymore .

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 20:26 ,2012 أيار 29

And anticipating maybe flamethrowers's comments on how" i dont respect the army " or " i dont believe in the army" , not even Tayyar people ( which we know a lot of them ) trust the army. They are all armed again , whether tayyar , ouwet or kataeb and training men in case something happens in christian neighboorhoods. And do not worry about a christian-christian standoff, there will be none. And if our stupid leaders hint it, we must go to their respective houses and burn them alive because they didnt not learn from the 89-91 war. And i hope we all agree on this one.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 20:30 ,2012 أيار 29

As for the druze, a noble sect that has been led by the smartest turncoat in history which is Jumblat, has lost its lebanese identity. Yes i agree Jumblat leads them always to a safe destination trying to protect them from any lebanese conflict, but they should oust them and take their patriotic stand as they always did since the birth of Lebanon. It is sad to see them beeing played by someone who cares only about himself and his popularity among his sect . The druze are not cowards and do not need to be protected like newborns. We are all beeing played by our politicians while they dine , laugh , drink at the " national" ( lol) dialogue, we shoot each other on the streets. Bravo.

Missing ulpianus 14:52 ,2012 أيار 30


I disagree with you on Jumblatt. He is the only one that is still "somewhat" Lebanese.

I think the druz sect is the only one, not allied with foreign powers. Yes Jumblat did isolate them, but I think I would prefer to be isolated in my country, than reach out to foreigners...

I hope his thinking is implemented on a national level. He really is a turncoat, but why not if it´s for the benefit of your population?

Missing ulpianus 21:26 ,2012 أيار 29

Allah ma3 hal jesh el m3atar

Default-user-icon Ergon Bousta (ضيف) 21:38 ,2012 أيار 29

Does anyone really listen to this nobody? Perhaps not even his family does.

Thumb Bandoul 07:56 ,2012 أيار 30

“We are obliged to support it and offer it our political and moral help,” Suleiman pointed out. THAT is our national duty 100%. There are bad apples in all organizations, the ARMY is no exception, I have faith that the Army command and the legitimate authorities will get to the bottom of the tragedies involving some 3anaser min el jeish, until then they have our undying support and gratitude for their distinguished and honorable service, PERIOD!