جعجع: سنقف لحزب الله بالمرصاد إذا حاول تعطيل الانتخابات النيابية
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع ان "حزب الله سيقوم بكلّ ما بوسعه لتعطيل إجراء الانتخابات النيابية القادمة واذا حاول القيام بهذا الأمر سنقف له بالمرصاد وسنُصرّ على اجرائها بموعدها مهما يكن".
واعتبر جعجع في لقاء مع وفد من دائرة المصارف في القوات اللبنانية الأربعاء "ان الدعوة الى الحوار هي قصة تكتية فقط لا غير وليست أبداً استراتيجية ولن ينتج عن انعقاده أو عدم انعقاده أي شيء".
وستعقد جلسة الحوار في 11 حزيران الحالي في القصر الرئاسي في بعبدا بدعوة من سليمان.
من جهة أخرى، وصف جعجع التطورات الأمنية بين جبل محسن وباب التبانة في طرابلس بـ"المؤسفة جداً ولكن العلاج لا يكون كما هو حاصل الآن فاذا بقينا على هذه الحال سننتظر كلّ فترة تطورات وجولات جديدة، والحلّ لا يكون الا باجتماع مجلس الوزراء ليُعطي الأوامر مباشرةً الى الجيش والقوى الأمنية لسحب السلاح من كلّ الناس".
واندلعت اشتباكات، بين منطقتي جبل محسن ذات الغالبية العلوية المؤيدة للنظام السوري وباب التبانة ذات الغالبية السنية المؤيدة لحركة الاحتجاج السورية، ليل الجمعة-السبت، ما ادى الى مقتل أكثر من 10 أشخاص وجرح اكثر من 50 آخرين.
وأضاف جعجع "ان هذه الحكومة تتألف من أشخاص خطتهم ليست بناء دولة في لبنان، فحزب الله لديه مشروع آخر لا علاقة له بمشروعنا، ولبنان بالنسبة له مجرد تفصيل صغير بل اهم شيء بالنسبة للحزب هو ما يُسمونه "مقاومة" وهي فعلياً قوتهم الأمنية والعسكرية والاهتمام بالاستعداد للمواجهة الكبرى بين اميركا واسرائيل مع ايران".
Lebanon needs a fresh start. No more Aoun. Or Geagea. Or Nasrallah. Or Hariri. We need someone with a clean past and promising future. Wake up Lebanon and stop voting for the same people who only know how to make Lebanon worse rather than better.
I agree with James and FT's call for a fresh start without the above named politicians. The all have too much bagage to unify the Lebanese and allow this country to live up up to its potential.
I also second Bandout's call for you FT to apologize for the incredibly crass comments that you made about M14 people. These are Lebanese who love their country as much as you do and simply have a different vision than yours for Lebanon. We should try to reconcile and unite. It should not be Lebanese vs Lebanese. It is us united against the world.
Come on FT. Do the right thing.
@James, please tell me what criminal/illegal/dirty past Harriri has and provide supporting documents.
Aoun, Nasrallah and Geagea all have a criminal past but only one of them sat in prison for 11 years thinking about what he did.
I don't understand how all the instability in the country does not urge March 14 to come to the table for dialogue. I am not with anyone have arms outside the state but there is a hundred other issue to discuss and agree on other than the arms of Hezbollah. How about security and arms in the north, security of the borders, What is the official stance when the Syrian army kills Lebanese citizens on Lebanese land, how about Syrian incursions on Lebanese Lands, how about all the other life issues of the normal people, How about elections...is that all not worth have a dialogue about?!
Why do you need shots to be fired when you're holding a loaded gun on someone who has nothing to fight you back with?
Besides you're being very optimistic about M8 outplaying M14.
What is M8's cause FlameThrower? Defend us from Israel? Bring economic prosperity? Bring sovereignty? Bring justice, security, and jobs?
We have all seen how M8 has failed at all of the above. Change and Reform, should be more like Change and Destruction, and Hezbollah is nothing other than IDF (Iranian Defence Forces or Israeli Defence Forces for that matter, when their interest meet every so often).
I won't tell you to wake up, because if at this point you are still convinced by M8 destructive cause your problem is not one of lightheadedness, but of despicable thinking that can only be cured with the help of a shrink.
I am all for a new fresh start, but let us be realistic here: our choices are limited to M8 and M14.
hizbushaitan and their allies created this situation accross the country through providing weapons to ali eid (jabal mohsen), jamaa islamia, chaker berjaoui and others, in order o reach this point where they call for a dialogue with their guns in hand and force a change in the political scene in their favor.
sitting on a dialogue table with them would be submission, which will not happen.
this is why: if they want a civil war, then they will have it, and if they want to disarm in favor of the state, then we all are with it too.
Mowaten. You state "the know hezbollah will not disarm". Please tell: why shouldn't Hezbollah turn its military wing to the Army so that latter becomes a defense force to recon with. Why does Hezbollah insist on:
1. Remaining above the state
2. Alienating a big section of the Lebanese society
3. Damaging the standing of the Lebanese state internationally.
4. Hurting the standing of the Shia in the Arab world.
Why, Mowaten? Please tell us.
@lebneneh: It is not that M14 is against dialogue per se. It is because while M8, especially HA, are pretending that they are innocent and dialogue lovers in reality they are maneuvering to rest control of the state for good under the guise of this purported dialogue. Past experience - think back to previous dialogue and the Doha agreement to name two instances - with M8 and HA shows that "niyyathoun" are not real and honest. That's for one reason.
For another, making a habit of "dialogue" external to state institutions will eventually lead to making them the rule not the exception and that is bad for the state of Lebanon.
Third, while unconditional dialogue sounds good the fact is doing dialogue for the sake of dialogue is not only not good but dangerous. The risk of widening the schism that already exists is too great to ignore.
Finally, for any dialogue to be fruitful and beneficial some pre-agreed basis must be laid down for it and such basis has not yet coagulated between us. Tripoli incidents and the rest can and should be handled by the government and state institutions.
@mowaten teach us a lesson in leadership and tolerance by removing the thorn in our backs and the threat in our minds and hearts, which is the illegal weapons of your masters. Turn these weapons over to the legitimate authority of the Army and then let's sit down and have a dialogue where we M14 are free to push our political agenda with fear of retribution or death because the gun pointed at our head is no longer there! How about it? Be fair, civilized and decent! Agree to level the playing field so your master don't have a monopoly on us.
Long time, no hear predictions. I wonder if any fans are keeping track of the out-of-this-world predictions. wlak min addak ya 7ak...awati
Politicians in Lebanon don't seem to want a economical secure and prosperous country because they will then become insignificant....
why won't they be resopected, last time it was decided that illegal palestinian weapons outside camps should be banned, bu tSimiora gvt never did anything to stop them. so it's not HA problem it's rather M14's
@kesrweneh are you talking about the same M14 government that was forbidden to enter da7yeh to enforce the law? Or remove an illegal camera pointed at the airport? Or the dismantle the illegal telecom network? Those M14 you want for them to go disarm Palestinians? The ones who are killed or blown up every time they try to enforce the law? Ya 3eib el shoum 3ala el kzb and revisionist warped minds taba3kon. If the truth came up and bit you in your chimney, you would still lie thru your teeth about it.
correction: it is hizbushaitan wh effectively blocked any attempt to disarm the plestinians outside the camps, under the orders of their syrian masters, as these guys are under their wing.
hezb doesn t want the palestinians to disarm ! they have an excuse to keep theirs like that! disarming the camps would logically disarming them too! so they prefer to let them armed...
I love the Hakim too sophia_angle but we need a uniter as president. No matter what Samir does he will have a large number of Lebanese who will never trust him. Like I posted earlier, he has too much bagage for a post like this.
all those who were involved in the civil war should be banned from politics along with their parties: lebanon would be better off without them always reminding people of this past and still accusing each others of their deeds as if they were nostalgic of that time!
@jabal10452, the Dr. has made it abundantly clear at least in my mind that he would never run for president. I trust him and I trust his judgement not to attempt such an endeavor as he knows well in his heart it would not benefit the country even if he succeeded. I believe he is a reasonable and wise enough person to know he does more good leading from his current role/position.
ga3ga3 u have no right to say a thing,, same for jumblat both of u should be in jaillll
Its true hezbollah have and will die for his agenda and never care about what lebanese want ,we want nice security lovly country with freedom to do and think .We wont be iran arms in the middle east,we want to open to all the world wide and have friend with all country and fix what is wrong for our children future.
hezbollah war adiction need emergency treatment.
Min ahbal min el teneh?Mouwate el wateh IE: Capullo?walla the Iranian Fsermey?Walla Ali from Da7ye (calling himself Kiserweneh?Fierce competition between the 3.The race is so close