وصول وفد من المراقبين الدوليين الى مكان وقوع المجزرة في ريف حماه
Read this story in Englishوصل وفد من المراقبين الدوليين اليوم الجمعة الى قرية القبير حيث وقعت الاربعاء مجزرة قتل فيها 55 شخصا، بحسب ما افاد ناشطون وكالة "فرانس برس".
وقال المكتب الاعلامي للثورة في حماة في اتصال عبر سكايب مع وكالة "فرانس برس"، أن "المراقبين وصلوا الى القبير"، وهي عبارة عن مزرعة واسعة تضم حوالى 15 منزلا.
وقد قتل في القبير اكثر من خمسين شخصا بالقصف وباطلاق الرصاص وبالسكاكين، بحسب شهود. واتهمت المعارضة السورية "قوات النظام وشبيحته" بارتكاب المجزرة، بينما تحدث الاعلام الرسمي السوري عن اشتباكات وعن "ارهابيين مسلحين" قتلوا عددا من الاهالي.
وحاول المراقبون زيارة القبير الخميس غداة وقوع المجزرة، الا انهم اضطروا الى عودة ادراجهم بعد تعرضهم لاطلاق نار وتوقيف على حواجز امنية وعلى حواجز لمدنيين، بحسب الامم المتحدة.
ووصف الامين العام للامم المتحدة بان كي مون المجزرة التي وقعت في القبير في ريف حماة وسط البلاد بانها "مروعة ومقززة".
وجاءت المجزرة بعد حوالى اسبوعين من مجزرة الحولة في محافظة حمص في وسط البلاد التي اثارت ايضا موجة تنديد دولي.
This is too much! Sad, sad, sad! The butcher and all those associated with him have to be put to sleep! That includes the worse of them all HA who will ultimately bring Lebanon down a similar path.
Waiting to hear Candle Thrower and motormouth (and those few other supporting HA) justify this picture and who's behind it! Sick people!
This is obviously not from the Syrian government given the recent pressure on Assad from Russia and the USA';s recent saber rattling. Like the Pipeline Blast in Damascus yesterday this is obviously the work of your freedom loving Saudi Funded Muslim Brotherhood embraced Al Queda asffiliated Sunni Heroes. The USA loves them now too. Go figure. You got to love those heartless ,butchering terrorists if you are a Sunni or the United States or March 14 supporter that is. If you are a real human being. It is very sad indeed.
Poor children, poor people, may Almighty GOD avenge the innocent, may they rest in your peace Lord.
Wallahi haram. We all have kids, no kid should end up like this.
Not to say, no human being should end up like this and for what.
We all talk about freedom , oppression,... but at the end of the day if kids end up like this, who cares. We bring them into this life to only send them back like this, NO!!!!
May they rest in peace, this picture breaks my heart...the MF butcher must be butchered.
God God, why?
It´s not worth to go back anymore after all these dead children. Imagine these stolen childhoods. Instead of enjoying some football this summer they are swimming dead in their blood.
Whoever is doing this, the regime lost it´s credibility unless they can bring all dead people back.
Is it terrorists and you care much for your people? Then ask the UN for help, so they can help you restore calm in the country and later hold elections.
after looking at these photos how can any one beleive in God anymore. Where was God when these innoscent souls were being tortured and killed?For how long God is going to be watching the poor and hungry suffer? I give God 24 hours if he does not do something i will deny him for ever. what sins these children did commit to deserve to be killed? What do they know about politics or grown up things? they were angels. just angels. Their life was cut off short by barbarians and butchers. God i am so mad at you and God ?????? if you are there. I HATE YOU FOR NOT HELPING THESE POOR SOULS. I HATE YOU FOR LETTING THE BUTCHERS KILL THEM. I JUST HATE YOU GOD. COME STRIKE ME NOW BUT LET THE POOR CHILDREN LIVE . BRING BACK PEACE TO SYRIA AND LEBANON. TAKE MY LIFE AND GIVE IT TO THE POOR WHO ARE SUFFERING. DIDNT YOU HAVE ENOUGH WATCHING AND NOT DOING A THING?
The reports from the activists on this matter do not mesh with each other. Shelling? "Danahar said Al-Kubeir consists of just a few single-storey flat-roofed buildings set in the middle of corn fields." This is how the Syrian army spends its resources and reputation? Why do the shelling if they intended to kill people with knives?
syrian army : the only army that kills its own people and never fires against its enemy israel but rather runs away and plays the strong in front of women and children...and applauded by M8!
God rest there souls ! and bring whoever is responsable to justice. and god bring calm to syria and lebanon.
Assad may fall but the filthy men (soldiers) who comitted these acts whether from the syrian army, the FSA, foreigner extremists, salafists, cia or whoever will go free. That is the sad reality. There is no justice when the actual men who comitt such evil go free even if their leader falls. Bashar el assae is a coward and a criminal but i hate the people who are doing this more.
Bashar alassad, step down. Look at these kids, its as if they were murdered in the same way th3 the kids murdered by the terrorist zionists in Lebanon and Palestine. If your thugs arent the one doing this then that means you have no power over your territory. Enough BS. Step down NOW and leave the leading role to someone capable. You have no credibility.