فرنجية: لست مضطراً للجلوس مع ممثل لسمير جعجع

Read this story in English W460

أعلن رئيس "تيار المردة" النائب سليمان فرنجية أنه يتفهم أن يرسل الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حين نصرالله ممثلاً عنه الى طاولة الحوار، الا أنه "لا يمكن أن نتفهم ظروف غيره".

وقال فرنجية لصحيفة "السفير" انه "إذا أراد سمير جعجع (رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية") أن يرسل ممثلاً له لدواع أمنية، نحن نرسل ممثلين أيضاً".

وتابع "من لا يريد المشاركة لا يرسل ممثلاً، وأنا لست مضطراً للجلوس مع ممثل لسمير جعجع".

وشدد فرنجية لـ"السفير"، قائلاً "نفهم ظروف الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصر الله، وهو قد سمى منذ البداية رئيس كتلة الوفاء للمقاومة محمد رعد لتمثيله، وبموافقة الجميع، ولكن لا يمكن أن نتفهم ظروف غيره".

وأكد من جديد أن "من يريد أن يغيب فهذا حقه، ولكن لا يمكن أن يرسل ممثلاً عنه".

وقال قيادي مسيحي المعارض لـ"السفير"، أن القوات قد تشارك في الحوار اذا تمت تلبية شروط قوى 14 اذار، الا ان مشاركة جعجع لن تكون شخصياً بسبب "المخاطر الأمنية التي تضاعفت بعد تعرض رئيس «القوات» لمحاولة الاغتيال الأخيرة".

وفي الرابع من نيسان أعلن جعجع عن محاولة اغتياله في مقره في معراب على يد قناصة، وأن الرصاصات أصابت جدار المنزل بدلاً منه.

يُشار الى أن "القوات الببنانية" قد أعلنت رفضها المشاركة في الحوار الوطني الذي دعا اليه رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان والذي سيعقد الاثنين في قصر بعبدا.

التعليقات 55
Default-user-icon ادوار (ضيف) 13:11 ,2012 حزيران 09

انها محاولة استدراج واضحة لكي يتسنى لحلفائه فرصة اغتيال جعجع كما فعلوا مع جبران التويني

Default-user-icon jhanna (ضيف) 13:28 ,2012 حزيران 09

Who is he to put the rules, let him thank god that they gave him a chance this time to site on the table ... And by the way he got the chance this time just to fill the empty chairs cuz some big people might not come.

Missing reformist 11:55 ,2012 حزيران 10

ayya big people? ba3ba3? :D

Thumb geha 13:37 ,2012 حزيران 09

complexe d'inferioritee :)

Thumb thepatriot 18:01 ,2012 حزيران 09

Good! Nobody needs this syrian envoy at the dialogue!

Missing reformist 11:56 ,2012 حزيران 10

inferiorite ya rudes ;)

Missing rudy 13:38 ,2012 حزيران 09

Oh how will the lebanese survive without you representing your scum in the national dialogue!?

That's it everyone, the country will never be safe again..our thriving economy, our democracy that has been the example shining through the centuries, will be no more!!

Missing beiruti_s 16:02 ,2012 حزيران 09

Our democracy has not exactly been an example of anything good. But i see your point here. Foolish statement by franjiyeh.

Default-user-icon Jc (ضيف) 13:38 ,2012 حزيران 09

Who is he to put the rules, let him thank god that they gave him a chance to site on the table this time cuz around and I'm sure that the main reason is to fill the empty chair cuz some big politission might not come.

Default-user-icon Jc (ضيف) 14:04 ,2012 حزيران 09

Well I think you have to thank god that some big politissions like dr geagea might not come to the table and they want to fill the empty chairs that why u had the opportunity to sit on that big table and by the way who r u to think of putting the rules.  

Missing forces 14:19 ,2012 حزيران 09

hypocrite with a big ego, or small man syndrome. not related to aoun by any chance are you?

Default-user-icon 3iwaz (ضيف) 14:33 ,2012 حزيران 09

Fe3lan Heik.... We2ef el balad halla2 li2ano el rayess Sousou ma ra7 yo23od 3al table. Cheers!

Missing cedars 15:23 ,2012 حزيران 09

This kid needs to learn how to talk, You moron why it's ok for Nasrallah not come out of his rat hole to face reality and for security reason, but for LF there is no security worry and Dr Ja3Ja3 must attend. You are nothing even in your town Mouawad supporters will outnumber your thugs.

Default-user-icon Arturo (ضيف) 16:14 ,2012 حزيران 09

The dogs bark but the caravan goes on. One of the very few politicians who says it as it is and does not speak with a forked tongue. Put that in your pipes and smoke it.

Default-user-icon Arturo (ضيف) 16:18 ,2012 حزيران 09

The dogs bark but the caravan goes on. One of the very few politicians that says it as it is. He does not speak with a forked tongue.

Thumb normzz 16:37 ,2012 حزيران 09

Allah magak yah ashraf el ness yah an-daf el ness,allah magak yah abou tony... enti bi oullou annak mannek endiff yulli atloulak bayak ouw ehktak"3 years old" ouw emak,..god rest there souls.ouw allahi towil bi omrak,wah yehmi wledak. oh lord forgive them for they know not what they do or say. for your information people ,this man has stopped so much bloodshed in the north.and this big man is known for his honesty and loyalty in all of lebanon,and outside lebanon.but you children are dirty people from dirty family's,to say what you say.

Missing helicopter 16:40 ,2012 حزيران 09

Inaho Yatamarad.

Default-user-icon A. Templar (ضيف) 16:40 ,2012 حزيران 09

Naharnet; Article should have read:
'The LF chief was the victim of an "ALLEGED" failed assassination attempt at his Maarab residence in April.'
The assassination attempt has NOT been proven as factual. Editor should have known that..

B Geagea described the talks as a “big distraction”..
Distraction from What??
National Dialogue and most importantly Christian Unity have become Distractions for Mr Geagaea..
I can't wait to read his Memoirs..

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 20:29 ,2012 حزيران 09

Christian unity is not the purpose of these talks and don't believe they are on the agenda, and if you wanna talk about distractions, who the hell is this guy and who does he represent,what has he done to even be considered for these talks, and how can they hold these talks with the barrels of the illegal weapons pointing at them, I salute hakkeem's decision not to participate.

Missing peace 20:59 ,2012 حزيران 09

no you misread : mein kampf will be written by aoun: he is the general!

Thumb beiruti 16:46 ,2012 حزيران 09

Frangieh's statements only underline and highlight the foolishness of this "dialogue" business. Talk about who should sit next to whom, is childish behavior from childish people when what is required is men with authority conferred by having been elected by the people in legitimate free and fair elections.
The authority in Lebanon, however is not held by such men. Rather, authority in Lebanon is with Rats who live in holes in the ground surrounded by their weapons thinking that this is what makes them strong. But, as we all know, if your idea must be implemented from the barrel of a gun, it is a weak idea, held by a weak person since the strength of force of arms is needed as a crutch for this idea to walk and to move forward.

Thumb beiruti 16:49 ,2012 حزيران 09

Dialogue. True dialogue with regard to public affairs is conducted by duly elected representatives of the people coming from all sides of the various perspectives and who are working toward common national solutions which are equidistant from each of the starting perspectives.
This will not happen on Monday. Instead Hezbollah will speak, everyone will kiss its ring and the result is that Hezbollah's insulation with the trappings of state will be enhanced so that it can more securely carry on its Mafia-state usurpation of the Lebanese state to serve its Persian master's interests.
What self respecting Lebanese wants to be a part of this. Is the Iranian money so good and valuable so as to sell one's birthright as a free Lebanese?

Thumb normzz 16:50 ,2012 حزيران 09

Beiruti your not reading between the lines.. everyone is a target this days in lebanon. but if your not for negotiation then dont send a reprasentative .

Thumb beiruti 19:21 ,2012 حزيران 09

@normzz117, it is not lost on me the threats that exist. Geagea was the subject of an assassination attempt in his own home and so will not venture out. Hariri will not come back to Lebanon out of the same concern for assassination. Nasrallah will not attend out of fear of assassination executed by the Mossad. With the principles not present, there is no chance for dialogue producing results.
But this is not its purpose, I understand. The purpose of the Hezbollah call to Dialogue is to see who will show up. Those who do recognize Hezbollah's authority and will have bought time against elimination by assassination. Those who do not will have defined Hezbollah and thus secured their place on the assassination list.
Geagea, by not attending is speaking volumes with regard to this issue. He does not recognize the authority of Hezbollah and will say so by his absence. Sure, sure Suliman is calling this thing, but he is the puppet, Hezbollah the puppet master.

Thumb beiruti 19:24 ,2012 حزيران 09

This is very similar to how AIPAC works in the US. They have their annual meeting in Washington and invite all of the congressmen and senators, all of the foreign policy officials. Who shows up is with them and who fails to show is against them. Rather than build consensus through dialogue, it is more a means of seeing whose on whose side.

Default-user-icon ontario (ضيف) 17:05 ,2012 حزيران 09

Nice faconnable shirt. Gift from Mikati perhaps?

Missing peace 17:53 ,2012 حزيران 09

look at this childish behavior... he thinks he is the president of the republic? and he pretends to be a responsible politician with such a childish behavior?
this dialogue is rather a monologue from hezbollah which wants to impose its point of view! if you don t share it then it means you are against dialogue...

Default-user-icon 4G (ضيف) 18:54 ,2012 حزيران 09

little Suleiman,is living in denial,he's corrupted and murderous sponsors the Syrian regime are fighting for survival.Once Assad and his criminal empire disintigrate he will struggle politically.My guess is he's Families influence will become obsolete.Suleiman and he's paid supporters must be very concerned at the moment by the demographics around them.Intresting time ahead.

Thumb softkiller 00:52 ,2012 حزيران 10

Sleiman is very famous in his region , he helps a lot ,and he will be always loved by his people whatever happened in Syria or Lebanon.

Thumb lebnanfirst 19:22 ,2012 حزيران 09

@FlameThrower: Yes, and for good reason. Past experience strongly suggests the futility of such dialogues. It was your own side who forced the cessation of the previous round because it was not going their way. This is the case of the pot calling the kettle black. Check far and fair enough before launching your motor mouth again.

Thumb lebnanfirst 21:41 ,2012 حزيران 09

I follow no one person, only a philosophy and a way of life that totally contradicts what HA preaches. As for Geagea, think what you want but from my perspective since his release from prison he has said and practiced all the right things an independence oriented politician should. Unlike your Tony ya haram. Aoun and Tony are heading full speed into an abyss by failing to recognize that their biased views notwithstanding, the majority in Syria will eventually prevail to the detriment of those too short sighted to recognize reality. Forget all politics just observe natural processes for a clue.

Default-user-icon march 11 (ضيف) 20:30 ,2012 حزيران 09

I beleive Lebanese are educated and more or less smart. How on earth can we choose junk leaders like that? If Franjieh worked for me, he would maximum reach the level of semi skilled factory worker. (After 30 years of experience). Geagea would probably be a team leader on the factory floor. Aoun would be a good busboy. Siniora : head accountant. grant him that. Nasrallah, I would ask him to get a shave and shower and i am sure he does good coffee. Hariri Jr... customer service GCC region- he has good saudi accent. Berri- Human resources (he can get staff). Mikati is a good leader, cant say a thing allah yse3do... Sleiman : middle manager would suit him. Fattouche: valet parking.

Where are our visionaries? the new generation of leaders? the charles Malek? the Fouad Chehab? The Fouad Boutros? The kamal joumblats? The ghassan Tuenis (RIP) where did they bury our ziad baroud? WHY DO WE HAVE TO BE RULED BY GUYS STUPIDER THAN WE ARE?

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 20:51 ,2012 حزيران 09

If these talks were addressing important issues, issues that matter to the masses [ we all know what we're talking about ] then fine and dandy we're all for it, these talks is nothing but a farce just like all the other talks held previously, this is nothing but a circus.

Missing cedars 21:24 ,2012 حزيران 09

If Frangieh father(Suleiman) shot innocents in the church and burned it in his own town, then what do you expect from his son? these are the facts of life that you are blind to see, and Tony was few meters away from the Syrian Checkpoint same as Kamal Jumblat assassination. Just look at the Shabiha of Hama and Houla as history repeats itself.
Know your real enemy before you speak out.

Thumb softkiller 00:50 ,2012 حزيران 10

I like :)

Thumb softkiller 01:01 ,2012 حزيران 10

I am from there , it was a funeral , and they came to the funeral , they closed the church and shot everybody . this is a fact and noway to discuss abt it .

Missing cedars 21:31 ,2012 حزيران 09

Truth hurt

Thumb shab 22:45 ,2012 حزيران 09

Franjieh is right. Hasooun is the most hated person in Lebanon.

Thumb joesikemrex 12:11 ,2012 حزيران 10

Aoun is very close in second place. Now watch the Hizb propaganda employees...

Thumb shab 22:45 ,2012 حزيران 09

Franjieh is right. Hasooun is the most hated person in Lebanon.

Thumb softkiller 00:47 ,2012 حزيران 10

مش معقول بالكم شو فاضي ... ايه يقعدوا والّلا ريت عمرن ما يقعدوا ... في اشياء أكثر جدية وخطورة من هيك شيء .

Missing cedars 00:54 ,2012 حزيران 10

@FT Boy I have told you many times, speak when you are spoken to otherwise Shutup simply because you are under zero in politics of Lebanon. Read history and refer to the article that I have posted earlier to gain 0+1 knowledge, Frangieh is the most corrupt/ze3ran in the history of Lebanon starting from Suleiman father and his buddy Hafez Al-Assad when the latter helped him upon his ESCAPE to Syria after the church massacre of Meziara.

Thumb softkiller 00:59 ,2012 حزيران 10

this is the truth , u re right abt it .

Thumb softkiller 01:03 ,2012 حزيران 10

@FT it seems you re 10 years old my son , go read some history books to know more and Lebanon and politic then try to fight here , because your comments are like a 10 year kid ma khasso b chi w 3am ychere3 3al fadi .

Missing peace 01:50 ,2012 حزيران 10

FT stop talking about things you do not understand. you only make yourself ridiculous by the day. stop justifying the unjustifiable. you have to admit that your puppet sold his sold to the highest bidder out of vanity and you are helping him selling lebanon to those he called terrorists for decades....

you are going to be the big loser and i will laugh at you and your peers trying to change again when you ll smell that you are losing! that is FPM now....

Default-user-icon M8 (ضيف) 02:55 ,2012 حزيران 10

In A real Democracy you have one person one vote. In 2009, M8 got 54% of peoples vote (popular vote) without PSP, Miqati, and others who left M14 losers. The resistance arms did not stop any M14 loser from voting for M14 leaders. Thousands of M14 supporters (and M8 supporters) were given a free ticket to come to Lebanon to vote. In a democracy you have majority rule. I do not see any reason for this meeting.

Default-user-icon M8 (ضيف) 03:57 ,2012 حزيران 10

In A real Democracy you have one person one vote. In 2009, M8 got 54% of peoples vote (popular vote) without PSP, Miqati, and others who left M14 losers. The resistance arms did not stop any M14 loser from voting for M14 leaders. Thousands of M14 supporters (and M8 supporters) were given a free ticket to come to Lebanon to vote. In a democracy you have majority rule. I do not see any reason for this meeting.

Thumb liefighter 04:23 ,2012 حزيران 10

Indi7ish b bachar lanchouf wein bitsir

Missing spartacus 09:58 ,2012 حزيران 10

Peace, it seems to me that you talk without knowing basic facts. Res. 1559 was a decision on behalf of Lebanon, that encountered from the very beginning a big Lebanese objection. You can easily find the remarks of the Lebanese Government attached to the Resolution: the Resistance IS NOT CONSIDERED A MILITIA, so it should not be disbanded as a consequence of Res. 1559. That was a pro-Syrian Gmvt, which you hate and despise? okay, but why M14 Govermnents, for 6 years (and 12 ONU reports later) never changed their position vis-a-vis the Resistance? The equation People-Army-Resistance has been included in all ministerial statement. The vast majority of the country is grateful to the Resistance for liberating and protecting the country. You want to bring weapons under the authority of the Army? Realize this cannot happen overnight, and above all it requires dialogue.

Thumb joesikemrex 12:02 ,2012 حزيران 10

woof woof baah baah... who cares, such a tosser

Missing cedars 16:12 ,2012 حزيران 10

In the end this boy will sit on the carpet by himself simply because he runs a farm in Zgharta and he will not be comfortable on the chair.

Missing reformist 00:24 ,2012 حزيران 11

ah yeee mazbout slashito kiddo! henne li akahdo drugs w feto 3al moukhayyamet w 3emlo majezir? I always thought it was ba3ba3 people! Now I start liking LF! I must apologize to them!!!
Get a life kiddo and stop using :)

Thumb normzz 20:06 ,2012 حزيران 11

u are proud of this ? i hope carma works wonders on your family

Thumb normzz 20:08 ,2012 حزيران 11

i would love to meet you slash. can we go out some time

Default-user-icon Christal (ضيف) 19:34 ,2012 حزيران 13

I seldom leave a response, but i did some searching and wound up here
Franjieh: I am Not Obligated to Be Seated with Geagea’s Representative at National Dialogue — Naharnet. And I actually do have some questions for you if you tend not to mind.
Is it simply me or does it look like some of these comments look like they are written by brain
dead folks? :-P And, if you are writing on additional social sites, I would like to follow anything new you have to post.
Could you list of every one of your shared pages like your linkedin profile, Facebook page or twitter feed?