شربل يمنح ميدالية الجدارة لقهوجي: لا مصلحة لأحد بتوتير الوضع

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منح وزير الداخلية والبلديات مروان شربل الاثنين ميدالية الجدارة الى قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي تقديرا لكفاءاته وجهوده.

وأثنى شربل على دور المؤسسة العسكرية في سعيها الى ترسيخ الأمن والاستقرار، مؤكدا أن لا مصلحة لاحد في خلق التوتر الامني.

من جهته، اكد قائد الجيش جان قهوجي انه لا خلاص للبنان الا بالحور والتفاهم.

ولفت قهوجي في كلمة له خلال منحه الميدالية الى ان "الشحن السياسي ترجم توترات امنية"، مؤكدا ان "الجيش لن يسمح ان تتحول القضايا المحقة للفلسطينيين للاخلال بالامن".

كما أشار الى ان "لا تراجع ولا استقالة من دورنا رغم كل التحديات".

التعليقات 12
Missing allouchi 15:28 ,2012 حزيران 25

what did General Jean Qahwaji do to deserve a metal ?!?!

Default-user-icon Mar Maroun (ضيف) 15:41 ,2012 حزيران 25

he succeeded in having the highest number of poster of himself around the country

Thumb normzz 16:54 ,2012 حزيران 26

shame on you,and i hope mar maroun forgives you.

Thumb normzz 16:05 ,2012 حزيران 25

God bless him and our army .

Missing allouchi 17:59 ,2012 حزيران 25

norm, yes god bless our army but I am just wondering what did Qahwaji do that was so extraordinary, that's all :)

Thumb normzz 16:32 ,2012 حزيران 26

He didnt let things get out of hand in a couple or more of difficult situations that the arms was put in.

Default-user-icon Montmorency (ضيف) 19:13 ,2012 حزيران 25

Competency, efficiency then presidency, not that there's anything wrong with that.

Missing justlebanese 21:41 ,2012 حزيران 25

he got the metal out of appreciation of his facial gestures in this picture

Missing allouchi 22:11 ,2012 حزيران 25


Missing cedars 05:37 ,2012 حزيران 26

Do not give him medals, what you really need to give him is more brave security entourage before he gets a car bomb or assassinated.
Has there been an ideal figure that has risen without a sad end? (i.e. Wissam Eid, Francois Al_Hajj and etc..)

Default-user-icon Kalkan Balphas (ضيف) 07:23 ,2012 حزيران 26

when is the last time Lebanon has had a competent army commander? getting a medal in a time of complete security chaos is a joke

Thumb normzz 16:51 ,2012 حزيران 26

Kalkan Balphas.....lebanon is not like other country's and can not be judged nor criticized by people like you.because you sound like you have no idea. Lebanon will survive because lebanon is blessed. you are judged on what you do in difficult situations,when a decision you have to make could cause the loss of hundreds of lives,or 1 or 2.your not judged on what you do when things are lardi da . he deserves more then a metal,i think he has put his life on the line for his country long before he was general.allah yehmi wa yehmi kel jaysh.