طائرة إسرائيلية تفجر جهازا للتجسس بين بلدتي زرارية وطيرفلسيه بالجنوب

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فجرت طائرة إسرائيلية جهازا للتجسس بين بلدتي طيرفلسيه والزرارية في الجنوب بعدما اكتشفته المقاومة على أحد خطوطها السلكية.

وقالت قناة الـ"MTV" في خبر عاجل أن "طائرة إسرائيلية ألقت صاروخا بين بلدتي زرارية وطيرفلسيه وحزب الله يطوق المكان".

وتبع التفجير تحليق "لطيران حربي إسرائيلي في أجواء المنطقة المستهدفة بين بلدتي طيرفلسيه وزرارية".

إلا أن قناة "المنار" أوضحت عبر موقعها الإلكتروني أن انفجارا حصل "في منطقة الزرارية جنوب لبنان ناجم عن تفجير العدو جهازاً تجسسياً اكتشفته المقاومة على أحد خطوطها السلكية".

وثم نشرت خبرا عاجلا مفاده أن "العدو يفجر عن بعد عبوة ناسفة زرعها على أحد الخطوط السلكية للمقاومة في بلدة الزرارية جنوب لبنان".

ومساء الإثنين أصدرت قيادة الجيش بيانا أشارت فيه إلى أن "عند الساعة 17,15 من بعد ظهر اليوم، وعلى اثر حصول انفجارات بين بلدتي الزرارية وارزي، توجهت قوة من الجيش الى المكان، وفرضت طوقا امنيا حوله، كما حضر الخبير العسكري وتبين بأن الانفجارات ناجمة عن قيام العدو الاسرائيلي بتفجير ثلاثة اجهزة تنصت مفخخة عن بعد. وقد بوشر التحقيق بالحادث".

وفي الثاني من كانون الأول الماضي أعلن حزب الله أنه أحبط عملية تجسس اسرائيلية على خط السلكي بين صريفا وديركيفا" لافتا الى ان "اسرائيل قامت بتفجير جهاز التنصت بواسطة طائرة استطلاع".

وقد اكتشفت مخابرات الجيش بالتنسيق مع حزب الله عدة مرات منظومات تجسس إسرائيلية في صنين عام 2010، وبلدة شمع الجنوبية في آذار 2011، والعديد من الشبكات التي لا يفصح عنها إعلاميا.

التعليقات 23
Thumb lebanon_first 18:06 ,2012 تموز 02

yeah,,, file a complaint....

What about also filing a complaint about Syrians kidnapping our custom officials? what about filing a complaint about lebanese in syrian jails?

Default-user-icon Wisdom First (ضيف) 18:21 ,2012 تموز 02

Is it true: Good Fences makes Good Neighbors!!!

Thumb beiruti 18:28 ,2012 تموز 02

So, Hezbollah started a war in Beirut on May 7, 2008 so that it could have this very secure communication system that now we see Israel taps into on a regular basis and which serves as a reason for Israel to conduct over flights of Lebanon and to drop bombs on her.
And when caught with this illegal system, Hezbollah goes running to the UN with its dirty hands. Hezbollah has violated almost as many UN resolutions as Israel, yet when a problem comes, it goes running to the UN for protection and to file complaints.
Hezbollah is looking more and more like a rank amateur operation that is not even capable of maintaining its facilities to keep them up while the rest of the region is moving forward.

Thumb beiruti 00:30 ,2012 تموز 03

@bubbaman, so very childish. Daring people to come and disarm people who should not be armed at all. Is this what you want, for militias to be formed up and to start a war over weapons. We want them out of Hezbollah's hands so that we do not have this kind of instability. And Hariri is not my leader bubba, I'm in the USofA. Even if I was a Lebanese resident, not all Lebanese are sheep and have some ziam to follow around. Some of us have our own brains and think for ourselves. You should try it sometime, if you can.

Missing hitech 18:30 ,2012 تموز 02

Israel is definitely not Lebanon's friend, but Israel has shown no will or desire to cease Lebanon territory or implement settlements, otherwise they would've done when they occupied the south of Lebanon. Lebanon has no pending disputes with Israel (obviously until an official border is agreed between Syria and Lebanon). Saying Israel is the biggest threat is a stretch. The only threat Israel is to Lebanon is an indirect threat through their refusal to take the Palestinians back and leaving them in Lebanon. If you are looking for the biggest threat for Lebanon, that would be Iran and Syria because they meddle in Lebanon's affairs, put their own benefits and aims before anything, and completely disregard the Lebanese state and sovereignty.

Default-user-icon Shepherd not Sheep (ضيف) 12:06 ,2012 تموز 03

mowaten your arguments are so invalid, I find it surprising you can type on a keyboard, let alone use the internet.

Whatever you said applied in a time when Lebanon and Israel were at war. You say the Resistance will do anything to restore Lebanon's dignity? Let it disarm in return of Shebaa farms. Oh, wait the Syrians still have not settled their border disputes in Shebaa. Well let the Resistance use its [worshipping] connections with the Assad regime to figure out that little problem. Had Hezbollah done all this it would have joined the ranks of Youssef Bek Karam and Amir Bashir as Lebanon's all time Heroes. But guess what? They decided to be greedy and they will be remembered as the crass of all crasses in History.

Thumb geha 18:36 ,2012 تموز 02

"he gave his life to the cause, he's not interested in rooftop parties and tanning on the beach." REALLY. so what is their government doing?
he is their alter ego, but times have changed and as they finally decided to drop the syrian regime, they will destroy hizbushaitan soon.
as for their telecom network: how simply they have been tapping into it! :) what a laugh, and to say this is what may 7 was about :) hahahahaha

Missing lebanese@ 18:36 ,2012 تموز 02

He's not 'hiding in an underground bunker' , he lives in an appartment just like the one you live in.

The people-army-resistance is the best equation for everything.

Thumb primesuspect 18:56 ,2012 تموز 02

Yo, sick man. Hezbollah doesn't get to chose what is best for our country. The people do. A referendum would quickly answer this issue.

Thumb primesuspect 18:50 ,2012 تموز 02

I invite Israel to destroy the illegal telecom network on Lebanese soil since your gov cannot tackle this issue. Thank-yu for doing our job. Perhaps Israel could also give us some electricity from their nuclear power plant, another problem our gov cannot solve. Turning to outside powers to resolve our problems is now common, some turn to Iran, others to KSA or the Westernworld. We have closer neighbours LOL.

Thumb applepie 10:43 ,2012 تموز 03

Watch out they don't take you up on that invitation, you hospitable person you....
To put it in simple terms that your pea-sized brain can understand...
Got it?
One more thing... I am ashamed of Lebanese people like you. Do you know, you are basically willing to place your hands in the hands of the israelis, the same hands that are sullied with the blood of fellow lebanese men women and children and you are not ashamed to say it.
You piece of filth! Look at the Armenians! We're talking decades later and they still refuse anything Turkish!!!!
And you PRIME SUSPECT, you miserable little excuse for humanity, you absolute maggot, you want to INVITE Israel to carry out your dirty work and you want to BUY ELECTRICITY from Israel?
You, my "fellow countryman", are the embodiment of the scum of the earth!

Thumb shab 19:10 ,2012 تموز 02

Who belives these spy device stories? Filthy militia and their lies

Thumb bigsami 19:42 ,2012 تموز 02

Motormouth (FT)....again with aggressive and arrogant posts! Hiding he is like a homeless rat. He gave his life to the cause? What cause? Defending against Israel? Fine he did but that was then and this is now. His motives have totally changed & is now part of a satanic regime that wants to rule people through intimidation and force. Dig your head out of the sand (and that goes to all you conditioned followers that still worship him)and realize that Israel is no longer a threat to Lebanese but the the real threat is the guns of your beloved thugs pointed at us. It appears to me you are a regressed individual who froze in time. Nothing wrong with that.....just pack your stuff and head to Iran.

(now comes the lame rebuttal as always....old, old, old)

Thumb primesuspect 20:09 ,2012 تموز 02

Yislam Hal toum Texan bro.

Thumb bigsami 20:23 ,2012 تموز 02

Amen to that Tex! Couldn't have said it any better. Can you possibly re-write it using terminology from "Clarity for Dummies" for those less literate like FT & Motormouth?

Thumb benzona 00:14 ,2012 تموز 03

FT = Mowaten = Lebanese@ = sabulokov

Default-user-icon Moe (ضيف) 21:41 ,2012 تموز 02

Many Zionists lovers on this site....

Missing peace 15:05 ,2012 تموز 03

typical stupid remark from a hezbi lover... all those against the terrorist militia is a zionist... you ve learned perfectly your handbook of the perfect facist...

Thumb AngryLeb 23:08 ,2012 تموز 02

I agree with you , that sound fair,,,,,

Missing youssefhaddad 00:15 ,2012 تموز 03

Lebanon does not need a "Resistance" . The Iranian backward Khomeinists need a "Resistance" excuse to achieve their hegemonial agenda over Lebanon.
Hezbollah has drafted all the Lebanese, by force, to die and suffer for the interests of its masters. It is an aberration and should be stopped before it brings another disaster upon lebanon.

Missing peace 00:16 ,2012 تموز 03

if there are so many traitors among M14 why don t you bring them to court and judge them instead of barking like a chiwawa hiding between his master s legs? ... your militia has publicly pledge allegiance to iran, if that is not treason tell us what it is?

Default-user-icon Shepherd not Sheep (ضيف) 11:30 ,2012 تموز 03

Let us re-evaluate how Israel remains the biggest threat to Lebanon: if it is based on the detonation of the spying devices, then it is not really a big threat to Lebanon. It is the biggest threat to Hezbollah, but not to Lebanon. Hezbollah's presence is a pretext for Israel's ongoing violations of Lebanese territories. Hezbollah is Israel's bait. No Hezbollah = No legal infiltration by IDF. Not that Israel is a saint, but any infiltration without the presence of Hezbollah could be credibly reported to the International community.

Besides it is funny how Hezbollah always pulls the 1701 card, when they are the ones who violate it in the most obvious way. FYI: the 1701 calls for the disarmament of Hezbollah. Double standards might work in Lebanon's corrupt politics, but they do not exist where reason prevails...

Default-user-icon Shepherd not Sheep (ضيف) 12:06 ,2012 تموز 03

Since you know Israel wants the water, and you know you need the money, why don't you sell the water that Israel wants, once you become a credible member of the International community? This would be called winning, and surprisingly enough without the help of the mighty Nasrallah.

Btw what is in for Israel to destroy us, if Hezbollah did not exist? (if you still believe that the March 14 politicians were assassinated by Israel, you really need a reboot my friend)