رفع جلسة النواب اثر مقاطعة الكتل المسيحية بسبب تثبيت مياومي كهرباء لبنان

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رفع رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري الجلسة التشريعية بسبب غياب فريق اساسي عنها من منطلق سياسي لا طائفي ولا مذهبي.

وجاء قرار رفع الجلسة بعد اعلان نواب "القوات اللبنانية" و"تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" و"الكتائب" و"كتلة نواب الاشرفية"، مقاطعتهم الجلسة التشريعية صباح الثلاثاء، وذلك اثر اقرار تثبيت مياومي كهرباء لبنان في جلسة الاثنين.

وأكد نائب حزب "الكتائب" سامي الجميّل عبر الـ"LBC" ان الكتل المسيحية الاساسية كانت كلها معارضة وتطالب بتعديلات على قانون تثبيت المياومين، متسائلاً فهل من المعقول ان يتم المرور من فوق هذه الكتل من دون اي لفتة نظر.

ولفت الى ان المسيحيين قادرون على ان يجتمعوا عندما يمس الامر بكرامتهم، واجتمعنا الاثنين واخذنا هذا القرار، وبالنسبة لنا نريد تصحيح ادارة الامور كي لا تتكرر.

بدوره كشف نائب كتلة "المستقبل" نبيل دو فريج الـ"LBC" ايضاً ان رئيس الكتلة فؤاد السنيورة سيجري مشاورات مع رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري في ظل التطورات التي تجري لنصحه بعدم عقد الجلسة.

وكان قد كشف مصدر في "تكتل الاصلاح والتغيير" لصحيفة "السفير" عن وجود توجه لدى "التكتل" لمقاطعة جلسة مجلس النواب الثلاثاء، وبالتالي، المطالبة بتصحيح الخطأ الذي حصل في جلسة الاثنين، في قضية المياومين.

وأشار الى أن التكتل بصدد الطعن بالقانون امام المجلس الدستوري، وهذا اقل إجراء يمكن ان نتخذه في شأنه.

وأقر مجلس النواب، الاثنين، اقتراح القانون المتعلق بتثبيت العمال المياومين وجباة الاكراء في مؤسسة كهرباء لبنان، وضمهم إلى ملاك المؤسسة عن طريق مباراة محصورة ينظمها ويشرف عليها مجلس الخدمة المدنية.

التعليقات 24
Default-user-icon Jad (ضيف) 08:53 ,2012 تموز 03

Abi Ramia is loyal to the FPM, not the LF. You're really bad at this.

Missing justlebanese 09:12 ,2012 تموز 03

they have been working in this situation since 20 years, have mercy,it is not their fault that the majority of them belong to a certain set, it is the fault of the ones who made the contracts disregarding the needed balance, now after 20 years you started RECONSIDERING!!!balad mas5ara

Default-user-icon Leb (ضيف) 09:55 ,2012 تموز 03

It;s never late to rectify things.

Thumb leblover 09:53 ,2012 تموز 03

where's the prob? or you have to insert the religion in any thing, if there's no enough christians you haven't accept, what is a too bad country.

Missing Rambo 13:35 ,2012 تموز 03

Apparently it is sectarian but why they must be hired as full time employee by the company?!! Why contract can't be renew over and over. I don't think the state can afford additional cost associated with hiring full time workers considering they have sent so far this year 21 Trillions LL or 15 billions dollars when the revenue for 2012 is estimated (over-estimated!) at 10.1 billion dollars!

Missing peace 13:37 ,2012 تموز 03

lol! what about lebanese unite and not a certain sect... this proves how sectarian you are rudes and not lebanese....

Missing peace 15:08 ,2012 تموز 03

poor FT... lebanese need to be united not christians only: see how sectarian you are, your BS is evident for all to see....

Thumb benzona 15:11 ,2012 تموز 03

I agree, this sectarian system is very much the core problem for Lebanon. Clerics of all religions should stay out of politics, they have estates to manage (some of them are stolen -true-) and followers to advise. (some) People keep thinking we're against the shia community, which is wrong. We're against the Hezbollahi weapons.

Missing peace 16:17 ,2012 تموز 03

bla bla bla ya rudes just copying on your idiocy so you can understand....

Thumb benzona 15:06 ,2012 تموز 03

Berri will get to go home earlier today... not that He ever works much anyway.

Default-user-icon Fartes Khasham (ضيف) 15:37 ,2012 تموز 03

Good! Enough is enough! tekhnet ktir ktir ktir

Missing Perestroika 15:42 ,2012 تموز 03

bisara7a moch 3am befham shou l mashkal? iza l jame3a byestehlo markazoun nshala ykouno 100% shi3a wen l mashkal talama byest7e2o l sheghel w bikouno ta7et l 2anoun.
l ta2ifiyi ma btebni balad ya jame3a!!
w 7aj ba2a nkhawif l masi7iyi! wa7da dawlit l 2anoun bte7mi 72ou2 l kel (masi7iyi w gher masi7iyi).

halla2 iza meshklit kelfi 3al dawli 3ala asess "permanent" Why contracts can't be renew?

Missing ulpianus 18:13 ,2012 تموز 03

Because they are overpopulating some governmental institutions. For example if u need 2000 employers, berri is putting 5000 ( of his choice) without any tests.

That is the problem.

Missing Perestroika 19:21 ,2012 تموز 03

hek ana ma3ak. ye3ni l 2essa moch ta2ifiyi metel mana ma3rouda. iza l ghalat bel 2idara w zyedit kelfi 3al dawli hayda manti2 mazbout, bass ma n7awela la meshkli ta2ifiyi metel ma 7adrit l wazir 2al : "Bassil noted that around 80 percent of the contract workers belong to non-Christian sects and most of them support Berri, who is a Shiite". hayda kalem te7rid ta2ifi ma byemni mojtama3!

Missing Perestroika 16:06 ,2012 تموز 03

c'est vraiment honteux! mentalité sectaire, confessionnelle,non républicaine, non citoyenne!!!
Monsieur le ministre, ta décision vaut zéro!

Thumb lebanon_first 16:46 ,2012 تموز 03

I feel sorry for these contract workers. But it is time that Berri understands that the lebanese civil service is for the service of the people. It is not an employment agency for his constituents (the chiites).

Also it is good that the christians show some teeth. The chiites agenda is to "liberate chebaa", and keep Lebanon hostage in the process. The sunnites agenda is to never again have a May 7, even if that means naturalizing half a million palestinian in the process. What are the christian asking for? They are just trying to prevent being completely marginalized in their own country!!

Missing ulpianus 18:11 ,2012 تموز 03

I agree with u on some parts. But not on the generalisation of the agendas. Such agenda is non existent in the sunni populations mind. It´s just people like sanyoura and hariri with their Saudi backers that want to spread Salafism into Lebanon.

Marginalized are not only the Christians. Sunnis cant even import goods these days without the "shiites" ( read Amal and other party members) in beirut port taking 100% under the table to let the goods pass.

Missing Perestroika 17:06 ,2012 تموز 03

It's scarce to read a non-sectarian comment on this blog! Thanks "lebneneh", I feel better!

Missing ulpianus 18:07 ,2012 تموز 03

The biggest problem I see here, is why CHRISTIANS only unite for this. I mean Berri wants to pay his Amal members through the state, why cant sunni parties also be included in the boycott?

If we want to change these sick things in the country, were a "Za3im" can hire 5000 useless idiots only because they belong to his party ( and thus securing their and their families votes) we have to UNITE across the religious borders.

Thumb lebanon_first 18:36 ,2012 تموز 03

Christian are united because the patriarch asked them to do so. Everybody takes about the sunni street being fed up, or the chiite street. What about the christian street? You have more roads in and out of Nabatieh caza then metn caza even though there are 10 times more people living in metn. If Jal el dib was in a moslem region, they would have happened? We are the only ones paying taxes, the only ones following laws. Today Christians are ma7roumin. And if we keep like that,we will want separation again. And not with that idiot Geagea. But with a new leader.

Thumb benzona 18:51 ,2012 تموز 03

thumb up, but don't generalize. other ''sects'' also pay taxes. The main issue is the stolen electricity that cost ever honest Lebanese an eye. Corruption is everywhere as well... it has no limits. I don't understand how lebanese haven't dragged all politicians to court. Every single one of them stole or killed. As long as we follow politicians or political factions (with rotten leaders) we won't find the solution. We need to regain our independence, and believe me, plenty of people from all sects desire this.

Thumb normzz 18:14 ,2012 تموز 03

lebanon_first "interesting"

Thumb benzona 18:52 ,2012 تموز 03

Whatever FT/Mowaten/rudes etc... "Mr Ten" should be your next nickname... as you already have 9 profiles.

Default-user-icon Ou3a Tou3a (ضيف) 05:52 ,2012 تموز 04

The bottom line is this: if the Shias are crazy, the Sunnis are way crazier. THEY HAVE GONE BERSERK. Not one day goes by without a Sunni lunatic blowing up innocent people AND NOT ONE SANE SUNNI VOICE IS RAISED. This is proof enough that ALL SUNNIS ARE CRAZY. And the few Sunnis that are not crazy are total retards.