نتائج انتخابات الكورة الرسمية: فوز مرشح القوات فادي كرم بـ12412 صوتا
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أعلن وزير الداخلية مروان شربل النتائج الرسمية لانتخابات الكورة الفرعية وفوز مرشح "القوات اللبنانية" فادي كرم بـ12412 صوتاً، على مرشح "الحزب السوري القومي الاجتماعي" وليد العازار الذي نال 11141 صوتاً.
وقال في مؤتمر صحافي عقده صباح الاثنين، أنه وجه كتاباً الى رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري يعلمه فيه بهوية الفائز.
ولفت شربل الى أن ما حصل الاحد، هو "انتصار لديمقراطية جسدها الكورانيون والقوى السياسية في الكورة"، متوجهاً بالتهنئة الى الكوارنيين والى الاجهزة الامنية كافة.
وقال أن "الوزارة اعتمدت آلية فعالة لمعالجة كافة الشكاوى، وكان هناك ارقام هواتف لمعالجة الشكاوى"، وأردف، "سمعت من كل الافرقاء عن رشاوى، لكننا لم نتلقى اي شكوى او مستند رسمي لتقديمه الى النيابة العامة".
وأشار الى أنه غير مقتنع أن هناك قانون في العالم يستطيع ضبط الانفاق السياسي، و"هذه من سابع المستحيلات ضبط الانفاق بشكل جيد".
وشهدت الكورة، الاحد، يوماً انتخابياً اثر شغور المقعد الاورثوذكسي بوفاة نائب هذا المقعد فريد حبيب، في 31 أيار الماضي بعد صراع مع المرض.

Metn & keserwan are next. this time round, it would be a miracle if fpm gets a single MP, especially all the people who voted for him regret doing so publicly these days.

Geha, I will copy that comment for you, and reveal to the world after 2013, the proof that you truly are a prophet.

Flamethrower... Geha does not understand the christain mentality (even though he has falsly claimed to be Maronite). Christains (especially Maronites) have a significant %, that swing their votes on fear. In 2009 it was Syria reinvading Lebanon and Iran imposing Shiite sharia law in Batroun and jbeil. In 2013 it will be the Sunni extremists taking over Syria and the crazy salafists in tripoli that will be scaring them to side the other way.
The more the mustaqbul MPs attack the army and salafists protest in Sidon the more they dig their own electoral graves. That's why geagea tries so hard to play down the threat to christains in Syria.

rest assured: I am a maronite living in keserwan, and know exactly what I am talking about.
Christians in general (as denoted in koura) and maronites specifically are lebanese to the root. they were fooled previously by fpm through fear, but they realize now who they have elected and how dangerous is the path aoun has taken them to.
history will not repeat itself, especially with the downfall of the syrian regime, and the clear iranian threat.
they are realizing how big the iranian threat is on their livelyhood, the effect on the bankung system and the economy, and they are wiser than what aoun credits them for, not to fall again for his tricks.

Traitor Fpm FT:
first and foremost, fpm best clear achievement is being a traitor to lebanon by associating themselves and taking orders from their syrian master.
achievements? yes we saw the news today: we saw what ththugs of fpm do....

totally agree with you, and if I may add:
- the state of our economy (thanks to hizbushaitan)
- the pressures on our banking system which is our backbone
- the fall of the syrian regime
- the failure of fpm at all levels even to provide basic needs.
- the failure of hizbushaitan to provide the promised "best model of governance ever" as nasrallah said, which turned out to be the worst.
for all these reasons, it is inevitable for us to regain our freedom and the integrity of our sovereign country.

do not mind these guys phoenix, this is their level.
they have no arguments thus they insult. they know what is said is true, thus they respond in this manner.
anyway all indications are that the people are fedup from these thugs (the syro/iranian and their followers fpm), being traitors for this country and what their actions are costing us.

if you look at the mid-term election in the states it's usually a good measuring stick of how the up coming elections will swing, so this is a positive sign for March 14, having said that this is Lebanon and there is no guarantees March 14 will win most seats in Metn and Keserwen in 2013 but there is no guaranty the FPM could repeat the feat either, a lot will depend on what happens in Syria.

I am not convinced that this one by-election is a strong indicator of the national opinion. Nonetheless, I doubt M8 holds its position in government not because of this by-election, but rather because of the situation in Syria and the government's policy that simply turns a blind eye to the events going on there.
Or, we could just count the number of Sunnis, Shiites, Christians and Druze voters and then see how many votes each party will get. Such is the sectarian nature of Lebanon.

M8 did better this time than in 2009. Like in 2009, the majority of Rum orthodox and Christians voted for M8 SSNP candidate. The reason the LF candidate won is (again) most Sunni voters voted for him. In the 90's when Hariri was demonized by the LF and supported by the Syrian regime, 90% of Sunnis in Koura used to vote for SSNP. Alliances are always changing. The way it stands now going by 2009 results, M8 had 54% of popular vote...not including Miqati, PSP, Safadi, and others. Unless M14 abandons America (ie Israel) and Wahabi KSA...I do not see how they can win in 2013.

Impressive. In Lebanon, usually the heir is appointed to fill the unexpired term of a Deputy who dies in office. This time, rather than designate the widow or the son, the LF voted to nominate a person pursuant to an open nominating process and came up with Fadi Karam. This shows a great deal of political maturity both in the Lebanese Forces as a political party and with the people of the District. Congrats to Dr. Karam!

If democracy takes root in Syria, what will happen to the Taef Accord's distribution of Parliamentary seats in Lebanon?

flush the taef accord down the toilet and start a normal government where the church/mosque/& the 16 other types of houses of worship in lebanon are seperated. A person has to be evaluated for his qualifications not his religious background. Or if that doesn't work out then we can have a rotation between President/prime minister/ speaker.

The victory is not complete, must be 2/3, amazing how people like 3awn and frangieh are contributing to the demolition of their country, SSNP does'nt beleive in Lebanon since long time, but to be backed by who they call themselves , marada and free patriotic, this is really hardluck