مقتل وزير الدفاع السوري و آصف شوكت و رئيس خلية الأزمة في تفجير مبنى الامن القومي بدمشق والجيش الحر يتبنى العملية
Read this story in Englishقتل وزير الدفاع السوري داوود عبدالله راجحة وصهر الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد ونائب وزير الدفاع آصف شوكت، و رئيس خلية الازمة في سوريا حسن توركماني، في انفجار استهدف مبنى الامن القومي في دمشق.
وأورد التلفزيون الرسمي السوري شريطا اخباريا كتب فيه "استشهاد العماد داوود عبدالله راجحة وزير الدفاع جراء التفجير الارهابي الذي استهدف مبنى الامن القومي". كما أورد "استشهاد العماد آصف شوكت نائب وزير الدفاع جراء التفجير الارهابي الذي استهدف مبنى الامن القومي في دمشق".
يشار الى أن راجحة هو أيضا نائب القائد العام للجيش السوري ونائب رئيس مجلس الوزراء. وقد عين وزيرا للدفاع في 8 آب 2011.
وأفاد المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان عم مقتل رئيس خلية الازمة في سوريا معاون نائب الرئيس السوري حسن توركماني، متأثرا بجروح اصيب بها في الانفجار الانتحاري.
ونقل المرصد عن "مصادر من العاصمة السورية تأكيد مقتل العماد حسن توركماني وزير الدفاع السوري السابق ومعاون نائب الرئيس السوري الحالي، متاثرا بجروح خطرة اصيب بها خلال التفجير".
وذكر مصدر أمني لوكالة "فرانس برس"، أن وزير الداخلية محمد ابراهيم الشعار أصيب ايضا في الانفجار، وتم نقله مع جرحى آخرين الى مستشفى الشامي في العاصمة.
وأفادت قناة "الجزيرة" لاحقا عن مقتل الشعار في تفجير دمشق. فيما أوردت قناة "العربية" أنرئيس فرع التحقيق بالإستخابارات العامة السورية حافظ المخلوف قتل في الإنفجار أيضا.
واستهدفت عملية "تفجير ارهابي انتحاري" مبنى الامن القومي في دمشق اليوم الاربعاء، بحسب ما ذكر التلفزيون السوري الرسمي، تزامناً مع اجتماع لوزراء وقادة امنيين في المبنى.
وقال التلفزيون في شريط اخباري "تفجير ارهابي يستهدف مبنى الامن القومي في دمشق". ويقع المقر في حي الروضة في وسط دمشق. وياتي الانفجار في وقت تستمر الاشتباكات العنيفة في دمشق لليوم الرابع على التوالي.
من جهته، تبنى الجيش السوري الحر الانفجار.
وأعلنت القيادة المشتركة للجيش السوري الحر في الداخل في بيان: "تزف القيادة المشتركة للجيش السوري الحر في الداخل ومكتب التنسيق والارتباط وكافة المجالس العسكرية في المدن والمحافظات السورية لشعب سورية العظيم نجاح العملية النوعية صباح هذا اليوم التي استهدفت مقر قيادة الأمن القومي في دمشق ومقتل العديد من اركان العصابة الاسدية".
من جهته،أكد الجيش السوري ان تفجير دمشق الانتحاري يزيده اصرارا على مكافحة الارهاب.
وجاء في بيان صادر عن القيادة العامة للقوات المسلحة بثه التلفزيون السوري ان "رجال القوات المسلحة لن يزيدهم هذا العمل الارهابي الجبان الا اصرارا على تطهير الوطن من فلول العصابات الارهابية المسلحة والحفاظ على كرامة سوريا وسيادة قرارها اوطني المستقل".
واضاف "ان كان هناك من يظن انه باستهداف بعض القادة يستطيع لي ذراع سوريا هو واهم، لان سوريا شعبا وجيشا وقيادة هي اليوم اكثر تصميما على التصدي للارهاب بكافة اشكاله وعلى بتر كل يد يفكر صاحبها المساس بامن الوطن".
من جهة أخرى اورد التلفزيون الرسمي في شريط اخباري "ان الرئيس الاسد اصدر مرسوما يقضي بتعيين العماد فهد الجاسم الفريج، نائب وزير الدفاع (آخر الى جانب شوكت) وزيرا للدفاع".
وفي هذا الصدد، برزت رواية جديدة حول انفجار دمشق تنقض رواية الانتحاري، وتقول أن عملية التفجير الضخمة التي اودت بحياة ثلاثة من ابرز المسؤولين الامنيين في النظام السوري، هي نتيجة تفجير عن بعد لحقيبة محشوة بالمتفجرات.
وكان التلفزيون السوري أعلن النبأ في شريط اخباري عاجل يقول "تفجير ارهابي انتحاري يستهدف مبنى الامن القومي في دمشق"، الا انه سحب كلمة "انتحاري" عندما اورد الخبر مرة اخرى بعد اقل من ساعة.
وقال مصدر أمني سوري لوكالة "فرانس برس"، أن "انتحاريا فجر حزامه الناسف داخل القاعة التي كان يجتمع فيها وزراء وقيادات امنية في مبنى الامن القومي". واوضح ان الانتحاري هو مرافق احد المشاركين في الاجتماع.
الا أن مصدرا أمنيا آخر أفاد الوكالة عينها في وقت لاحق، أن "أحد المرافقين ادخل حقيبة مليئة بالمتفجرات الى قاعة الاجتماعات، ونجح المرافق في الخروج قبل التفجير الذي تم عن بعد".
وتبنى الجيش السوري الحر عملية التفجير.
we are entering the danger zone now, so I suggest to all to prepare for the worst:
- raad comments of yesterday means hizbushaitan is going in that direction, i.e. take over militarily
- all aoun declarations go in that direction.
- the deteriorating situation of the assad regime ( minister of interior and minister of defense hurt and maybe dead in today's explaosion)
they now know they will loose the next election and they want to keep the power in lebanon otherwise they are history.
The only solution for lebanon is that M8 and M14 start working together in one gouvernment, like in the days of rafic hariri. It is a mistake to marginalize 40% of the population either way.
If they cant work in a gouvernment together, i say let us divide Lebanon.
@FT and other fpm on this site:
it is time for you to wake up and not follow the dillusions of Aoun. he wants to create strife and divide the army to create his own militia again. if you are with Lebanon, leave him fast.
Geha's analysis is very pertinent. Hizbollah has no other choice but to seize power by force and Aoun thinks that this will get him to the presidency. All the roads closing is just a rehearsal for what is to come in the Christian areas. May God have mercy on our beloved Lebanon.
3anjad Geha, you should consider becoming a political analyst. The only true anti-Syrian movement in Lebanon is that led by Aoun, and then the Kataeb/LF/Ahrar etc. 30+ Years the salafi supporters were the leading Syrian voices in this country. Don't forget that.
It seems that we're getting some confirmations now...
Daoud Rahja Minister of Defense
Assef Shawkat Head of Security (poor job I guess)
Mohammed al-Shaar Interior Minister
Hafez Makhlouf Head of the investigation and Intelligence
General Hassan Turkmani Head of the crisis cell
+ 1 more General defected to day...
The sad part about you muwaten is that people actually like your violent, sectarian posts. I've criticized the Syrian regime a lot, but I do so in a civil and politically correct manner, not one that uses sectarian rhetorics and cheer for violent options.
Honestly, it just goes to show you lack education, because truly educated individuals do not resort to such racist statements. Do your country a favor and go read.
if the bombing of the bus in hungary is pinned on hizbushaitan, then brace for war.
Geha do you really think Hezbollah could take over Lebanon ? I don't think so because they are too weak to control the whole Lebanon. Just try to imagine they will try to take over Ashrafieh or Bcharre or Trablus. They can't they have tried to take over the chouf but failed. They can fight as guerilla group but they can't take over any land. And secondly there are some rumors that some sides are well prepared in case such "take over " could happen.
They could not hold it, but they might try. It will soon become a mater of survival for hezbollah... they will have to choose between their weapons and a coup, or surrender the weapons, and become a sociopolitical mouvement only. There is no way things can remain as such any longer...
Assef Shawkat, the "mastermind" behind the assassinations of Kamal Jumblat, Bachir, Harriri and all M14 martyrs finally got what he deserved...
Justice will always prevail...
Justice will always prevail.....
Ooooh I cannot wait to see what happens to geagea, jumblatt, hariri etc!
really? did he go back as far as cheickh bachir and kamal jumblat? didnt know that. any source?
Roger... Assef was a nobody until after Basil Assad was killed in a car crash in 94. Basil hated him and often jailed him because he was against assef dating his sister.
Rumour has been around that he died back in May.
Bachir was a martyr according to Lebanon.
People like you never felt lebanese anyway. Christians stood up for rafic hariri when he died. sectarian people like you never stood up for a non moslem. You are not lebanese in the heart. You are probably some farsi or wahabi scumbag. take your sectarian comments to aljazira website.
What have I been telling everyone since day one? I told you all that Bashar is done. Where is Mouwaten? Where is Flame Thrower? Where are all the Assad apologists now? Jayeenlak jayeenlak yen3an ro7ak jayeenlak
The other major traitor is speaking out again!
but I agree with you: it is still not over, and assad has still his chemical weapons that he will use against his population.
he is a mass murderor, and will do anything to stay in power.
same for hizbushaitan and aoun: they are preparing to do the worst in Lebanon just to stay in power.
The other major traitor is speaking out again!
but I agree with you: it is still not over, and assad has still his chemical weapons that he will use against his population.
he is a mass murderor, and will do anything to stay in power.
same for hizbushaitan and aoun: they are preparing to do the worst in Lebanon just to stay in power.
@mowaten (of iran)
you should be in mourning as ordered by your chief today!
3 days of mourning for the syrian defense minister: this is what kaouk came up with :) while preparing to invade lebanon....
Mowaten and FT:
for a long time now I have been warning you we are preparing for the upcoming moment when hizbushaitan and aoun will try a new military adventure, and now we are ready, so bring it on.
aoun is desperately trying to divide the army by any means he can, but will not succeed. the army will never follow him anymore.
hizbushaitan will be confined in his areas, until israel and the US will strike iran, and if they try to respond, they will be eliminated.
Yalla 2rbet. The Syrians are going to sort it out by themselves. Let us stay cool on both sides of the Lebanese political currents. Any misstep is going to cost us dearly I'm sure of this.
let us go through this period unscathed (biriyachna) and i tell you, Lebanon will emerge much much stronger after. Without this terrorist syrian regime next door killing every strong leader lebanon had from bachir to kamal to rafic, this regime using palestinian misery to undermine lebanese state, this criminal proisraeli regime which terrorized us for decades and prevented lebanese from soaring...
Hopefully a new regime in syria will say chebaa are syrian land. remove alibi of HA, we incorporate HA in lebanese army and we go smooth sailing in la la land of what lebanon could have become without that bolshevic totalitarian remnant at its doorstep
Give it a couple of years. Our problems will become traffic jams and expensive real estate.
Ft Sermeye mannak 7edid?Now FT Sermeye is trying to do a U turn claiming he never Cheered ffo Assad.Keep in living in denial.
Kamen Michel Aoun ou hassouna never cheered Bashar in it?
but its still a bit dodgy in it?
Imad meghliyeh,Ghazi Kanaan ,Asef Shawkat?Weird that all those involved in Harriri s murder are being targeted.
FT those simple minds dont see shades of gray. They think that if one is is sympathetic to some of Aoun's positions, he becomes automatically affiliated to the criminal baathist terrorist bolshevic remnant, the syrian regime. Dont answer them. They wont understand. their mind functions in a binary base 1 or 0.
turkısh jets shot down by syrian gavornment now erdogan vısıts russia moscow and Syrian Defense Minister and Assef Shawkat Killed in Damascus Blast this REVENGE OF ERDOGAN
Mabrouk to all! Good ridance to the filth of the filth! The wheels of justice turn slowly.... Yallah bashar, maher and gang one by one!
may the souls of the innocent people dying in Syria rest in peace and may the souls of these basters who ruined our country for ages burn in hell!
They commited suicide just like Hariri did! For once the tricks they have created, turn against
them ! Too bad they died instantly !! I think the renegade General in Rabieh, should be asked once more, in light of those events, how healthy the situation for the Syrian regime ! LOL.
If he survives Bashar can at last reveal the deal between Michel Aoun and his Hafez Assad where the cowardly Caporal will be allowed to flee with all the money his stole from his soldiers as soon as he causes the red lines from around the Christian free area to be lifted for Hafez's army to at last enter. Aoun had so much cash to carry there was no place for his wife and daughters in any of the getaway vehicles.
FT :)
when you will wake up and realize who is aoun, you will have such a depression...
you believe him still, but soon you will realize what kind of ... he is.
Hey BSThrower and aliases....can't you do better? Your boring and lame! By now you would think dozens of thumbs down on a regular basis on your posts would give you a simple hint "YOUR A LOSER"!
Aoun: halle2tni lezim nemsok l inti7are li ghtel batalna w tej rasna yalli rafa3 rasna bi lebnen "kasif chawkat" :D
The report in the NYT this morning is more extensive. See: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/19/world/middleeast/suicide-attack-reported-in-damascus-as-more-generals-flee.html?_r=1&hp&pagewanted=print
The only issue remaining now is not whether Assad will survive, but the means he will choose to leave. He could go out with a bang by deploying chemical weapons against the Syrian people, destroy as much as he can like Saddam did to Kuwaiti oil fields before he left them, or Assad and his hinchmen could abandon Damascus and retreat, over night, to their redoubt in the Alawi Mountains and Latakia to hold out there. It would be difficult to get to Assad on his home turf, but, eventually the law catches up to all who would break it.
FT stop your lies: several times you spoke for the assad regime as repeated by your master aoun the syrian bootlicker.
It would be quite easy and rewarding to gloat, as Lebanese, that these people who tormented Lebanon for decades finally got dished to them that which they dished out to the Lebanese, and now to their fellow Syrians. They visited death and destruction on people as if to do so were like a walk in the park. With great indifference to the pain they caused, and now they are paying the price for those deeds.
But we should refrain. We should be a people of the law and when people break the law of their country or the law of nations that prevent genocide and occupation of neighboring countries, then they should be punished by the law, not by the suicide bomber. This is barbaric and we should never cheer barbarism as it may yet come back to visit us if we do.
Bashar didn't get along with Assef Shawkat, in fact there was major conflicts between the two and when he appointed the defense minister, the was all kind of questions and speculations.... Makes me wonder who really did this?
what a glorious day, assef shawkat is gone forever. next is maher assad as well as asma assad.
"Hizbullah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem: Hizbullah announced three days of mourning over the death of Syrian Defense Minister"
Qassem did this in his capacity as what? Aren't we getting ahead of ourselves ya hajj Naiim. The Islamic republic of Iran on the Mediterranean is still way out of reach numbut. You and Hassin might wear "supreme leader" costumes but you both are nothing but Z list actors and when the play is over you go back to your sewer home like the little rats that you are.
the russians aborted the deliver of the syrian helicopters, they know they can't get them there on time
It is a matter of 'when' and not 'if' now before the final moment in the barbaric life span of this regime. Soon, the world will witness the fall of the most evil regimes throughout the centuries of mankind. However, let us not forget its allies and their cruel intention of taking over Lebanon and the fact of chemical weapons handed out to them by the same evil regime. Beirut is on the verge of dark fate during the upcoming few days. It is zero time and the pain Lebanese have to live with is a small price toward Democracy back to normal life without the 14 March or 8 April predators. Be it a call out to 14 March leaders, you are not coming back to power especially, your animal Saad Harriri. I make it clear to him, land islamisation is no way. Fuck out Saudi regime, welcome back free Lebanon.
Kholset ,el taleta bikoun kholset bi Syria.hahahahahahahaha
Ba3ed fi ahmar min michel aoun???
How do you feel FT?depressed?hahahahahaha
I shared your sentiments until the FSA came out and admitted it. It's more likely now the FSA is responsible.
Do you suggest then that the FSA and Assad were collaborating? I highly doubt that. In a sense, the only way your theory would prove correct is if the FSA and Assad were collaborating on this, which is something I believe is unlikely.
Suicide bombings kill people, but they do not take over a country. There has to be large defections against the regime to start losing control of large sections of the country, which has not happened.
Israel, the west, and Arab puppets want ONLY the regime to be weakened. They do not want the Ikhwan to be able take over the whole country. If the Ikhwan take over Syria, then Jordan is threatened, and then the Gulf kings are threatened. HA will probably then ally themselves with the Ikhwan if that happens. For the M14 Christians...be careful what you wish for.
It could have been a hit from Bashar to eliminate the people who could incriminate him and a part of bashar's exit plan.
Suicide bombings kill people, but they do not take over a country. There has to be large defections against the regime to start losing control of large sections of the country, which has not happened.
Israel, the west, and Arab puppets want ONLY the regime to be weakened. They do not want the Ikhwan to be able take over the whole country. If the Ikhwan take over Syria, then Jordan is threatened, and then the Gulf kings are threatened. HA will probably then ally themselves with the Ikhwan if that happens. For the M14 Christians...be careful what you wish for.
Good riddance! One down and more to go! Assad...your clock is ticking and the sooner you are brought down the sooner HA is to follow and Lebanon free from barbarians!
Ce meme scénario sera bientôt disponible à Beyrouth, au parlement, dans les casernes..... dans nos quartiers..., dans nos salles de cinéma........etc. certains ne doivent trop se réjouir de ses attentats de ce qui se passe chez les autres.
Something's not right. Suicide bomb? Who had access.? I bet it's the regime itself making an excuse to disolve and run
we are all so conspiratorial!! I remember a story about a high ranking official in a Middle Eastern country who died of a sudden heart attack. The talk the next day was to wonder why he chose that certain day for his heart attack. Ah, the conspiracy!!
I have seen way too many news sources reporting this to think that it didn't happen. Well maybe it didn't. Maybe JFK was not really assasinated, Elvis lives, and the men didn't really land on the moon but sent film in from the Arizona desert. All that is possible too, but not probable. These guys are done, as is the Assad Regime.
Guess what, if he does we'll all be happy to learn bout the dirty secrets. He'd be doing us a favour in helping us clean our own side. Not sure you want to hear the same about Aoun or Nasrallah.
To Anonym(e)TexasUsa: Elvis is also still alive, disguised as a Celine Dion's husband... If you speak french (spelling of Anonyme), go and watch "Gross Fatigue", and have fun, and leave those stories to B-movies.
In the interim, wake up, and check the facts. The General Aoun (whom I was a fervent supporter in 1989-1990), continues to make a series of wrong bets, or bets on the wrong horses (Saddam in 1990, Bashar in 2012). In 2006, his strategic mistake was to undermine our own Spring, the Cedar revolution. For what ?
Let me know if you like Carole Bouquet in "Grosses Fatigues"
With all the different forces going one against the other, undermining the security of Syria, Lebanon and probably the whole middle east, at least this time no one is blaming Israel, although I'm sure it won't be too long before that guy in the rat hole starts with his strange outbursts.
The only bad thing is that they died quickly, I would've preferred a much slower death but then again maybe they are saving the best for last, for Bashar and Maher.