اوباما يحذر الاسد من ان استخدامه الاسلحة الكيميائية سيكون "خطأ مأسويا"

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حذر الرئيس الاميركي باراك اوباما الاثنين نظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد من ان استخدامه الاسلحة الكيميائية سيكون "خطأ مأسويا" سيحاسب عليه.

وقال اوباما في خطاب القاه امام مقاتلين قدامى في رينو (نيفادا، غرب) "بالنظر الى مخزون الاسلحة الكيميائية للنظام (السوري)، نسعى الى افهام الاسد واوساطه ان العالم ينظر اليهم وانه ينبغي محاسبتهم امام المجتمع الدولي والولايات المتحدة اذا ارتكبوا الخطأ المأسوي باستخدامها".

التعليقات 3
Thumb beiruti 01:29 ,2012 تموز 24

That's about all the world is doing..... Watching.....

Default-user-icon MikeQ1 (ضيف) 14:34 ,2012 تموز 24

Don't kid yourself!

Thumb Bandoul 16:17 ,2012 تموز 24

Much to my chagrin and dismay President Obama will waltz into a second term and make my life and the lives of hard working patriotic Americans miserable for another 4 years. Apparently he walks on water and his followers think he is leading them to Eden by taking money from those who earned it and giving it to those who believe it is owed to them. Yes it is an election year but Mr. Obama doesn’t have a care in the world as long as he is giving free money to those who don’t want to earn it he’ll do fine. 10 million illegal immigrants who do not have the right to vote will vote for him just to show their thanks and support. Plus the electoral college system is what determines our next president and he's got the math on his side. Shameful but true.