حزب الله ينفي نفيا قاطعا أن تكون له اي علاقة بمحاولة اغتيال حرب..والأخير يرد: ليرفع الغطاء عن أحد كوادره المشتبه به

Read this story in English W460

نفى "حزب الله" نفياً قاطعاً أن تكون له أي علاقة أو لأي من كوادره أو أفراده بمحاولة اغتيال النائب بطرس حرب.

وجاء في بيان صادر عن الحزب أنه "بالرغم من سياستنا التي تقضي أن لا نعلّق على الكثير من الافتراءات والادعاءات التي تطال "حزب الله" وقيادييه وكوادره في الآونة الأخيرة، إلا انه وبالنظر إلى إصرار النائب بطرس حرب وبعض قوى 14 آذار على توجيه الاتهام جزافاً كما هي العادة ودون الاستناد إلى أي دليل وإصدار الأحكام القاطعة حتى قبل التحقيق فإننا ننفي نفياً قاطعاً أية علاقة لحزب الله أو أي من كوادره أو أفراده بما يقال عن عملية اغتيال كانت تعدّ للنائب بطرس حرب".

ودعا الحزب في بيانه "إلى التوقف عن التوظيف السياسي البغيض لهذه الادعاءات الكاذبة والتي تعوّدنا عليها خصوصاً خلال السنوات الأخيرة".

بدوره رد المكتب الإعلامي لحرب على بيان الحزب فأكد أن "لمن المؤسف ان يعتمد حزب الله هذه اللهجة والتعابير التي تتعارض وأبسط قواعد التخاطب المسؤول في موضوع خطير كمحاولة اغتيال النائب حرب، كما وأنه من المستغرب أن يتضمن موقف الحزب مغالطات ومزاعم غير صحيحة ملؤها التجني والافتراءات، واتهام النائب حرب بالإصرار على اتهامه جزافا دون الاستناد إلى أي دليل".

وذكر المكتب أنه "اقتصرت مواقف النائب حرب على مطالبة الحزب بالتعاون مع القضاء اللبناني والسماح لأحد كوادر حزب الله المدعو م. ح. بإعطاء إفادته حول جريمة محاولة الاغتيال".

وإذ قال المكتب أنه "اكتشفت أجهزة التحقيق الرسمية اوراقا تتضمن رقم محرك سيارته في ما خلفه من أدوات في موقع الجريمة من خلال محاولته تفجير المصعد في البناء الذي يتردد إليه حرب بحكم وجود مكتبه فيه" أوضحت أن مطلب تسليم المشتبه به أتى "لئلا يصبح الحزب موضع شبهة في الجريمة ولعدم عرقلة سير العدالة والتغطية على المجرمين".

وتابع البيان "أما وقد اعتمد "حزب الله" أسلوب التجني في بيانه، فإننا ندعو الحزب مجددا إلى رفع الغطاء عن السيد م .ح، ووضعه في تصرف التحقيق القضائي، ما يبعد كل شبهة عنه، وما يسهل عمل أجهزة التحقيق في كشف هوية المجرمين الذين حاولوا اغتيال النائب حرب، وإلا فليسمح لنا الحزب بأن نتهمه بعرقلة سير التحقيق وبحماية المشتبه بهم".

وأوضح المكتب الإعلامي أنه "ليس من تقاليد النائب حرب اللجوء الى الافتراءات والادعاءات والاتهامات جزافا، وهو لا يعتبر محاولة اغتياله مزحة، أو لعبة للتوظيف السياسي كما زعم الحزب في بيانه، بل هي محاولة قتل ترمي إلى زرع الفتنة في البلاد وإلى إزاحة القيادات الممانعة لاستمرار حالة الانفلات السائدة والتي تعطل كل المساعي لإعادة بناء الدولة الشرعية القادرة على حماية المواطنين وحرياتهم".

وكان قد شدد حرب في احاديث صحفية عدة أن شخصاً مشتبهاً فيه في محاولة اغتياله طلب منه ان يحضر امام أجهزة التحقيق فرفض بحجة انتمائه الى جهاز أمني تابع لـ"حزب الله".

وتعرض النائب بطرس حرب لمحاولة اغتيال، اوائل تموز الجاري، عبر زرع 3 اشخاص، عبوة ناسفة داخل مصعد المبنى الذي يقع فيه مكتبه في سامي الصلح، وقد تمكن الجناة من الفرار.

التعليقات 28
Missing justlebanese 13:43 ,2012 تموز 24

2asma3 kalamak 2asada2ak 2ashuf 2omorak 2asta8rib, ldalil wade7 l mas2ol l mesh radyen tsalmo lal ta72e2, l dalil wade7 inkun be 2ed nezam soure shu ma yetlob metel shatren bta3mlo, l dalel wade7 bele kamashu be 2esset TV al jadeed, ldalel wade7 be "shokran soria"l be dalkun t2oloha.....BYEKFE KEZB BA2A 2effff l 3ama shu mfakren nes 7amer

Missing reformist 14:41 ,2012 تموز 24

lek akh 3al habal akh! Ya sa7be kellna ma3ak bi yilli bet oulou! Does this constitute a proof of guilt against an assassination plot??? Is this how you also want the STL to work???? 3al daleel taba3ak??? lek dakheel zakek ana ya fehmen! Ya hek justice ya bala! A group is supportive is syria then it is the assassinator! Wonderful shortcuts!!! hayda akbar daleel 3a fehmak w zakek ;)

Thumb geha 15:33 ,2012 تموز 24

you are really and sincerely blind!
it is m14 who is blocking the data to uncover information on who is behind the attempts?
is it m14 who is refusing to hand over a so called hizbushaitan operative to answer questions in the Harb attempt?
if for nothing else, these actions by hizbushaitan denoted their guilt.
so all you rhetoric equals to nothing, and just defending your masters hizbushaitan the iranian traitors to Lebanon shows how much you lack visibility and understand what you are talking about.

Thumb Bandoul 16:23 ,2012 تموز 24

You're wasting your time. They don't give a darn about us and what we want. They will continue to plunder and do their master's biding with total disregard to you, me and anyone who gets in their way. Ma t3azib 7allak, you can't expect a cancer invading your body to have sympathy for you do you?

Default-user-icon no more fear (ضيف) 13:53 ,2012 تموز 24

3ala mahl shi shahrein ba3d 7atta tistankro, ye5rib baytkon ma aw2a7kon, bti2tlo l2atil wbta3mloulou majlis 3aza, wloooooooooooh.... shou hayda ya... into akzab lness

Default-user-icon ghassan (ضيف) 14:08 ,2012 تموز 24

"Awssakh An-Nass"
The evidence that points to Hizballah is overwhelming. There is even a name of one of the Hizb's cadres, Mahmoud Hayek.

Thumb eli-g 14:34 ,2012 تموز 24

to prove that produce Mahmoum(d) Hayek.

Missing allouchi 14:47 ,2012 تموز 24

Of course they deny any involvement, like they denied assassinating Sheik Rafic Hariri and kidnapping numerous Lebanese citizens...Hizballa has become a ruthless terrorist organization. They support the butcher Assad after all...

Default-user-icon Alexander (ضيف) 15:17 ,2012 تموز 24

Dear Mowaten, no not anything is a proof of guilt and nobody wants to involve an innocent; we all refuse it. We are just asking to respect the minimal requirements of justice in order to allow it to perform its duty in such very sensitive issues. What if each time there is a murder and the justice calls for investigation the presumed culpable refuse to cooperate? wein men sir?? the Attitude of Hezbollah is therefore unacceptable. Lebanese justice is not the STL to claim that it is corrupted and thus to reject cooperation. All of us should cooperate for the sake and security of all.

Thumb bigsami 16:08 ,2012 تموز 24

Motornouth.....'everybody' knows that what comes out of allouchi's posts dwarf your comments and delusional statements. They have denied so much and been proven LIARS. Where there is smoke there is fire. Why are they not handing over those implicate in Rafik's assassination? Like everyone of us, you have the right to have attorneys defend you. So if they are NOT GUILTY, why not turn yourself in and let the system (judge) set you free if you are indeed innocent. Both side will present their facts and let the system make the decision. But don't go wasting your bad breath on such comments as "if they dont deny also it is a proof of their guilt. and whatever you say or do will be a proof of their guilt" because they are GUILTY and scums like you!

Thumb jcamerican 16:08 ,2012 تموز 24

It is very true what you said. But in good faith, why Hayek doesnt show up for interrogation? Even the system is corrupted, still you cannot cancel the whole judiciary authority.

Thumb Bandoul 16:28 ,2012 تموز 24

The Party of God has been from the beginning a ruthless terrorist organizations. The only thing that's changed is that now they are deeply entrenched. Meaning the cancer has invaded the lymphatic system and getting rid of it would clearly kill the host. Ya di3anak ya lebnen!

Default-user-icon Independent (ضيف) 15:23 ,2012 تموز 24

Is this some diabolic deal between Hizb and Aoun where Hizb assassinate Gebran's opponent in Batroun elections so Gebran can win and receive immunity, while Aoun help Hizbollah by withholding telecom data related to this and other crimes... Aoun's party new name should be corruption and assassinations! As to Hizb, everybody knows it is a criminal organization created, funded and indoctrinated by the Basij and causing great and irreparable harm to the Shia community.

Thumb bigsami 16:10 ,2012 تموز 24

Well said ananymetexas. Unfortunate that's too much information for a pea brain like Motormouth to digest.

Thumb Bandoul 16:40 ,2012 تموز 24

The Party of God = Pervasive Cancer, pure and evil, unrelenting and undeterred, hell bent on cancelling at least 50% of the Lebanese population by any means necessary including and up to lies, propaganda, disinformation and terror tactics. They are belligerent, defiant and indifferent. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a card carrying member with the same exact disposition.

Missing castro@46 16:24 ,2012 تموز 24

Very funny picture I wonder what he looks like now after being under ground for so long..

Thumb Captain 16:56 ,2012 تموز 24

When M14 was in charge of the Telecom Ministry, the assassinations were taking place then and no one was caught eventhough they had access to the data.

When M8 is in charge of the Telecom, no assassination took place. Why do they need the data?

All the assassination attempts that happened with Harb and Geagea are good for Egyptian series but do not qualify for a Hollywood movie.

Thumb Captain 17:37 ,2012 تموز 24

Is the ISF now ready in forensics? LOL

Missing people-power 18:59 ,2012 تموز 24

Hey idiot, Lebanese security official Wissam Eid was the one who discovered Hezbollah's involvement in the murder of Rafik Hariri (and others) by examining telecom data during the M14 government.

Also, the assassinations stopped for 2 main reason's:

1. The establishment of the STL, showing the criminals that the rest of the world is aware of their crimes, and further assassinations will not go unpunished.
2. After the May 7 invasion, the resulting Doha Accord gave the M8 cabal the Veto power in the M14 government, which is what they wanted (to try to stop the impact of the STL)

Thumb Captain 22:09 ,2012 تموز 24


You are so lost, enlightened one. Where is that documented?

The transmissions of spying on Hariri's movements were not denied but rather confirmed by Israel. There is involvement by the US and Israel in Hariri's murder.

Where is the STL? Where is the proof they have? It's all lies.

Missing people-power 06:54 ,2012 تموز 25


Wissam Eid combed through the cell phone data, and found three groups of cell phones that were linked to the Hariri murder. That's why he was killed. The first group of phones followed Hariri's movements leading up to the assassination. These phones went dead on the day after his murder, and were used by the assassination team. The second group of phones followed exactly with the first group of phones, and were the murderers personal phones. These phones were identified as phones of Hezbollaah members. The third group of phones were phones often called by the first and second group of phones, and they belonged to Hezbollah upper management.

The STL is located in Netherlands. The proof will be shown at trial, not before then.

Thumb Captain 07:15 ,2012 تموز 25

@ well mannered enlightened one

It would be better if you respect how you address others. Treat them as you wish to be treated.

STL is based on circumstantial evidence that Israelis had access to and all the witnesses are phony.

There is evidence on the net, from Canada and Germany that prove what you said otherwise.

I am not defending anyone or support any group. Just look for concrete evidence. You obviously listen to your masters blindly.

Thumb Captain 17:57 ,2012 تموز 24

I am just puzzled as to why they did not catch a single assassin. Mind you, Israel had control over the data a few years back.

I don't care about M8 nor M14. All I want is to have criminals brought to justice and live in a safe country away from foreign interference.

Thumb falanges 07:55 ,2012 تموز 25

I am just puzzled why wissam eid was killed? give your thoughts captain and mowatan or other brainwashed scum

Thumb Captain 08:31 ,2012 تموز 25


Wissam Eid did find something. I am not saying he did not. But what exactly did he find?

Here in Lebanon we are fed a lot of nonsense. Take for example the Ethiopian plane crash. Was it really a pilot error? It was shot! There is even an eye-witness for the fire falling down from the sky. The B737 is equipped with sophisticated equipment to alert pilots of hazards even if the pilots are novice.

Once I took off from Beirut Airport and was headed north close to the time that Hariri was killed and I saw with my own eyes a fast plane going from Jounieh to Dora that was not communicating with the tower. Also one time I saw another one over Metn Mountains.

Once I was in the control tower and I saw an AWACS on their radar flying constantly abeam our coastline.

Again I am not supporting or defending any political party and I wish they all disappear. What I am trying to say is that this game is bigger than Lebanon and our politicians are paid to talk in certain ways.

Thumb geha 20:27 ,2012 تموز 24

you do not convince anyone as you might notice. does it say something to your thick head?
or you think we are all wrong and your hizbushaitan and fpm are angels?
angels of death that is :)

Missing samiam 01:19 ,2012 تموز 25

"Insisting" is HA's way of dealing with mounting accusations. It is under increasing pressure both inside and outside Lebanon.

On a personal note, I hope they rot in hell.

Thumb Captain 08:37 ,2012 تموز 25

The STL was created to find the criminals and the assassins. Not only for Hariri but the other martyrs as well.

If they failed to pinpoint the ones for Hariri, then why are they not working on the other cases?

They keep postponing and postponing for lack of concrete evidence. Or is the STL a bunch of old guys cashing in on their retirement?