ميقاتي هنأ الجيش بعيده الـ67: نعمل على تعزيز قدرات الجيش بحوالي مليار وستمئة مليون دولار
Read this story in English![W460](http://images3.naharnet.com/images/46657/w460.jpg?1343451699)
أعلن رئيس مجلس الوزراء نجيب ميقاتي أن الحكومة في صدد إقرار خطة متكاملة موزعة على أربع سنوات لتعزيز قدراته بكلفة مالية تقدر بنحو مليار وستمئة مليون دولار.
وقال في كلمته منايبة عيد الجيش اللبناني الـ67، ان الحكومة ستعمل على تنفيذ هذه الخطة على خطين متوازيين، الأول من خلال إعداد "مشروع قانون- برنامج" نتقدم به من مجلس النواب للموافقة عليه وإقراره بقانون.
والثاني من خلال الاتصالات التي نقوم بها لعقد لقاء دولي تحت مظلة الأمم المتحدة لتأمين الموارد والمعدات المطلوبة للجيش، انطلاقاً من الاهتمام الدولي بمساعدته وفق ما نص عليه القرار الدولي الرقم 1701.
ولفت ميقاتي في كلمته الى أن "الظروف الدقيقة التي مر بها لبنان خلال الأعوام الماضية، ولا يزال، وسّعت مسؤوليات الجيش، فتجاوزت مهمته حماية الحدود في الجنوب ومنع العدو الاسرائيلي من الإعتداء على السيادة اللبنانية، لتتضمن مهاماً إضافية في حفظ أمن الداخل".
وتابع أن "من هذا المنطلق جاء قرار الحكومة بنشر الجيش اللبناني على الحدود اللبنانية في الشمال والبقاع كي يعيد تثبيت الامن والاستقرار والحد من وقوع الاصابات في صفوف ابناء المناطق المجاورة لتلك الحدود، والتي من حق ابنائها ان ينعموا بالامان يوفره جيشهم الوطني".
وهنأ ميقاتي الجيش اللبناني في عيده السابع والستين، وثمن "ما بذله على مرّ السنين من تضحيات في الذود عن سلامة لبنان، وتعزيز وحدته، وبسط الأمن والأمان في سائر أرجاء الوطن".
وشارك ميقاتي، صباح الاربعاء، في احتفال، بمناسبة عيد الجيش اللبناني الـ67، في ثكنة شكري غانم في الفياضية وتخريج دورة "الرائد الشهيد وليد الشعار".
I hope these monies get spend on actual equipment for the army. Not on country clubs and maids for the officers.
I hope they spend the money to buy good equipment that works and advanced,buy you never know they might buy new cars for the officers more maids for their wives ..
The money appropriated for the Army could buy few dozen descent tanks /APC'S,Artilleries and few attack hellicopters.It is hardly enough to make a slight improvment to replace the old hardware the army is keeping running on the road. The amount should be doubled.Plus our senior officials should make sincere efforts to seek donnations from freindly Gulf Nations, Europeans, Russia and the United States.
By the way what happened to the Promised, approved Arms donations from Russia, USA, France, Belgium,Germany and others..Any follow ups. Results.??
Parlimentaries: The Army deserve more quality equipments to carry out its various and expanded missions, and not Promisess...
Spend the money on the right hardwares. The army are Boots on the ground not Servants at Homes.
Lebanon is sliding slowly but surely into the path of Syria and Iran's Tyrants. A path of economic destruction and political oppression lost between a police state, Basij and Salafis. Lebanon was on the path of freedom, democracy, independence and prosperity after the Cedar Revolution and could have provided the moral and intellectual guidance to the Arab Spring. Instead, we became a Basij arsenal at the service of Iran's extremists. The source of the problems is Hizbollah and its allies; but also the incompetence of M14 who hijacked the Cedar Revolution for personal aims. Lebanon will only survive when people abandon M8 and M14 and start supporting individual who believe in the principles of the Cedar Revolution.
This is a very wise step regarding the developments in neighboring Syria. As the FSA strengthens its positions in Syria, the Syrian regular forces will keep on loosing more ground and our long border with Syria may become very unstable in the following years. We need a better equipped army to face the challenges so the move by PM Miqati is out of dire need and I think the US, France, Italy, Russia and others will be willing to sell some basic hardware.
Its time: Iran had offered a year ago... why the delay? now the Army and Hezballah will share experience and together will halt all terrorist acts by any side.
my problem with the army is stated in the above comment:
the army was sent t the north to help the syrian regime and not to protect the residents of the north.
personally I consider the rle of an army is to preserve the territorial integrity of the country and defend its borders.
as uncovered today, the role of our security forces is not to support the syrian regime rather to protect us and human rights.
today the authorities delivered 2 syrian dissidents to the syrian regime, which is against human rights, and against morility.
if this is the rle of our security forces then no to these forces.
With the collapse of the regime of the Tyrant of Damascus, there won't be a need to protect our borders with expensive high tech. and if HA behaves, there is no need to spend billions of L.L. on weapons that can be destroyed in seconds by Israel. \\
Invest this money in education, energy, and the lebanese economy instead.
they are going to get us lousy weapons for 1.6 Billion? we need more M113 and M16