تقارير: سماحة كشف في التسجيلات أن "بشار بدّو هيك"

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كشف التوثيق الذي يظهر الوزير السابق ميشال سماحة، بالصوت والصورة، وهو يسلم أحد المنفذين المحتملين عبوة ناسفة، أن سماحة ذكر عبارة إن الرئيس السوري يريد ذلك، "بشار بدو هيك"، حسبما ذكرت معلومات صحفية.

وأفادت صحيفة "الجمهورية" ،أن أهم ما تم توثيقه وما ورد على لسان سماحة في التسجيل الصوتي، الذي بحوزة التحقيق، أن الرئيس السوري يريد ذلك، "بشّار بدّو هيك"، ما دفع بكلّ حلفاء النظام السوري الى التريث في شن حملة على فرع المعلومات.

وقد ورد على لسان سماحة أن اللواء علي مملوك (وهو مسؤول أمني سوري) قد طلب القيام بالتفجيرات، وسلّمه العبوات، فضلاً عن مبلغ من المال لتوزيعه على المنفّذين في لبنان. وقد ضبطت قوى الأمن 170 ألف دولار نقداً في منزله، وفق الصحيفة عينها.

وإعترف النائب والوزير السابق ميشال سماحة بالتخطيط لتفجيرات خلال إفطارات في شمال لبنان بطلب سوري، وذلك بعد توقيفه صباح الخميس بمداهمة منزله في الخنشارة عبر قوة من شعبة المعلومات في قوى الأمن الداخلي.

الى ذلك، نقلت "الجمهورية" معلومات مفادها ان "الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد اتصل بأعلى السلطات الرسمية للضغط من أجل الافراج عن ميشال سماحة".

وفي سياق متصل ذكرت المعلومات إن سرعة التحقيق تعود إلى الدليل القاطع الموثّق بصوت سماحة وصورته الواضحة وبالشروحات التي جاءت على لسانه والتي تُعتبر الدليل الملك على أن وقائع التحقيق التي ستتحوّل إلى القضاء كمادة اتهامية ستكون من صنع سماحة نفسه.

ولفتت معلومات "الجمهورية" أن مدة التوثيق الذي بحوزة التحقيق لا تقل عن ساعة ونصف من التصوير صوتاً وصورة وبوضوح لا يحتمل الشك وفي أماكن عرف منها مرآب منزل سماحة في الأشرفية حيث تم تصوير سماحة وهو يسلّم أحد المنفّذين المحتملين عبوة ناسفة، وعندما عرضت الصور عليه لم ينكر بل اعترف على الفور.

وفي هذا السياق، كشفت معلومات لصحيفة "اللواء" ان شعبة المعلومات التي كانت تتابع هذه القضية منذ اكثر من اسبوعين لديها افلام فيديو وصور ومستندات تدين سماحة.

ونقلت صحيفة "السفير" عن مرجع امني كبير أنه تم العثور على 24 عبوة ناسفة، اعترف سماحة بادخالها بسيارته عبر طريق المصنع، وعلى مراحل، ومن ضمنها عبوات كبيرة الحجم تزن ما يزيد عن عشرين كيلوغراما، وكانت معدة للتفجير في منطقتي الشمال وعكار تحديداً.

التعليقات 70
Missing trigger 09:01 ,2012 آب 10

at last 1 person is arrested in Lebanon for something important.
i hope many will follow, whichever side they are from, 8 or 14.
hopefully they will link to the past assassinations and arrest more people.
could this be the beginning of a new era in Lebanon?

Missing trigger 11:42 ,2012 آب 10

what do you believe ya aflaton zamenak?

Thumb dasphinx 12:17 ,2012 آب 10

no, we believe in the cosmic conspiracy theory instead on Bachar ya zakzak. Mashalla 3alek 3am bet sharshir zaka.

Thumb Marwan34 09:04 ,2012 آب 10

Yechrob beitak ya bachar !!!

Thumb geha 09:06 ,2012 آب 10

this guy will be killed to silence him as was hobeika when he threatened to talk.
the Lebanese people needs to know what this guy knows as it will definately uncover many other incidents.

Thumb geha 09:13 ,2012 آب 10

I seriously wonder what rahi has to say about this.
aoun and his fpm should surprise us with a serious comment about this, as it looks these guys are next on the target list.

Thumb geha 14:44 ,2012 آب 10

intelligent FT
you seem not to understand what I worte :) again...
I do not like what rahi had said in the past, and then comes this attempt on him: so clearly it is interesting to hear what he has to say now about his most democratic friend bashar.

Thumb geha 09:32 ,2012 آب 10

intelligent FT
this guy talked? he only admitted information he could not deny :) he was caught on tape!
there is a lot mre information that he could spill. :) otherwise why is bashar and hizbushaitan doing whatever to release him?
very intelligent comment FT :)

Thumb geha 11:17 ,2012 آب 10

to all readers:
please read FT's comments above and judge by yourselves of his level of intelligence, patriotism, and how much he cares about the Patriarch, and .....
I rest my case.

Thumb Bandoul 16:08 ,2012 آب 10

@geha, lately I don’t understand you strategy in dealing with FT and to be honest I grow weary of the exchange between the two of you. Don’t you understand that this person is an immoral, unethical, pseudo wannabe, insignificant, unintelligent belligerent pile of hot cow dung and is not worth engaging in dialogue with? Why do you bother man? Do you enjoy his rants so much that you keep egging him on? Wallaow? Why can’t you ignore him and let him spew his venom out of his demented body and mind? If you don’t ignore him he will never go away and I am sick and tired of reading his sanctimonious, rooted in illiteracy, fiction that exists only in his warped mind…yalla stop engaging him. M8 days of hegemony are drawing to an end, so they are lashing out with all they have. Let them…you and I know we will never oppress them, the way the oppressed us and I am certain FPM will want to rejoin common sense but it is a hard pill for them to swallow.

Missing allouchi 16:19 ,2012 آب 10

FT, you are idiot that's stuck in the past...

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 16:37 ,2012 آب 10

FT, I'm not sure how you can compare Mawlawi to Smehah,it's like comparing apples and oranges, first it's alleged and repeat alleged that mawlawi was helping the FSA against the Syrian regime and not against any Lebanese, on the other hand Samaha was hired by the Syrian regime to carry out terrorist/assassinations in Lebanon and against Lebanese personalities including our own Batrak and he was caught on tape AND admitted to it, so your comparison is way off, so dude grow some kahunas and stop twisting things to make them fit your agenda, you my friend and the rest of the slaves AKA March 8 are a bunch of killers paid by Syria and Iran to do their dirty work in Lebanon , your SOBs have finally been exposed, just remember what goes around comes around.

Thumb geha 17:03 ,2012 آب 10

you are right: I should totally ignore this illeterate. if I did not that yet, it is just that I hoped he could come back to his senses, but to no avail apparently, so I give up!
he just repeats what his master and lord aun says without any reasoning of his own, and thinks the rest of us are like him :)

Thumb turmos 09:10 ,2012 آب 10

He will be released...... mark my words! There will be an unprecedented campaign against the Intelligence bureau by Aoun, Hizb of Terror, and the rest of the "resistors" accusing it of fabrication. This thug was planning to blow up the Patriarch and blame it on the people of the North. In normal circumstances, a thug like him would be hanged, but not in Lebanon.

Thumb Marwan34 09:40 ,2012 آب 10

then we have to make a counter campaign !!!

Thumb Marwan34 11:12 ,2012 آب 10

@FT I prefer gouloum !!

Thumb thepatriot 13:26 ,2012 آب 10

Amazing... how many bashar lovers are accused and never jailed... or freed... or not bothered at all... I hope this bird starts singing...

Thumb kanaandian 09:15 ,2012 آب 10

Why would he admit planting bombs without even being pressed, what kind of idiot would admit to terrorism charges, especially one who wears a suit and a tie with a pedigree and government job. People fight this step to the end. There are Fatah al Islam terrorists captured in their nest who don't even admit to terrorism. Why on earth would this dude admit to his would-be involvement in terrorism, murder, bombings, and working for Assad? Very suspicious.

Thumb kanaandian 09:28 ,2012 آب 10

how did they get the video?

Missing workaholic84 11:27 ,2012 آب 10

i cant wait to see the video. 170000USD how cheap some people are!

Missing mohammad_ca 11:49 ,2012 آب 10

"...not even the President knew about this operation..." ya ghabi since when do the Police have to get the President's permission to arrest someone...

Thumb dasphinx 12:22 ,2012 آب 10

Don't you have any opinion of your own, or are you just a loud voice repeating what your shepherds in M8 say? Have a personality man.

Missing mohammad_ca 12:58 ,2012 آب 10

I don't think you understand how institutions work...nor do I expect you to. You have the Executive branch, the Legislative branch, and the Judicial branch...they are independent but interlinked...the legislative legislate, the executive execute and the judicial: monitor and judge...2al 'close ally" 2al...

Thumb thepatriot 13:30 ,2012 آب 10

Bla bla bla FT... and the attempt on Geagea's life was fishy, and lhassa was fishy, and Antelias was fishy, and the check point kill was fishy... Give us a break idiot!

Default-user-icon Tonus (ضيف) 10:45 ,2012 آب 10

If this is TRUE all the Lebanese should be on the same side including Hassan and Orangies coz syrians intention is clear to destroy Lebanon. In normal situation Lebanon should declare war on Syria.

Thumb Bandoul 16:17 ,2012 آب 10

@Tonus, the Syrian intent was always clear to us (M14). We will never negotiate with terrorists even when they have the word God in the tittle of their party. When M8 surrenders their weapons to the army, we will compromise with M8 fully and share the watan. As it is right now, M8 are our oppressors at gunpoint. We can fight them, we can't change anything unless they give up their weapons of terror and intimidation.

Missing sosry4uguys 16:20 ,2012 آب 10

I love your fantasy, even tho it's impossible dream but it's not bad for a start.

Thumb Bandoul 16:41 ,2012 آب 10

Life is a series of impossibilities my friend. My father shipped me to the USA, literally like a FedEx package, alone and a few hundred dollars in my pocket…just to make sure I had a future…I was only 16!

Default-user-icon Fcuk HOFF (ضيف) 10:50 ,2012 آب 10

I agree with Jamil El Sayyed. Investigation with Sma7a should be transferred to a more neutral side. Why not entrust the Syrian Mokhabarat with the all the additional garantees that the participation of Lebanse observers provide. I suggest Wahhabo-Qandil par exemple.

Missing roger@10452 11:24 ,2012 آب 10

"This is what Bashar (Assad) wants"

What the Lebanese people want is a PUBLIC HANGING. Maybe in Dora or Tripoli, or Sidon or even in Sassine Square.

You and your master Aoun are nothing but Traitors...Bakradouni and Emile Rahme will be next...

Thumb Bandoul 16:21 ,2012 آب 10

I am waiting for Marada party to defend him. I can't wait to hear what Mr. Franjieh, the biggest sellout in the country (yes worse than GMA), have to say.

Missing workaholic84 11:25 ,2012 آب 10

because he is a weak and always have been weak. He is the worst of the worst. Soldout to Assad familly no values no love for lebanease but only for Assad and Bashar! he would sell out his familly for them. Did he ever think avout his 3 daughters and his wife before being involved in something llike this? i think he did but he choose to obey to bashar because he is weak.

Missing mohammad_ca 11:50 ,2012 آب 10

grammar please...

Missing freesyrian 12:01 ,2012 آب 10

If anyone has one shred of doubt that the Syrian regime and their cronies are behind all the schisms in Lebanon they are blind fools. A man is ready to blow up his own Patriarch for the sake of Bashar Al Assad the terrorist. Money and power blinds and corrupts unfortunately.

Default-user-icon Zadig (ضيف) 12:24 ,2012 آب 10

Seriously Lebanese politicians are the dirtiest of all. No patriotism. They all work for foreign powers. But some foreign powers are cruel and crazy dictatorships that are mismanaging their countries, (Iran and Syria), others are monarchies that treat most of their people very well (Saudi and Qatar) and the rest are democracies (US and Europe) that really care for their citizens.
Given that we are a weak country I say let's work for the welfare of Lebanon. Hoping that both Syria and Iran will find the path to political and economic freedom very soon. And finally I hope that Israelis wake up and choose peace instead of endless war and injustice.

Default-user-icon Libneneh lil Asaf (ضيف) 13:11 ,2012 آب 10

it is really shameful to see the intellect level of the Lebanese population, based on the comments here, that they fall for this kind of shit. Even a mentally handicapped 3-year-old can tell that this is a fabrication, yet commentators here truly believe the story. Hahaha... what a country!! No wonder why its future is so bleak.

Thumb dasphinx 13:36 ,2012 آب 10

Shiaas allegiance in Lebanon is to Hezbollah. Hezbollah dies, they die (politically speaking of course).

Aounists allegiance is to the person of Michel Aoun (don't ask me why, I am puzzled too). He dies, they die.

M14 allegiance is to the nation of Lebanon. Lebanon will never die.

Thumb geha 14:50 ,2012 آب 10

well said, but in the case of shia this should not be true, as shia do have [atriotic leaders who are more threatened these days by hizbushaitan than we are. so hopefully they will take over.

Thumb Bandoul 16:27 ,2012 آب 10

@geha, you beat me to it man...shia are good people. There is good and evil in every sect. The good news is that there are more good in every sect thann there is bad. Get rid of the Party of Terror and Intimidation and you will see a large influx of Shia in M14.

Thumb shab 18:59 ,2012 آب 10

I do hope they will bring Subhi al-Tufayli back as their leader. He's a genuine nationalist.

Missing gcb1 20:30 ,2012 آب 10


You clearly don't know your history. Subhi al-Tufayli left the party because he felt the Hezb was becoming more pragmatic and was not trying to establish an Islamic state. Subhi Tufayli was a hardliner, not a nationalist as you say he was.

It just goes to show your ignorance of the very party you have strong hatred for.

Missing youssefhaddad 14:05 ,2012 آب 10

These have always been the methods of the syrian regime and they never ran out of lebanese who are willing to cooperate.
Most of the assasinations and bombings as well as kidnappings were perpetrated by lebanese agents of the Syrian regime. the aims of the regime was to keep the sectarian conflicts incindiated in order to disintegrate lebanon before swallowing it.

Thumb Bandoul 16:29 ,2012 آب 10

weinak ya zalameh? shte2nelak! Very well said and so true.

Default-user-icon Mowaten Mindas (ضيف) 15:16 ,2012 آب 10

Who is an enemy?, it's one who wants to kill you not co-exist with you.
Basic reasoning that even insects can fathom. What's clear is clear, those who try to cover it or distort or deny it should be very careful who's side they're taking, it seems in Lebanon there's a fine line between being Lebanese and a Traitor, who draws that line? the people do not regimes and definitely not foreign regimes. It's a critical time and some people living in Lebanon should reconsider their positions and loyalties

Thumb eli-g 15:56 ,2012 آب 10

everytime something happens m-8 jumps up and says its a conspiracy.
KHALSOONA BAA.Everything is a conspiracy???even this????tekhantoha with the conspiracy bull.shoo al?shoo al? "THIS IS FISHY".HE has friken confesed and they are still insisting its a conspiracy.

Default-user-icon bowing to demons (ضيف) 16:09 ,2012 آب 10

now we know how every pro syrian mp and march 8 leader act and do the dirty work of their demonic master.

Missing allouchi 16:29 ,2012 آب 10

Anyone blindly defending the terrorist Sameha is damn scared that he might mention them as collaborators...

Missing sosry4uguys 16:32 ,2012 آب 10

If each one of you, yes each one of you were not blinded by your parties leaders (which all of them are corrupted and sold for their own interest by the way) and don't follow blinded their directions and repeat their sayings.... You would know which direction Lebanon had to go years ago... 95% of you Lebanese are born stupied and ignorant !! Just a small example .. Which countries citizens on this planet ??yes which nations citizens on this world?? Fight between each other for a football match for another countries team ?? Which one ?? Good luck to all of u ...

Thumb Bandoul 16:44 ,2012 آب 10

Thanks for the insult :)

Thumb Bandoul 16:47 ,2012 آب 10

by the way, this is one definition of the word politics: "political activities characterized by artful and often dishonest practices". Until you invent another system, we will just have to work with this one. Sorry.

Missing sosry4uguys 16:56 ,2012 آب 10

In a normal country you try to eliminate your political oponant by surfacing his misconduct ! Not by killing him !!!

Thumb Bandoul 18:09 ,2012 آب 10

I do not advocate the killing of anyone. That is FT's claim to fame. I am a non-violent, non-confrontational Christian who does not want to be oppressed by the Party of Satan and their terror tactics. I reject M8 ideology and political view shar7an wa faslan, however if they surrender their weapons to the legitimate institutions, I will recognize them as equal partners bil watan and compromise with them. Until then, I reject them completely. No dialogue as long as weapons are present.

Thumb Bandoul 18:11 ,2012 آب 10

Lastly, when we exposed their misconduct, such as illegal telecom and surveillance, they responded with May 7. They are trying to kill us and not the other way around. Let's call things as they are please.

Missing gcb1 20:32 ,2012 آب 10


Hezb is not the only one that has weapons, so by your logic, you shouldn't even be supporting anyone.

Thumb Bandoul 21:30 ,2012 آب 10

@gcb1, The Party of Satan is the only group who starts wars without the consent of the state and on instructions from a foreign country. They are the only ones imposing an illegitimate telecom and surveillance network down own throat with the threat of their weapons and terror. Khalas ba2a akl hawa and distortions. Their whole military presence is GHEIR SHAR3EH and marfoud shar7an wa faslan! Period, the end. Stop BS'ing us and get over yourself with your silly predictable the Party of Satan talking points. All Lebanese have had weapons from the beginning of time but only your party is a terror organization putting Lebanon bil mirsad between ISRAEL/USA on one side and IRAN on the other. Khalsouna minkon ba2a!!! OUFT!

Missing gcb1 21:42 ,2012 آب 10


Who told you I support Hezb? I don't support anyone, and I could probably find much better and credible arguments than yours to denounce Hezb but, unlike yourself, I could also do the same for M14 as well. So don't assume I'm some Iranian puppet or part of the so-called "Party of Terror" or other unintelligent words you use to describe political actors.

Missing gcb1 20:31 ,2012 آب 10

I agree with this message, although less insults would've been better.

Missing sosry4uguys 16:35 ,2012 آب 10

I hope he took care of reserving a room for himself in ....

Default-user-icon JC Williams (ضيف) 16:40 ,2012 آب 10

Why would anybody politely tell investigators exactly what Naharnet wants to print? First off, this is about a supposed crime. Not even a conspiracy. Someone was smuggling something that could explode across Lebanon's border. Unbelievable! How much were they paid? I could have done it for half as much ,when do you need it?. This is what Bashir wants? He is not worried about Lebanon anymore. Lebanon is hopelessly ineffectual and impotent. He has bigger problems . You people are really very stupid.Incapable of thought. How do you manage to feed yourselves?

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 16:59 ,2012 آب 10

Just thought that all the doubters might care to see this:
It appears that claims of al-Qaida operating in Lebanon are embodied in Michel Samaha because the Washington Post reported today that he had contacted it to inform it that the terrorist group will carry out attacks in the North.

Thumb geha 17:11 ,2012 آب 10

samaha is just one of the syrian regime executors. let us hope the others will fall soon.

Default-user-icon attention (ضيف) 17:58 ,2012 آب 10

attention, il risque de se faire suicider

Missing allouchi 18:43 ,2012 آب 10

God bless the Internal Security Forces Intelligence Branch...

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (ضيف) 19:33 ,2012 آب 10

he can kill anyone he likes fida souriya.

Default-user-icon Ziad (ضيف) 19:34 ,2012 آب 10

Come on guys, Bashar Al-Assad cannot have ordered attacks in Lebanon, especially against Christians. Bashar represents safety and security for Middle-East Christians. He's a very civilised man! Let us all be "majadeeb" believing this aounist propaganda!

Default-user-icon D.H.AbuNajar (ضيف) 22:05 ,2012 آب 10

Let us hope that this is the first to start a domino effect, one by one we will see them fall, all come to the surface and are revealed for the traitors they are.


Default-user-icon loubnani mou7ayed (ضيف) 08:13 ,2012 آب 11

I think the whole deal is an ad for LBC Drama!!

You guys are hilarious defending killers and thugs...M8 and M14. Man, you guys have such short term memories!
Is there no alternative??

I vote Ziad Baroud!

Default-user-icon Radek (ضيف) 06:27 ,2012 تشرين الأول 09

Christ of Jesus is in Denver,CO,USA and he traveled back in time to the cross and resurected Jesus on cross . Then he talked to Jews and Christians ,but they didnt seemed to care ,so he is bringin another comet for proof .

Default-user-icon Radek (ضيف) 06:28 ,2012 تشرين الأول 09

He also has the most powerfull relic of Guerilas.

Default-user-icon Radek (ضيف) 06:30 ,2012 تشرين الأول 09

all the world should know ,spirit of Jesus Christ was placed in its place and Christ is here .