موسكو تدعو الغرب الى عدم "تخريب" اتفاق جنيف حول سوريا

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دعا وزير الخارجية الروسي سيرغي لافروف الاربعاء الغرب الى عدم "تخريب" اتفاق جنيف حول مبادىء انتقال سياسي في سوريا اقترحه الموفد السابق للجامعة العربية والامم المتحدة كوفي انان في نهاية حزيران.

وفي تصريحات ادلى بها خلال زيارة لبيلاروس، قال لافروف "نحن مقتنعون بانه يجب عدم تخريب ما انجز في جنيف"، مؤكدا ان روسيا ستطلب من الدول الغربية ان تعبر عن تأييدها لهذا الاتفاق وأن توضح "لماذا لا تطبقه" اذا كانت تؤيده فعلا.

التعليقات 2
Thumb beiruti 20:00 ,2012 آب 15

How could Russia advocate an outcome whereby Assad would participate in any form of government after the current conflict ends. He has bombed his own cities with fixed wing aircraft; shelled his citizens; and engaged armed militia to kill civilians.

When Nazi Germany fire bombed London, that was another country and it was at war with England at the time, and still it was seen as an atrocity since a civilian population was exposed to military fire.

Here, it is much worse. This is not a foreign government waging a war against Syria and targeting Syrian urban concentrations, killing civilians. It is the purported Government of Syria that is bombing its own cities and killing its own citizens. Any element of such a government is not fit to be acquitted from a war crimes trial, much less to participate in a future government.

Missing gabby 00:53 ,2012 آب 16

Friday will be proclaimed as "Good bye to the Russian base, and good bye to Maher's legs" day for the protesters..