وفاة طفلين لبنانيين في حادث سير في الموزامبيق في افريقيا

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ادى حادث سير في الموزامبيق في افريقيا، امس الجمعة، الى وفاة طفلين لبنانيين من بلدة عين بعال في قضاء صور.

وفي تفاصيل الحادث ووفق"الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام"، فإنه وعند ظهر امس الجمعة وبينما كان يتجه "ميني باص من نوع تويوتا" الى جنوب افريقيا في رحلة عائلية، فوجئ السائق بثقب في الدولاب، فانحرف الباص مباشرة الى يمينه ما ادى الى انقلابه.

واسفر الانقلاب عن وفاة الطفلين كريم محمد بسما وجنى شلحة (دون ان تذكر الوكالة اعمارهما)، وإصابة والدة الطفلة جنى وجدتها بجروح خطرة.

وتم نقل الام والجدة الى المستشفى للمعالجة.

التعليقات 11
Thumb benzona 09:32 ,2012 آب 25

Too bad, but does this deserve a full article? weird...

Default-user-icon A Human Being (ضيف) 10:00 ,2012 آب 25

This is very considerate from your side. The two dead kids are cousins of a very good friend of mine. I suggest "bin zona" people like you should not have access to the internet only to goats.

Default-user-icon A Human Being (ضيف) 10:03 ,2012 آب 25

This is very considerate from your side. The two dead kids are cousins of a very good friend of mine. I suggest "bin zona" people like you should not have access to the internet only to goats.

Missing human 10:08 ,2012 آب 25

This is very considerate from your side. The two dead kids are cousins of a very good friend of mine. I suggest "bin zona" people like you should not have access to the internet only to goats.

Thumb benzona 00:56 ,2012 آب 26

So what if you knew them or new their cousin? What's your point? This news is a "fait divers" and isn't worth the coverage. They weren't Neil Armstrong, were they? Other newspapers didn't mention them, there's a reason for this.

Missing human 10:08 ,2012 آب 25

This is very considerate from your side. The two dead kids are cousins of a very good friend of mine. I suggest "bin zona" people like you should not have access to the internet only to goats.

Default-user-icon Khorrasando Zougardy (ضيف) 10:57 ,2012 آب 25

I hope they are Sunnis because a good Sunni is a dead crazy Sunni. Less Sunni filth means less harm to the rest of the sane world.

Missing cedar_revolution 17:03 ,2012 آب 25

may God bless their souls,,,rest in peace,,

Default-user-icon chalha (ضيف) 02:21 ,2012 آب 26

i am the uncle of two kids. thank every body that send an e mail in this site showing respect and considerations..its sad to lose somebody we know, and especially if its a family lose..God help their mothers because i know that they are in a very bad moral situations.
thank you again for you and your supports.

Default-user-icon kj (ضيف) 13:51 ,2012 آب 27

First of all ,may god bless their souls , second someone 's comment paid my attention ,actually i dont know if the way he talks just to pay other members attention or he meant in what he said ,in both cases he does not have any experience in file that would make him feel like normal people

Default-user-icon kj (ضيف) 13:52 ,2012 آب 27

First of all ,may god bless their souls , second someone 's comment paid my attention ,actually i dont know if the way he talks just to pay other members attention or he meant in what he said ,in both cases he does not have any experience in file that would make him feel like normal people