لجنة قضائية فرنسية: اعطاء الداتا للاجهزة الامنية هو استباحة للخصوصيات الفردية
Read this story in Englishتعارضت معطيات وفد لبناني كان قد زار فرنسا في الآونة الاخيرة، فرنسا، للاطلاع على آلية اعتراض المخابرات، مع قرار الحكومة الذي سمح بتسليم "داتا" الاتصالات الى الاجهزة الامنية، لتعقب الجرائم.
وكشفت معلومات صحفية، اليوم الاربعاء، ان الاوساط القضائية الفرنسية التي التقاها الوفد، الذي كلفته الحكومة، قالت ان السماح للاجهزة الامنية بالحصول على "داتا الاتصالات" يشكل استباحة للدستور وللخصوصيات الفردية.
وأكدت اللجنة القضائية الفرنسية المختصة، وفق صحيفة "السفير" أن حركة الاتصالات "هي جزء لا يتجزأ من حرية التخابر التي يصونها القانونان الفرنسي واللبناني على حد سواء، وبالتالي لا يحق للأجهزة الأمنية الحصول على هذه الـ"داتا"".
واوضحت ان الحصول على الداتا لا يتم "إلا من خلال طلبات معللة ومحصورة بأرقام محددة، أو بأشخاص محددين، يُضاف إليها نوع الجرم، على أن تكون هذه الطلبات متناسبة مع نوع الجرم وأن تكون الغاية من ورائها واضحة".
وشددت اللجنة، وفق الصحيفة، على أن الأصول تقتضي أن تتولى الأجهزة الأمنية شرح النتائج التي توصلت إليها بعد تحليل الـ"داتا"، ومدى جدوى هذه العملية، وإذا تبين أن الـ"داتا" المأخوذة لم تحقق الغرض الأمني المتوخى منها، فإن الجهة المسؤولة تصبح عرضة للمساءلة والمحاسبة.
يُشار الى أن الوفد الذي توجه الى فرنسا ترأسه رئيس الهيئة القضائية الخاصة بالموافقة على طلبات الأجهزة شكري صادر، وضم العميد المتقاعد جوزف نصار ممثلاً وزارة الاتصالات، المقدم انطوان قهوجي ممثلاً مديرية المخابرات في الجيش اللبناني، والرائد خالد يوسف ممثلاً "فرع المعلومات" في قوى الأمن الداخلي.
وقال مرجع أمني لصحيفة "النهار" ان فرنسا تطلع الاجهزة على معلومات جزئية وفق الحوادث التي تحصل، وأنها لا تواجه جرائم كبيرة من اغتيالات وتفجيرات وأعمال ارهابية كما يعاني لبنان، فالأمور محكومة بوقائعها ومدى فداحتها.
واعتبر ان التسلح بهذه المعلومات لا يفيد إن لم يستتبع باستشارة قانونية من مراجع قضائية فرنسية عليا تحدد الامور في ضوء الحوادث والتطورات.
وكان قد عقد اجتماعاً وزارياً ـ امنياً، برئاسة رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان وحضور رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي، اتخذ قراراً بالإفراج عن بصمة الخطوط الخلوية الـ"IMSI".
finally some sense!! this is what FPM has been saying for months, so where are the M14 now??
finally some sense!! this is what FPM has been saying for months, so where are the M14 now??
And you idiots think that France has the same problems? Do you seriously think that the constitution was written taking into account that every two weeks there would be murder attempts on officials?
Do you know that the constitution also forbids people taking hostages? and forbids owning illegal arms? and forbids shooting in the air every time an idiot goes on TV?
i refer you all to Hankash comment on this same page. if we were to compare Lebanon to France, we would never be debating around this matter for very obvious reasons.
@ Hankash my dear friend, FT, kerweneh, and mowath live under the illusion that we can compare ourselves to France and other civilized countries they spit on everyday only when it sounds convenient to them.
The day we will have the same human rights, judiciary system, institutions, intelligence, army (organisation wise), and civism that they have in France, then, and only then we can start comparing and debating!
Lol.... Who's comparing you say... But isn't it you who spit on the west and the stl, and the international judiciary system? Huh?? Now you praise French judicial references...?? LOL
Hey idiot, before making blanket statements, please cite specifically which article in the LEBANESE constitution that you claim is "violated" by releasing the telecom data.
The information in this article is propaganda leaked by M8 partisans, who are collaborators with the murderers of M14 politicians and journalists. M8 claims that releasing complete telecom data violates the constitution. Presumably they are talking about the French constitution. So what?
Who cares what violated the French constitution? There's nothing in the Lebanese constitution that prevents the release of this data.
Also, more importantly, we are not asking for "complete" telecom data, in other words, telecom data on ALL phone calls in the country. We only need spoecific data relating to areas where crimes are committed. That does not violate the French or Lebanese constitution.
Mowaten, you have confused the Lebanese Constitution with some Telecom law. Oooops, don't you feel stupid?
Yes And HA is a very delicate human rights oriented party which is concerned about privacy. This is why it resists giving the data.
Lol... Is it also stated in the Lebanese constitution that armed militias have the right to own and operate their own personal networks, and are permited by the same code to launch a civil war in case the state demans it is plugged off?? You guys praise the state when you run it (pretty badly I must say) and attack it when you dont entirely do! Hahaha...
Mowaten, typical misinformation specialist..... claim something is "unconstitutional" but then fail to state what part of the constitution it violates.
I am still waiting for you to identify what section of the LEBANESE constitution would be violated, and you are still are an idiot.
Your fellow propagandists are trying to obfuscate this matter by fogging the interpretation of "complete" telecom data. The issue is not about asking for telecom data on "all phone calls made in Lebanon for all time". Even though this is not "unconstitutional" as you claim, that is not the crux of this matter.
When asking for "complete" telecom data, what is needed is all telecom data relating to a specific location, at a specific time frame, and relating to a specific crime. At one time, your criminal government wanted to give only partial telecom data, excluding critical information that would reveal the perpetrators of the crimes.
please read the article 'The daily said that the French authorities noted that the security agencies can only obtain the telecommunication data of certain phone numbers and for “justified reasons.”' it means it will be released...
Texas... What are you talking about?? Get back to your senses... this is a political act perpetrated by a political side to cover up crimes and crimes attempts. Get real!
Only HA have access to all data at any time & under any circumstance! Is that civilised!??
We look forward to building a Nation that could have institutions comparable to France, but we cannot have this double bind with western countries just to suit political interrests. It is grotesque!
PS: congrats to the 7 thumbs idiot that goes through the trouble of creating 7 avatars!