تقارير: سوريا ابلغت لبنان أن يعقوب شمعون سوري وسجن لتعامله مع اسرائيل
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تحدثت معلومات صحفية عن أن المحرر من السجون السورية والذي أتى إلى لبنان واحتفي به "سوري الجنسية".
وقالت قناة "المنار" مساء الإثنين أن "السفارة السورية ارسلت برقية الى الخارجية اللبنانية اشارت فيها الى ان هوية يعقوب شمعون سورية وان سبب اعتقاله هو التعامل مع اسرائيل".
ونقلت القناة عن مصادر قولها أن شمعون "سوري الجنسية، والدته حانا، من مواليد القامشلي - وسط، العام 1963"، مشيرة الى أنه "عاش فترة في لبنان وانتمى الى حزب "الكتائب" وخضع لدورات تدريبية لصالح الحزب نفسه".
وأضاف أنه "تم توقيف شمعون عام 1985 بعد ثبوت تلقيه دورة تدريبية لمدة 40 يوماً في إسرائيل، وحكم عليه القضاء السوري بالمؤبد بتهمة التعامل مع العدو الإسرائيلي".
واليوم الإثنين قال حزب "القوات اللبنانية" في معرض ردع على رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون أن شمعون "كان احد المقاتلين الذين دافعوا عن المناطق الحرة في لبنان (..) ولم يتمكن يعقوب شمعون من الحصول على الجنسية لأنه كان معتقلاً في سوريا".
وكانت قد افرجت السلطات السورية، في تموز الماضي عن شمعون المعتقل منذ 27 سنة في سجونها، وفي ظهور اعلامي أكد وجود عدد من اللبنانيين يتنقلون بين السجون السورية.
وزار شمعون بعد عودته النائب سامي الجميل بحضور وفد كتائبي كبير وقدم له الأخير زر "حزب الكتائب". وقال شمعون حينها "مسرور بعودة إلى بيتي بيت الكتائب".
ومعلومات قناة الـ"LBCI" حينها أنه اعتقل في زحلة لكونه مقاتلا مع الكتائب اللبنانية، وكان آنذاك بعمر الـ22 عاما، ونقل الى سوريا حيث تنقل بين سجون المزة وتدمر وصيدنايا وعدرا والحسكة.
وأكد رئيس لجنة المعتقلين السياسيين اللبنانيين في السجون السورية علي أبو دهن أنه استطاع التعرف على شمعون وتأكد من انه كان رفيقا لمعتقلين أفرج عنهم في معتقلات المزة وتدمر في دمشق.
وتشير منظمات حقوقية إلى أن الآلاف من الرجال والنساء والأطفال خطفوا على حواجز للجيش السوري أو لميليشيات لبنانية موالية لدمشق إبان الحرب الأهلية التي عصفت بلبنان بين عامي 1975 و1990.
وانسحبت القوات السورية من لبنان عام 2005 تحت الضغوط الدولية والشعبية عقب اغتيال رئيس الوزراء الأسبق رفيق الحريري.

Whatever the case, as everyone knows the vastness of Syrian imagination, what right had the Syrians to kidnap him from Zahle until further notice a Lebanese town. It was interesting that the traitor coward Aoun jumped the gun and revealed the Syrian cable before they had.

Sayyed Hassan should negotiate with syria to help get the Lebanese prisonners out from their jails. And Saad should negotiate with FSA to get the 10 "pilgrims" out. And Hassan and Saad should sit and do a looong talk, do a new gouvernemnt and ykhalsouna ba2a.

Actually "the resistance" you are right this logic is nonsense... The right only way to become a true Lebanese patriot is to be trained in Iran, to get weapons from Syria, to spy for the Ayatollahs and to kill Rafic Hariri and other March 14th politicians... Oh I almost forgot, to hide the killers and threaten to start a war if someone dare look at your militia/weapons. I acually know what you are smoking, it is grown in the Bekaa and sold to the world to finance your militia/resistance...I will not laugh, because people like you make me cry !

Dude, what happened to your glasses color? The yellow color appears to be fading.... A portend of things to come we hope.

dude, u have a picture of an ape wearing glasses... that is so cool, now i believe in evolution.

If true, then Fayez Karam should feel fortunate he wasn't in a Syrian prison.

This guy should be awarded a medal for bravery and met by the President,Prime and Speaker of the House just like the other criminals released from Israeli jails.

Nothing wrong with being trained in Israel just as the Palestinian Sa3eka were trained in Syria on how to massacre the Damour town.
Who is to say that Training in Israel is evil meanwhile Iran trained the same robots who destroyed the entire Lebanese Infrastructure in 2006 by following their masters green light in Tehran?

so what if he is half syrian-half lebanese?dany mansourati is half lebanese-half syrian too.his mother is syrian origin.

Yaacoub Chamoun is more Lebanese the all the M8 leaders and most of their followers. HE fought for a Lebanese cause and was abducted from Lebanon.
He has seen LEBANESE prisoners in syrian jails and talked about it which made all the claims of M8 false and they had to run around trying to find a way to discredit him.
Stop the show and focus on the true stroy, what is goign to happen to the Lebanese left in the Syrian jails? who will fight for their freedom? For sure it will not be the traitor Mansour

Eh walla "Ahlen" ... When I mentioned discredit I did not mean to question what his passport says ... It can say Mozambique for all I care ... he fought for Lebanon and helped Lebanon.
As for yoru double standards, this guy was trained in Isreal 28 years ago when the country was at war and all leaders were in bed with Isreal either publicly or secretly. What is the excuse of those training in Iran now? who are we at war with? Isreal does not occupy Lebanon anymore, and if you refer to Shebaa farms then ask Syria to declare it is not Syrian land.
You are masters in double standards, so please go try this game somewhere else ... w Ahlen

If lebanese army caught a lebanese in SYRIA, then yes they should report it to the syrian authorities. This is the minimum.
The probleme with you guys is that you think that u r the only people who defended Lebanon ... well that's not true. The Lebanese Christian Resistance faught the syrian army (and the USA project of Kessinger) with much more bravoury as they were not well equiped as you guys. And saying that Israel is the sole enemy of Lebanon is not true. Like Israel (if not more), Syria wants to occupy Lebanon... and the brutality of Assad toward syrian civilians (his own people) is much more than israelis against palestinian civilians.

Al Manar TV talking about this guy as a spy ,Collaborating with Israel?.How about Fayez Karam ? :)