تحرير اول محضر ضبط بحق احد المطاعم في صور لخرقه قانون منع التدخين
Read this story in Englishنظّم أحد الموظفين في وزارة الاقتصاد والتجارة مساء امس الثلاثاء، محضر ضبط بحق مطعم SUNSET على الكورنيش الجنوبي لمدينة صور لعدم التزامه بقانون الحد من التدخين في الأماكن العامة المقفلة.
وقد أفادت اذاعة "صوت لبنان" (93.3) أنه وبعدما تبين لاحد موظفي وزارة الاقتصاد والتجارة ان عددا من الزبائن يدخنون النرجيلة داخل مطعم الـ"SUNSET"، عمد الى تنظيم محضر ضبط بحقه لعدم التزامه بقانون الحد من التدخين في الأماكن العامة المقفلة.
من جانبه انتقد، صاحب المطعم محمد اسماعيل، عبر "صوت لبنان"، اليوم الأربعاء، القانون ووصفه بـ"الاعتباطي، وأنه سيؤدي الى اقفال عدد كبير من المطاعم والمقاهي".
وينص القانون رقم 174 على منع التدخين في الاماكن العامة المغلقة. ويُشار الى ان الغرامة المالية التي ستفرض على المخالفين لقانون منع التدخين، اقلها 135.000 ليرة لبنانية (اي حوالي الـ90 دولار).
وبدأ الاثنين الماضي تطبيق قانون منع التدخين 100 بالمئة بالاماكن المغلقة في لبنان، كما نفذ عدد من اصحاب المطاعم في انطلياس اعتصاماً الاثنين في شارع المطاعم في انطلياس احتجاجاً على القانون.
For those restaurants loosing money. What about giving courses in yogic respiration... Bill the short course at 10000LL. After a while, people will start feeling better, instead of getting black lungs.
People should be happy that the gouvernment is prohibiting this killer habit, and helping them save their health.
Apparently, one thousand newly appointed smoking licenses were granted to well-paying restaurant owners with inter-political connections.
What a joke this country has become.
Apparently, one thousand 'out of the blue' newly appointed smoking licenses were granted to well-paying restaurant/cafe/pub owners able to pay the pretty dollar and with inter-political connections.
What an ironic joke.
Let's all say baaaa baaaa baaaa baaaa
They also should fine people for having illegal weapons, that also can be dangerous to our health!!
If they fine people for talking politics or religion then everybody will live happily ever after.
The lebanese government should worry about the toxic waste and improving the country. Lebanon without smoking will not be the lebanon I remember, it's a part of the culture. I really hope to God that the whole country protests this ridiculas law and does not turn it into western countries where you can't even smoke infront of a building or in a park. We all have our mothers to tell us what to do, we don't need the government geting invovled as well. We are free to smoke our lungs black, those don't like it need to learn to deal with it, because God gave us free will to choose. Lebanese government improve your electricity that goes out every now and then, don't tear down the economy by banding smoking. I know I'll be making a stand when I go to lebanon next I'll be lighting up in the airport for all I care, this is lebanon God's country of beauty and freedom. Come on Lebanese citizens, start the protest and i'll come a back you up.
Spoken like a true idiot. People need to learn to deal with it. What country are you in? I am sure you are an addition to their culture.
Spoken like a true inconsiderate a-hole (Wadie). The intent of the law is not to ban smoking, but to protect non-smokers from breathing second-hand smoke. You can still smoke till your lungs turn black, the sooner you die the better. Just do it away from others who don't want to breathe in your pollution.
They should start fining the food health inspectors. Oh, I forgot, we don't have any!
Black cloud over hubbly bubblies
Arguileh Facts!
Allright but I can eat in an argile smoked room, but not a cigarette smoked room. There is a difference in smell. Cigarette smoke itches.