مرسي يرى ان النظام الرئيس السوري "لن يدوم طويلاً"
Read this story in Englishاكد الرئيس المصري محمد مرسى الاربعاء ان نظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد "لن يدوم طويلا"، داعيا الدول العربية الى التحرك لايجاد حل سريع للنزاع الدموي الدائر في سوريا.
وقال مرسي في مستهل اجتماع لوزراء الخارجية العرب في القاهرة انه "ما زالت هناك فرصة لحقن الدماء ولا مكان للمزايدة، والنظام في سوريا لن يدوم طويلا".
ودعا الرئيس المصري الى "تكثيف العمل لوضع حد للمأساة في سوريا في إطار عربي مشترك وبدعم دولي يحافظ على التراب السوري".
كما اكد ان مصر تقف مع الشعب السوري حتى ينال ما يريد من تقرير مصيره واختيار قادته ونقل البلاد الى التغيير المنشود، مشيرا الى ان القاهرة "قررت معاملة الطلاب السوريين المقيمين في مصر معاملة الطلاب المصريين لهذا العام".
واكد مرسي ان "مصر لن تقبل تدخلا في شؤون دولة عربية شقيقة ونهوض الامة العربية مرهون بحل كافة قضاياها المصيرية وتاتي في مقدمتها القضية الفلسطنية التي تحتاج لحل سياسي حقيقي ينهي كافة مظاهر الاحتلال للاراضي الفلسطنية والعربية".
وشدد الرئيس المصري على ان بلاده "ستظل تدعم اي تحرك يدعم وحدة الصف الفلسطيني وتحرير اراضيه".
كما اكد ان مصر "تتواصل وتتفق مع كل الاشقاء العرب والمسلمين على تطوير اليات ووسائل العمل العربي المشترك".
وكان مرسي ندد امام قمة دول عدم الانحياز في طهران الخميس بـ"النظام الظالم الذي فقد شرعيته" في سوريا، مؤكدا ان مصر "على اتم الاستعداد للتعاون مع كل الأطراف لحقن الدماء في سورية وتدعو الأطراف الفاعلة الى اتخاذ مبادرتها من اجل وقف نزيف الدم وايجاد حل للازمة في سوريا".
وردت وزارة الخارجية السورية الاحد على هذه التصريحات مؤكدة انها تفتقر الى "الواقعية".
Syria, do not listen to the Salafist and the green color the terrorists changed in the Syrian flag do not represent Syria. Syria will never bow or become an Islamist state with extreme Islamist terrorists running it, never. Continue fighting the extremists in Syria and those who wish to have a dialog for a change should be welcomed, other whom wish to fight, eliminate them once for all.
The Egyptian President is 100% correct and he's doing a great job proving to the whole world that the Islamic brotherhood is not al queda and not a bunch of religious fanatics...
conspiracy theories :) didn't yu have enough of saying the same BS?
Being armed by the CIA doesn't make you one of them. Just like being a confidential informant doesn't make you a cop.
Mowaten, leave israel out of every comment for once and I challenge u to post something a little more intelligent than the dumb comments u keep trailing behind. Maybe people like u don't see the big picture. Israel is not the reason for all our problems, many times we are the reason for our own problems. Let's get our house in order first and get your boy Bashaar kicked to the curb and then we can tackle the israeli issue, which I understand is the core issue, but let's state the facts, Bashaar and his father protected israel borders thru the Joulan for 40 some yrs so he's just as bad as Mubarak and now worst because he's actively killing his own people.
So let's not yap our mouth just to say something and let's state the facts and be smarter than our true enemy israel, because they laugh in our face when they hear these dumb comments. We have to be far-sighted when it comes to these issues and listen to this man because u might learn a few things outside of the box that you've been stuck in for years my friend.
First, I find it appropriate, when talking about Egypt's approach to the region, to mention Israel. someone called leb4ever looks more like the advocate of Israel, as usual on naharnet.
Second, here Morsi is speaking as a party leader. He wants his revolution, the one of the muslim brotherhood, to advance in Syria, for reasons of regional influence. He is openly talking about Arab League intervention. I do not think he is a puppet of the Gulf; i think here he wants to establish a new model of dubious Islamic democracy. A big question mark for the minorities.
The Syrian war will last long, this gentleman is bringing no political goodwill, just his own agenda.
you are soo naive, the supposed <Arab Spring> sprung in the Middle East was creation of Isreal, look around my friend, the 4 biggest and strongest nations have been demolished in span of 1 decade. Iraq,Egypt,Libya and Syria
Hello, Wake up my Arab brothers
abraham.....come on man. You are so gullible. All these uprising came from the heart and soul of people who were sick of tyrants taking advantage of their blood, sweat and tears. You can't hold/force/suppress people forever. Some few on the other hand like yourself may see the need to have a superior ayatollah to guide and walk you through life. Nothing wrong with that and I respect your choice BUT when a majority does not want it....then you follow a democratic process and accept it accordingly. Your discontent can be resolved easily/simply by packing your bags and head to a country that is run/ruled through a totalitarian system. Simple.
They have been demolished and Rightfully So. the arab spring for everyone information started in Lebanon and its call the Cedar Revolution, israeli conspiracy my ass, a change MUST come, and this is the change. and why are u saying 4 biggest and strongest ? u have the gulf states both of which are stronger than libya. and the syrian government is nothing but a puppet to russia and iran. Unfortunately the cedar revolution was trying to get away from that. The party of fear and intimidation stopped it and TOOK what it wanted at gun point. not for long tho ...
funny :)
so the majrity of the syrian people support assad? is this how you see things
you need a wake up call, as you are sound asleep :)
LOL....geha this is what they are CONDITIONED to believe. I've mentioned this before....these minority followers of Bashar and HA are like zombies walking around aimlessly with their umbilical cords hanging just waiting for someone to plug them in. They don't or will never look outside the bun. Everything to them is black or white. No deviance. But for ruthless leaders like HA, Iran and Assad....these people are easy target/prey to condition and control. Plain & simple. Somewhat what the leaders have been doing here in the US with these poor naive people.
Spartacus - this is exactly ur problem, people like u and mowaten always accuse people that disagree with u and are far-sighted in regards to the israeli issue as advocates or traitors. My grandfather was fighting and resisting israel and the zionists before u and mowaten were born and before hizballah was born, so try for once to escape this dimensia of accusing everyone who happens to disagree with u as traitors, its getting old. I can tell u one thing though, Morsi won't butcher his people like this atheist maniac in Damascus. So stop scaring minorities with ur non-sense.
I second that leb4ever. Don't waste your breath. Black/white is all that they see and know. They are taught to obey and follow orders.
No, leb, this is YOUR problem. Mowaten mentioned Israel, it was in his rights. The Egyptians hate Israel (they assaulted the Israeli Embassy recently), the Jewish country invaded the Sinai, plotted with colonial powers against Egypt, and killed 1400 Palestinians in Gaza less than 3 yrs ago. YOU attacked Mowaten, and not vice versa. I noticed that your intervention was SOLELY AIMED at defending Israel, it was a honest observation, without judgement. Then you tried to flip the cake accusing the others; nice try. You are welcome to disagree, possibly with arguments. Honor to your grandfather.
You really think knocking down dictators in these countries (with the exception of Iraq, because it was done by the US and not the people) is a bad thing and weakens these countries. These dictator regimes have been around for 30-40 yrs, before some of us were even born and what have they done to their people during this time besides oppressing their people and personal gain and control. So let's not knock down the people that rose against these regimes and let's give them a chance. For example Morsi was elected by the people fair and square, unlike the dictators of the countries u mentioned above, so give the guy a chance.
No one said that teh people shouldn"t have power, but when did the Isreal, US and Islam brotherhood had the same vision?
as the saying goes enemy of my enemy is my friend. Check Syrian so called revolution.
Where was US when the same Sunni Islamist destroyed the once populace christian poeple of Iraq. Where was Mr Morsi when hisss people destroyed the Coptic churches of Egypt?
don't be a naive person like bigsam
Since 1988 Israel killed 9000 Arabs, going through 2 intifadas and a war in Lebanon. Assad dwarfed that. He killed over 24000 in less than a year and a half. Nothing but evil and greater evil around us. God's curse on them.
Excellent point hitech. Hafez killed over 25K and his son up to now, 18K. But unfortunately these followers are conditioned to only see ISRAEL as the source of intimidation/evil. Yes....Israeli leadership is horrible (sucks) and many Israelis themselves cannot stand these leaders. But sometime one has to put things in perspective and these naive followers of HA, Assad need to pull their head out of the dark ages.
Assad senior massacred 20k in 1 day (Hama). Assad junior 25k in 1 year... This doesn't include any Lebanese citizens, but there must be tens of thousands victims.
you are upset that finally an Arab leader rises by the will of the people and is challenging Iran and hizbocrap. It's ok, we understand you are just as frustrated as nasrallah..just close your eyes and everything will just disappear...
the only dictator in this whole conversation is bisho and nasrallaat...President Morsi came by the will of the people
We need more people like u on this blog my friend to inform people and speak to numbers and facts. Very good point.
my dear hightech, your figures do not sound as a justification for not mentioning Israel as an enemy! The position of the Muslim Brothers vis-à-vis the Jewish State is important, no way around it. Concerning Syria, I have the impression that the new Egyptian President is talking as a partisan because the opposition share his same political views. This is understandable, but it brings no nearer the solution of the crisis. It deepens it. It's almost one year the arab League suspended Syria and, despite its 20/22 majority, it achieved nothing but more violence (no intervention, no buffer zone, no dialogue, no effective sanctions: nothing). Morsi is saying to the regime: surrender now to avoid the blood bath (that the rebels will unleash upon the cities). This sounds more like a threat, offers no credible guarantees against the hideous revolutionary violence, and is not likely to stop convince/scare/appease the embattled regime.
Instead, he could have engaged Iran in regional talks to hammer out a transition in Syria. The part of the right step at the wrong time (read the article) really sounds like a threat: there will be no mercy if you don't surrender now.
you are conditioned to think one way!
israel is the ennemy, but not the only one:
- the syrian regime has been protecting israel border for over 30 years.
- the syrian regime was destroying Lebanon and its economy to profit themselves and israel, as a strong Lebanese economy is difficult to manage.
so in our view, the syrian regime and israel are not that different and complete each other. both are our ennemies.
I told you geha......they only see things black/white....up/down. Limited to say the least. This is why they live in old age ideologies and will not change until they are instructed by their trainer (leaders). Their leaders happily take advantage of these poor naive followers by giving them freebies and keeping their brains stuck in the past. Meanwhile the rest of the world prospers and enjoy better standards of life while these poor people are stuck in a mind frame of "violence and aggression" is the way God wants it. Sad but true!
Listen mate: Let's not make excuses out of rubbish. Assad is not the legitimate leader of Syria. Unfortunately the UN general assembly resolutions are not binding, but the R2P resolution (Responsibility To Protect) which was passed unanimously by the UN (and Syria signed as well) clearly says that any state that fails to protect its population forfeits its right to sovereignty, and the international community has the duty, not only the right, to intervene. Using the scorched earth strategy Assad is using to stop the revolution is not protecting the population. The solution is not by words but by action. Everyone agrees on paper but when time for action comes, no one stands up. It is everyone's duty, from states to individuals, to call for Assad to step down. He's the responsible for all this, and only him. Logic says that, international resolutions say that.
Excuse me but it's a bad idea... what good did all these arab/foreign armies in Lebanon between 1976 1990? worsening the situation...
the Syrian regime is a ruthless dictatorship.
When the peaceful uprising started a year and a half ago, the regime reacted the only way it knows, using blind violence because it is autistic.... But at a certain point Bashar started realizing this violence would lead nowhere and opened his mind to dialogue with the opposition. A 3rd column took advantage of the situation to shortcut the dialogue and make any political solution impossible. They stared shooting on both regime supporters and opponents... to the point where a peaceful outcome became impossible. The shabiha and the jihadists are the same people, killing one time opposition supporters and the other loyalists... The US A and Israel don't want Bashar to fall, they just want anarchy in Syria to last just as it did in Lebanon for 15 years... I: srael needs Bashar but at the same time it needs him week and cut off from Iran/Russia/China...
The 3rd column is speculation. what we do know is how bashar is holding on to his meaningless seat .... and thats by massacring the syrian people. Doesnt matter what started it, or who stopped the dialogue, who pulled the first trigger. His actions and decisions are monstrous .... with an ounce of humanity, he should have stepped down an LONG time ago.
I have syrian friends in both camps; some support Bashar and others are activists against the regime. Most of those left Syria and some even the arab world... I was able to chat or meet with some of them... They told me for instance that opposition activists were killed by the "FSA". "Why? Because these activists were Alawites, so killing them would add fuel to the sectarian fire Likewise some Sunni supporters of the regime were killed by "Shabbi7a" ... This is just one exemple out of many...
And Assad is not massacring the syrian people alone; the "Free Syrian Army" is giving him a hand , or 2...
The real solution to this mess can only be political, putting pressure on both sides to negociate and neutralizing all the foreign elements intervening on the ground...
PS: Morsi was democratically elected but the alliance between the muslim brotherhood and the egyptian army (i.e Israel/USA is clear by now)
FYI Israel finished the work started by the Syrian army... as they were best mates, mate...
Geha, I did not object your statement. It is legitimate for Morsi (a Sunni leader, a Muslim Brother) to consider Assad an enemy (along with the Zionist genocidal anti-Arab regime). Still, his muscular approach will lead nowhere. It is pure talking at the Arab League. Turkey is not part of the organisation. Iraq will not get involved into another war (they had enough). Jordan is the weakest country in the area, and busy with internal problems. Any bombings by air would be matched by the Syrian fire (as proved by the gunning down of the Turkish aircraft). Finally, Lebanon would remain the only exposed country. This scenario would fit everybody's narrative, but would damage the Lebanese (thanks to God, Sleiman and Miqati understood this, and are protecting Lebanon).
Morsi, if he was a wise, forwardlooking, strong Arab President, would act as a broker for a political transition, instead of playing the menacing threat (not credible). Unfortunately, he preferred to speak as a milita leader, and to threaten violence and vengeance. He is simply playing to pose as a regional leader, to coagulate the favour of the Syrian Muslim Brothers, but he will let the Syrian blood be spilled. Syria does not need heroes and martyrs: it needs a political solution.
Phoenix, the point of this article is Morsi's reaction. He is a major player. All I am saying is that responsible countries in the region (and yes, this includes Iran and KSA, Qatar, etc) should seriously undertake negotiations between themselves and engage themselves to force the Syrians to stop thinking they can win militarily all the cake. They would not stop themselves, but they must listen those who provide them with money and weapons. Now Russia, in words at least, has always been in favour of negotiations. Let's be serious about these talks, ok? Otherwise, one could think that the goal of some countries (US?) is exactly to fragment the region and divide the Arabs, keeping the Muslims busy in their perennial fitna. Don't think I am with Bashar; I am not. I try to give an analysis, a realistic one.
spartacus, good analysis but sometimes drastic events call for drastic measures, we are simply watching a genocide...I am like many for Arab unity but right now we need action on the ground not tomorrow but now...
I don't think anyone on this blog is referring to Israel as a friend and not an enemy, so let's get over that point and move on.
Now on your comment that Morsi shouldn't threaten and should act as a mediator, he's not threatening but merely advising and actually based on his speech this morning at the arab league in cairo. See aljazeera link below:
http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2012/09/201295101651371417.html. Based on the article on al-jazeera from the link above that you can read yourself, Morsi said "A quartet of regional states - Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey and Egypt - would meet to discuss the Syrian crisis, which started 17 months ago as an insurrection, but has turned into a civil war with opposition fighters battling to dislodge Bashar al-Assad from power.
"The quartet which Egypt has called for will meet now," Morsi told a meeting of Arab foreign ministers, without giving more details of the gathering."
Morsi is involving all regional powers to discuss political transition in Syria including Iran and he's not isolating anyone. Although in my personal opinion all that dialogue is long overdue and Assad does not understand any language but the iron fist approach, but that's just my personal frustration with the sad situation in Syria today.
Wow ... have you heard of a chill pill ? every human being on this planet has the right to criticizes whats going on in syria. every country that is denouncing assad has its own problems. whats ur point ??? Egypt is also not the only country that accepts aid from the USA. MANY other arab countries do. as to the gaza strip, ur saying it was Egypt's responsibility ??? No. no was either ALL of our responsibility or nobody's except the people of the gaza strip. borders or not. why not a single word about syria's actions in its country and its inaction about israel ? Syria is just as much of an ally to israel as jordan and egypt.
leb, thanks for your additional info. I think you have reason in your last comment. If Morsi is engaged in regional talks with KSA, Turkey and Iran, this is a most positive and responsible step. Then I ask you and everybody why Naharnet picks only a part of the truth, omitting the fact that negotiations are under way. Naharnet tends to depicts reality in a way that increases tensions, ignoring facts that would make the situation more understandable. In this article, I think it would have been helpful mentioning the perspective of regional talks. Now both parts must understand that there is no military victory, and no more supply of weapons and money for more bloodshed.
Morsi before becoming president:
No to Camp David. No to meeting Clinton. No to this. No to that...
Morsi after becoming president:
Before president Mursi is not like after president Mursi.
Apparently, the new kid on the block knows what he wants. Wouldn't you agree?
Why are the so called resistance groups crying innocent and accusing other side of foreign colloborators and foreign schemes devised to destroy Syria. Well how come you hypocrites had no problem with America invade saddam . We seen how you ayatollahs kiss the americans feet. America put the Shia in power in Iraq because there the collaborators . 95 percent of the middle east is Sunni Muslims the Shia are only 5 percent. America never was threatened by them . They are plotted against the whole region and now there plan is being exposed. Some people are talking about freedom in bahrain and Saudi Arabia. The Shia in those countries have ten time more rights than the Sunnis in Iran. They even persecute the arab Shia. Nobody cares about your 10 so called pilgrims in Syria. You clowns are whining about 10 and don't even care for the 50000. This is the resistance