رعد: مذكرة 14 اذار تهدف الى تغطية مشاركة هذه القوى بالاعتداء على سوريا
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس "كتلة الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب محمد رعد ان مذكرة قوى 14 آذار تهدف الى "التغطية على تورط فريق 14 آذار ومشاركته في العدوان على سوريا".
وقال في ندوة صحافية له اليوم، الجمعة، ان مذكرة 14 آذار "عدائية" وتعد "تجاوزاً لما نص عليه اتفاق الطائف، ومخالفة لاتفاق التعاون والتنسيق بين البلدين، وان هذه المذكرة هدفها التغطية على فريق 14 اذار المشارك في العدوان على سوريا عبر التحريض الاعلامي وبالمال والسلاح والمسلحين".
وتابع "نلفت عناية رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان الى ضرورة التنبه الى مخاطر واهداف هذه المذكرة والى التعاطي بمسؤولية وطنية تجاهها، وهي مذكرة لا تعكس الحرص على لبنان، انما التنصل من اتفاق الطائف".
ولفت رعد الى ان "فريق 14 آذار رفع مذكرة تحريضية إلى الرئيس سليمان تحمل الشرود الكامل عن اعتداءات إسرائيل وتصوب على سوريا ويبدو أن دورها الوظيفي هو التحريض ضد سوريا وملاقاة الهجمة الدولية التي تستهدف دور سوريا".
وعن المطالبة بنشر اليونيفيل على الحدود مع سوريا، اشار رعد الى أن هذه المطالبة "تنطوي على تشكيك بالجيش ورفض عملي لانتشاره على الحدود".
واردف ان "المذكرة لا تعكس الحرص على سيادة لبنان، بقدر ما تعكس انخراط هذا الفريق في التنصل من اتفاق الطائف وبنوده الناظمة للعلاقة مع سوريا".
وطالب رعد "بالتحقيق ليرى إن كانت الخروق السوريّة "المدّعاة" تحصل وإن كانت تبدأ من سوريا أو تأتي كردة فعل"، مشيراً إلى أنهم "يدلون بدلوهم ويعبرون عن مواقفهم ونحن نرد على هذه المواقف وأينما صدر منهم موقفاً يتعارض مع المصالح اللبنانيّة نرد عليه إلا أنه إن سلك موقفهم المسلك الرسمي عندها نتعاطى معه بشكل آخر لنوقف مفاعيل هذا الموقف".
وسلم رئيس كتلة "المستقبل" النيابية فؤاد السنيورة مذكرة 14 آذار الثلاثاء الفائت، لسليمان، والتي تطالب بإلغاء الإتفاقية الأمنية مع سوريا وطرد السفير السوري علي عبدالكريم علي من لبنان وشكوى على خرق سوريا للحدود تليها انتشار اليونيفيل.
I'm a former friend of GMA, I'm not pro 14 nor am I pro 8. But some statements can be irritating. How can this man accuse a camp of aggression whilst Al Assad is hostile towards a free and independent Lebanon?
Another example of m8 desperation :)
we are heading the right way, and soon such faces will be of the past.
we have had enough of their threats and empty accusations that no one believes anymore.
well M; Raab, just FYI, lebanon has no "security treaties" with Isrqel, so there was no need to the March 14 alliance to write a memo during the past 6 years (or more) to annul it...
well M. Raad, just FYI, lebanon has no "security treaties" with Isrqel, so there was no need to the March 14 alliance to write a memo during the past 6 years (or more) to annul it...
You're right to mention his obesity. According to Islam, one isn't the owner oh his body, God loan's it to him and is responsible for taking care of it. So this dude or Nasrallah, both Master Potato Chips eaters, are sinners.... they ain't no saints.
lol. yeah, a glass of red wine is a sin... But stuff your face with those greasy chips while slurping this disgusting m3asleh is fine... I am sure this is what these guys do while watching CNN and trying to imitate americans, with an iranian ideology.
“undermines the role carried out by the Lebanese army and its abilities.” said the Hizballah dude.
clearly this man supports the oppressive syrian dictatorship/regime over lebanon. clearly revealing all those assassinations and car bombs from syria the last several years were supported and coordinated with hezbolah. basically its the civil war that never ended and these guys would rather see civil war than to see their selfish evil mafia power lost to a democratic free lebanon.
So, why didn't he point out that HA is involved in aggression FOR Damascus. F***ing hypocrite.
Good point samiam! Hypocrisy is HA middle name. They have the audacity to make such claims just after their scum leader Hassan finished stating that they will stand by the Syrian regime. Not to mention HA fighters have been working alongside the Bashar's butchers killing the opposition and those supporting them. So we can clearly see what type of ruling and government HA backs.
A terrorist objecting to the stationing of UNIFIL on the Lenanese-Syrian border. I wonder why? Perhaps it is so that the world won't see the Hizb fighters going into Syria to fight for Assad, or the lorries full of weapons going into Lebanon to keep Hizballah fully armed. The Lebanese are should ask -- Against whom?
dear hezbolah, your friends are our enemies. and your enemies are our friends. don't tell us whom we should or should not support. one thing is clear.... you are our enemy and we hope for your extermination.
The last time hajj kafta open him trap to defend the Syrians his own party stuck a shoe in it, some fools never learn.
This guy has zero credibility on this issue. Zero. The existence of an Armed Hezbollah is itself an incitement to war against Lebanon from Israel which is much more able to destroy Lebanon than the embattled Assad Regime.
M14 may support FSA politically and with statements, but Hezbollah is supporting Assad with men and weapons. So, who is jeopardizing Lebanon's security and stability??
Those people are also Lebanese; we have to give credit where it's due. They are the professionals in sucking and blowing at the same time. Hypocrites.
Look at this picture. Three shabby filthy dressed lowlifes with no tie, advertising for the govermant of Lebanon. How can the world tae us seriusly?
Lebanese are standing up for Lebanon, and the thugs are accusing them of aggression of their arms pipeline that they used against the Lebanese. The Hezz are traitors.
Hizballah and their cronies are beholding to the crap republic of Syria and its dictator. they dont care about lebanon, Syria has been protecting Hizballah like their owN mafia to insure they keep lebanon under their boot. these Hizaballah guys are NOT LEBANESE and have no allegiance to lebanon as they want to protect none except syria and iran. the soon as we get rid of them the soon as lebanon will live in peace and prosper.
Tony....don't bother with the "standard" down votes....all coming from BSThrower and his numerous aliases. Everyone including naharnet is aware of his schemes. Soon they will throw his pathetic rear out of here. Incredibly sad (pathetic) to see someone who finds enjoyment in supporting himself and regressed ideologies through figments of his own imagination.
Those chimps are always going to war, when they can't find anyone to fight they beat themselves over the head!