عون: التغيير في سوريا بدون معرفة النظام الجديد يقضي على لبنان

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أعلن رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون أن التغيير في سوريا "يقضي على لبنان".

وقال عون في عشاء هيئة المتن في التيار الوطني الحر مساء الجمعة "التغيير في سوريا بدون معرفة من سيأتي يقضي علينا وعليكم وعلى لبنان".

وسأل عون "هل تونس وليبيا النموذج وهل مصر هي النظام الذي نفتش عليه؟ نظتم يأتي من غياهب التاريخ".

وسأل من يقول فليحكم الإخوان "هل يعلمون ما هي شرعتهم؟ أن الديمقراطية ضد الشريعة؟".

وشدد على أنه "لا يمكن ان نقبل بما تقوله أميركا بل نحن نختار حريتنا وحياتنا وأنا أشهد ان الأميركي يقول للفرنسي أن لبنان غلطة تاريخية فلا يمكن أن نكون خدما لديهم".

وأوضح عون أن " أوروبا وأميركا مع إسرائيل والإثنين مع توطين الفلسطينيين ولكن أرضنا لا تتسع أبدا فلدينا 400 مواطن في كل كلم مربع أما في أميركا لا يتخطوا الـ30".

لبنانيا شدد عون على أن "عملنا ان نبني السلام ولا ندهور لبنان في المتاهات والبلد من 22 سنة فيها تراكمات تخريب ولكن انتبهوا أن الإصلاح أصعب بكثير من التخريب".

وفي إشارة إلى المدير العام لقوى الأمن الداخلي اللواء أشرف ريفي قال عون "رجل واحد يتحكم بقوى الأمن ولا دولة تسأله ماذا تفعل فأين قوى الأمن وماذا تفعل؟" متوجها للحاضرين "إسألوا وزير الداخلية لماذا هذا الإهمال في الممارسة".

وختم رئيس التيار "الوطني الحر" بالقول "نحن بحاجة إلى ثورة أخلاقية لنرجع القيم إلى أهل الحكم ونحن نعتبر ان النائب هو المحامي عن مصالح ناخبينه".

التعليقات 14
Default-user-icon Zee_Rock (ضيف) 08:21 ,2012 أيلول 08

What's the difference between Ekhwan and Hizbulla in terms of religious parties same shit 2 differrent pants. For you and your followers you bunch of cowards you should be stripped from being called a maronite. When our existance is in question no worries we will go back pick up arms and defend ourselves mich mitkline 3a jaban mitlak tfeh 3al hayk balad ma ba2a fi rjal

Thumb geha 08:40 ,2012 أيلول 08

“Any change in Syria without knowledge of the country's new ruling regime will destroy us and Lebanon.”
for once I agree with the assessment of aoun:
the regime change in syria will definately be against hizbushaitan and allies, thus hizbushaitan and their cronies fpm and others will be cornered and will do whatever to keep power over Lebanon, even if it means total destruction through civil war and sectarian strife.

Thumb Bandoul 08:41 ,2012 أيلول 08

No way today is Tuesday, why is this lunatic on? The only thing that is a monumental historic mistake for Lebanon is you former General Aoun.

Missing mansour 09:39 ,2012 أيلول 08

the good thing about whats happening in syria is that all the grubby filth is concentrated there....so the longer the Fire rages in syria the better for Lebanon.Syria can take the trash it left in lebanon back!
Long Live The Syrian Civil War

Default-user-icon repent !!! (ضيف) 11:13 ,2012 أيلول 08

aoun means ...change in syria will destroy his dreams of becoming lebanon's president.... and march 8's plan of controlling, deceiving, stealing, killing, etc....

Thumb phoenician 11:43 ,2012 أيلول 08

I agree with refusing to naturalize the palastinians,could you just imagine if they were that would really ne the END of Lebanon,after all they are the core reason for the utter distruction of our Lebanon. As i said on numerous occasions partition is the answer as confessional constitution just doesnt work.

Default-user-icon Haram Lebnen (ضيف) 12:16 ,2012 أيلول 08

What a contradictory statement?! How can it destroy Lebanon if you have no knowledge of the new regime??

Default-user-icon karim_m1 (ضيف) 12:30 ,2012 أيلول 08

Obviously his mom believed that dropping a child on the head multiple time can cure his tonsils.

Missing freemind 12:35 ,2012 أيلول 08

very sensible talk.

to the americans: "if lebanon is a historic mistake, then what is israel?"... a historic catastrophe?

Default-user-icon April20Coallition (ضيف) 14:38 ,2012 أيلول 08

"Our land however does not support more people": You are 100 % correct, ya General el Na7ess, and you can start by getting off of it first.

Default-user-icon with extreme prejudice (ضيف) 17:42 ,2012 أيلول 08

Funny you say that little Mike le caporal, Hafez Assad also thought that Lebanon was a historical mistake and did everything in his power to physically make that mistake and it's people disappear by any means necessary. The son learned from the father.

Default-user-icon anonymous (ضيف) 17:57 ,2012 أيلول 08

burn syria burn... what does changes in syria have to do with lebanon
any one who ties lebanon to syria should die

Missing cedars 18:41 ,2012 أيلول 08

What is Aoun inventing? The Palestinians themselves do not want to live in every country in the world, they were forced by the ruthless Zionist regime to immigrate, their cause was abused by Iran, Damascus and in the beginning days of Arafat where all those three regimes created intra-arab wars instead of planning smartly to defeat the root cause of the problem. On the current Syrian/Iranian regimes they have created their own hole by alienating themselves when they decided to be evil regime such as the Zionists by executing terrorist assassinations and creating civil strife internally in the Arab world.

Default-user-icon houna (ضيف) 23:46 ,2012 أيلول 08

Not surprised at all with his staunch defending of Assad regime. He proved himself as a maniac, sociopath, and lier with no conscious and no morals by turning the christian free areas to rubles just to get to the damn chair. I imagine that even hell will refuse him entry after whatever left from his miserable waste of life!